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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. A service being offered at a reasonable cost for those that wish to take advantage. Price and service offered is clearly stated, so not a scam. For those cheap Charlies that have a chip on their shoulder about how Thailand works, just stand in the queue and wait your turn, isnt travelling about experiencing other cultures, or do you want to impose yours on Thailand?
  2. You can't be that naive surely...ordinary Thai woman (not bargirls) I worked here for many years with"ordinary" girls as you put it....and I can tell you 90% of them were on Thai friendly or going to falang bars...not so ordinary
  3. It's not only Indians that are pervs....so what
  4. So a foreigner working here legally on Phuket for 25 years, would lose your business to a Thai that has just arrived from Chiang Mai?
  5. Job protection, why not And.you can guarantee those foreigners working illegally are not paying tax or SS...
  6. I walk in the park every morning, the amount of old white falang pervs there are is disgusting..fat, balding, ridiculous tattoos and personality of a 5 year old..it's cringe worthy to watch all of them saying the same old...sui mak mak...mao mak mak rubbish...so it's not only Indians that are the problem, ole.whitey is just as bad octopus illiterate idiots
  7. Have you informed them you are living in Thailand? Domestic retirees are not required to sign POL forms, only international? That begs the question of yearly increases...
  8. Exactly and cheaper but they just want to cause problems and reasons to stop paying
  9. And a house is worthless without the land it is built on ..but that's the way it is..they seem to have made the right decision $1.2 mil would get you a small apartment in Sydney, if that..what's better is the whole lifestyle change they've encompassed
  10. And 90 day reports...you are reporting the address you are living at but it allows you to report an address in Chiang Mai whilst you are are koh Samui..fickle
  11. My extension costs me 1,900...jog.on buttercup..stop making out you are rich
  12. A week's salary for.most Thais..WOW how stupid you are.
  13. I paid £10 for a papaya in UK back in the naughties...here were free..same same.but different
  14. That old.myth...why tie up.800k at 0% interest when can get 5% in a lot of countries..40k minus 12k makes you 28k a year better off
  15. 10k is the cost..why 75k to 150k..?
  16. Correct, you should try looking on FB or registering with restaurants, some great offers on mainly western food, last week 29 baht for Burger king fish/cheese burger...it's as cheap as chips here👍
  17. So what has become.more expensive?..
  18. Thais and Thailand haven changed, foreigners have though
  19. High baht will bring imported prices down.. 👍
  20. I think it's more the western culture in general...UK had inflation of 25% befor. Being on a treadmill to pay for a 2 up 2 down shoebox keeps the sheeples in their pens.
  21. Have you looked at other countries in euro, how many years they have to pay and how much you get...it's a myth UK pension is the worst
  22. £221 per week equals €1,150 per month, UK pension is actually quite good for only 35 years of contributions compared to most euros that need 44 years
  23. After living here for over 20 years, it's great value couple that along with the weather and ease of life..there is no better place to be. Rent, same as.20 years ago, internet, water and electricity cheaper or very minimal increase, food, just about everything you require has hardly increased...no inflationary pressures here..so yes fantastic value
  24. But of you don't go back after 6 months, your pension will be frozen as it was in 2007...you have to stay in an unfrozen country for at least 182 days per year..this is made quite clear on UKgov website
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