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Everything posted by JustThisOnePostOnly

  1. Does being pregnant somehow make horse vagina better? Asking for a friend.
  2. As I've commented before, this should be for arriving passengers.
  3. Remember the Indians partying on the plane on their way to LOS? Thai immigration should make that mandatory. Make all visitors consume some predetermined amount of booze on the plane so that upon debarkation they can be sorted into the rowdy-when-drunk and chill-when-drunk categories. It's welcome to Thailand for the latter group, and back on the plane for the ride home for the former. Head off a lot of grief that way. And sell quite a bit of booze too I imagine! You're welcome.
  4. Why can't this be in the banking app? Surely the bank can code the simple test of whether or not the account has had the requisite amount of money within it and at all of the right times. So let us use our banking apps to request one of those receipt things and then send it to immigration, or in the alternative, an agent, who we can then pay to do the paperwork and so forth. No need for the trip to the bank. Think of all of the time and aggravation saved. I want this, and that's as good a reason as any to do it.
  5. Fifteen years ago, this wouldn't have been a problem. Fifteen years ago, every interaction I had with my bank here in Thailand was fast, efficient and a sheer delight. I walk into the bank, there is a minimal line if any at all, and I'm on my way in minutes. Today the banks in Thailand look like DMVs. And the stress of these new kinds of regulations only multiplies with the length of the line you're standing and the fear that you'll have to stand in it again tomorrow because you missed the new X, Y or Z requirement.
  6. Worst possible time imaginable to give up weed.
  7. For animals, and from China. Can that really be our only choice?
  8. Can you share a link to ivermectin I can buy here in Thailand?
  9. the last gasp of a dying civilization: be more like us
  10. Imagine coming to Thailand to teach people how to farm.
  11. The first FBAR can be daunting but thereafter it's actually really easy. They're PDF files. So you open last year's and put it in a window on the left and then work on this year's in the window on the right. Then you can really quickly ctrl-c alt-tab ctrl-v your way through it. 800k in the bank means I'm filing. The penalties are something like out of Caligula. And it's literally only five minutes of time to do.
  12. Remember, they require all of this identification simply to schedule the video interview. Their AI is obviously very advanced since it knows to reject the other forms of identification I presented in hopes of being accepted as my third ID and thus getting the interview, so they KNOW my passport and my Social Security card are good; they were accepted by the system. How do I present a U.S. state ID when I don't live in a U.S. state? How do I submit a change of address request when it is required that the SSA-1099 I submit have my current address? They know I am a U.S. citizen and they know I am receiving Social Security benefits. How does that alone not rate a video interview? What would happen were I to present myself to the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok with only a U.S. passport and Social Security Card in hand? Would I be turned away for lack of proof of citizenship?
  13. Yes, I have a Form SSA-1099, but it has my old address. And so the system rejects me. I did everything the way I was told to, and am now massively screwed as a result.
  14. Yeah I'm stuck on this too. Their web site (and posts here as well) suggest that an overseas applicant only requires U.S. passport and Social Security card, but their AI verification system insists that in order to even get the chance at a video call I have to have a third ID, like a driver's license, which I don't have. And I tried to fake it just to get the appointment but their system is too good. All I want to do is report an address change ffs. I will also note: I had this working perfectly with both the SSA and the IRS using my U.S. based mailing address, but was assured that switching over to using my local address and using Manila would be "the right thing to do."
  15. Decreasing school hours means increasing the amount of time kids spend unsupervised. If you're trying to reduce underage drug use, this is exactly the wrong way to go.
  16. This is a fantasy I know, but just in case somebody powerful is reading... What is the difference between letting me stay here indefinitely as a retiree on a visa vs. letting me stay as a citizen? I think I can speak for many Americans (who are taxed by our government regardless of where we live) when I say I would jump at the chance to pay taxes exclusively to Thailand. Can only do that if we renounce our U.S. citizenship, and we can only do that if we get that second passport. I have to believe this would end up being a huge chunk of money. It wouldn't just be the Americans who are already here, you'd find all kinds of people who would come here and happily pay taxes to Thailand just for the opportunity to not fund the things the U.S. is doing today.
  17. I'm happy for those who can qualify. I just worry about what this means for Thai culture long-term.
  18. The audacity of the U.S. State Dept. is truly without bounds. BTW, do you know what their answer to this is going to be? That what you're talking about is human _smuggling_, and which is to be held as different from human _trafficking_ because the former doesn't involve criminal activity at the end of the line whereas the latter does, but do you know what? Human smuggling DOES involve criminal activity because the act of entering the United States without a visa is a criminal act. It was always a meaningless distinction, and the more they cling to it the more obvious that becomes.
  19. The convenience of the mail-in passport renewal cannot be fully comprehended until one has made the visit in person.
  20. A man took to Twitter to share a story about a Thai masseur who touched his penis while providing a service at a massage parlour. The shop owner defender her employee, telling police that touching a man's penis is often part of the service.
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