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Everything posted by JustThisOnePostOnly

  1. All new level of horror, this one. What can be done for the kids?
  2. Just wanted to say, the mirror balls are incomplete without a bubble machine. A bubble machine is exactly what it sounds like, it's a machine that makes bubbles. The light reflects off of the mirror balls and then is refracted by the bubbles and it presents an impressive display, at least as impressive as a fluorescent light fixture or even two.
  3. Not speaking Spanish, yes. So banks are really hard because few have English-speaking staff (I hear Mexico City is not so bad here), apartments is kind of the same, but fewer big developments and more mom-and-pop kind of places which again, language poses the barrier. Mexican websites will use PNG and GIFs to relate text information, so a lot of the times things like Google Translate don't work, and except for the very big banks there is no English toggle like there almost always is on a Thai website. I didn't mean fight like kung <deleted>. Probably a bad choice of words.
  4. Yeah, I'm amazed nobody has brought up the visas. You get Residente Permanente by showing income/savings, and once you have it, it's the easiest visa in the world to maintain. You have to report address changes. That's it. No re-entry visas, no 90-day reporting. Bonus! People in the U.S. will complain mightily about the process to do this because they have to deal with their local Mexican consulates and these are by all accounts understaffed and very busy, but if you have the long-stay visa here in Thailand, you can just hop over to the Mexican embassy in Bangkok and use them instead. I found the process to be super easy; my first email query to them was answered in like five minutes, every interaction thereafter very prompt and helpful. Had to go into the office twice (drop off passport/pick up) and then of course you have to present yourself at imigracion in Mexico upon arrival. My port of arrival was Mazatlan which proved fortuitous as there was a little office next to imigracion that could handle a lot of the paperwork for you for a small fee; other imigracion offices further away from tourist zones aren't as well equipped. The big difference between Mexico and Thailand for me as a non-native speaker is, to survive in Mexico on a budget, you really got to fight for it, whereas in Thailand, the doors just magically open for you. Compare opening a bank account there vs. here, renting a house or apartment, dealing with utilities. I miss desayunos so much.
  5. I find it very difficult to find fault with this statement. But I see that many of you have succeeded? Perhaps we're reading different statements. Hard to see this as anything but good news.
  6. Easily the most dangerous road anywhere for pedestrians. And I say this having been hit by a scooter on Klang.
  7. You get what you pay for with UPSs. My local-brand just gave out after just under a year; not the battery, the circuitry started wigging out. But they're cheap, so I guess go through one a year? Seems wrong. I like the idea of just getting the car battery and matching it with the inverter/charger as mentioned above but matching the components is beyond my level of expertise. A very popular thread here would be to go through the steps necessary building your own UPS but using locally-sourced components. Include necessary warnings, like if you're using standard car batteries then you have a hydrogen problem unless you have good ventilation, etc.
  8. Which just makes it all the more insane that the U.S. does.
  9. If you have any kind of lung issues something to remember is that you can cook with herb and achieve spectacular results with just a little bit of care. Any recipe that has you preheating a pan with olive oil is worthy of a fridge magnet.
  10. So what exactly are we supposed to do at the beach now?
  11. Best way to ruin a place for tomorrow is to go on the Internet and say it's great today.
  12. The bother of having to get up to go pee is more than made up for by the bliss achieved once back in bed.
  13. Very sad. Helped me out many times. That's rare on the Internet. RIP.
  14. Finally, a marijuana crime I can get behind prosecuting.
  15. We'll have to wait and see if you're right, because as of today, there is nothing that warrants defending.
  16. Shamed? They're about to build a whole news network around the man. Cherry picked snippets? Do you mean like the snippets presented by The Commission, which deliberately excluded important context, context that was only made available when Tucker Carlson aired what he could? Let's see ALL of the videos. What are you all hiding? Why is this so hard?
  17. By the Garland Justice Department, which doesn't say a lot, when you consider the wide array of bonafide crimes available for his office to prosecute, but does not. Hey, what happened to the tapes? Why are you all hiding evidence? If it's a big lie, then show us!
  18. Is anybody using this successfully with Bangkok Bank? Tried a few months ago to get my card working with them but it would never take.
  19. Everything is available, everywhere. Bars are typically known for serving one thing: alcohol. Get back to me when somebody gets hit over the head with a bong.
  20. Because it was a cannabis cafe... oh wait, no, it was a bar. What do they serve at bars? (proud beer drinker myself, just saying, blaming the herb for this is a contortion of epic proportions)
  21. Move to Huay Yai and go to Jomtien when needed instead?
  22. Proper eye contact in public is a skill I learned very young being from New York City. A facial expression can convey more information than a well-composed paragraph. It can certainly convey "<expletive deleted> you." It's the easiest thing in the world to say.
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