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Everything posted by JustThisOnePostOnly

  1. Everything is available, everywhere. Bars are typically known for serving one thing: alcohol. Get back to me when somebody gets hit over the head with a bong.
  2. Because it was a cannabis cafe... oh wait, no, it was a bar. What do they serve at bars? (proud beer drinker myself, just saying, blaming the herb for this is a contortion of epic proportions)
  3. Move to Huay Yai and go to Jomtien when needed instead?
  4. Proper eye contact in public is a skill I learned very young being from New York City. A facial expression can convey more information than a well-composed paragraph. It can certainly convey "<expletive deleted> you." It's the easiest thing in the world to say.
  5. You can always use one of those USB microscopes to look at your jizz. Another reason for another gadget.
  6. Kad Suan Kaew's food court was air-conditioned, sold beer and had live music.
  7. I have no idea how to spell them. But they're typically meat and veggies. How much more keto do you need?
  8. My plan was always to get some good tupperware-like containers and then finding a local restaurant that caters to Thais that will fill them up and then putting them in the freezer back home. The idea being, almost all Thai dishes are keto-friendly provided you stay away from the noodles and the rice.
  9. Good thing that all of these volcanoes erupting has nothing to do with it. Because otherwise we'd have to ban volcanoes.
  10. You don't need to burn the house down, just use the roach traps.
  11. No it's pretty clear that it has something to do with electromagnetic fields, all kinds of stuff about that online. I'll see an ant running along the power cord one way, then it stops and turns around and runs back the other way, then it does it again, and again.
  12. I'm in a condo. They start out innocently enough, but there's something about electronics that drives them crazy almost. It's not like I have ants everywhere. It's just, because they are so attracted to electronics, and because I will (or did) use my laptop on my lap, that even one or two starts becoming annoying if encountered on a regular basis. For instance, I have a conventional monitor with a keyboard, mouse on the same table, using these the ants aren't nearly as annoying. I'm guessing the USB power for the keyboard and mouse isn't enough to excite them? And I'm not putting any of these things on my lap, so they have less/no opportunity to get on me in the same way.
  13. I'm looking at the link given above and maybe you're right, that looks like a squeeze bottle so I'm imagining it comes out wet? I will try it. Thank you all.
  14. The ant chalk is great stuff to be sure but it doesn't solve the power cord problem. How do I use ant chalk to do that when the outlets are on vertical surfaces to which chalk just falls off? If there was like a sticky version of ant chalk, I could see that.
  15. I use the laptop and it's great except the electronics(?) inside attract the ants. So I pick up the laptop off the table and put it on my lap and start to work and before too long I have ants on my thighs, on my hands, etc. What I was thinking was, it's a standard table with four legs, so why not put little bowls underneath each leg, fill them with water, but thus prevent ant ingress to the table. And I've done this before, and it works great, up until the part where you have to plug the laptop in. So you have a table isolated from the floor by water, but you still have a power cord that runs up to the table top, and the ants just use it as an escalator and because it's conducting electricity, the ants are even more drawn to it. It's like it's fun for them. I tried the double-sided tape on the cord, and that works, but only for a few days, then it loses its stickiness. I was thinking of somehow isolating the cord using water, but I'm leery of that because while the plastic sheathing the cord looks waterproof how does it react over time to constant water exposure? And you find out the wrong way and it's sure to be expensive damage of some kind. Is there anything else I can try? Posted here because I couldn't find the ants forum.
  16. What has to be mentioned is that you can extend your visa using an agent all the way up to three years, but once that time is up, you need to personally appear at immigration to obtain your exit clearance and receipt.
  17. As much fun as the Air Asia departure lounge in Don Muang can be, I still highly recommend flying domestic out of Swampy at least once if only to experience that amazing restaurant that overlooks that huge park. You thought you were at an airport. No, you were in a park. Amazing Thailand.
  18. I think everyone who is weight-conscious should go through the low-carb diet at least once simply to train the body to burn fat, and to do on demand, by simply restricting your carb intake. I can report great results mixing this with brief periods of fasting, say 18-20 hours, at a time.
  19. This is simply a function of it being far too small a space in which to be conducting that number of processings every day.
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