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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. ...."some UK local...."......"have hidden them away council...." But you cant post Facts
  2. Democrates far left? Does anyone take you seriously anymore
  3. Congrads Company or Companie, has nothing to do with the fact that you have no idea that UOB is a Thai bank, smartass
  4. OK, so you have no clue, whats the deal for Foreign Companys in Thailand
  5. If you often talk to yourself, then consult professional help
  6. The announcement minister Srettha once again in top form
  7. “We, as a sovereign nation, have our own way of developing our politics and democracy .......Everything ok in this Comment, except Democracy
  8. Don't worry, in the end you'll get ripped off anyway
  9. You must be a magician who can open a hood without unlocking the release which is only inside the vehicle....smartass😂
  10. Its obvious, you dont think
  11. Keep this notorious criminal in Jail......I said three Years ago
  12. Samsung is good for Smartphones! Buy a Frontloader. Last much longer than Toploaders, better Cleaning anyway. My Experience in 30 Years as Laundry Expert. Samsung Toploader are crap. Frontloader soso. Try LG Frontloader; Actual I have one since 8 Years, in my big Bathroom.....never put a Machine outside in tropical Countrys ...my Tipp!
  13. Total nonsense, the real numbers are as follows: there are 1,181,203 expats living in Japan with long-term but not permanent residency rights; these are those who have been granted a visa for a period of 12 months or more.
  14. Your mind stuck obviously in the Stoneage
  15. So you are a extreme right winger!?
  16. prison sentence for vaping....how ridiculous the Thai jurisprudence is😂😂😂😂😂
  17. Extended warranty is at first a deal for the seller
  18. When I moved to Thailand a long time ago, I was a staunch opponent of the death penalty. After many years here, I say that anyone who shoots a gun in public should be summarily executed within a week, and the same goes for murderers and rapists.
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