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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. ...."...the Taiwanese actress had E-cigarettes with her but the seven policemen admitted they did not arrest or fine her on this charge; she was only warned her that they are illegal....".... OK, for 27000 baht they do a lot????
  2. So you really expectet, drainpipes inside the wall are for free????????????
  3. No, after two or three years she will be deportet to her home country.....and uzbekistan is not famous for its comfortable prisons
  4. As long as this head kicking on the floor isn't finally convicted as attempted murder, it's a gentleman's offense. It would be better: For every kick in the head 1 year in the worst Thai jail.......
  5. ????????????Be a cheap Charlie...and doesn't want to pay for consumption????????????
  6. Disgusting how many here try to blame the painter. As a driver, you have a special responsibility, otherwise a vehicle becomes a weapon. The driver is 100% to blame, remember that and the excuses I see here for the driver are at kindergarten level! Are we in a forum for the mentally deranged?
  7. Go to the road traffic office and hand in your driver's license......
  8. No, in a perfect world such unfit drivers shouldn't even be driving a vehicle. A severe punishment brings nothing more for the victim, but for his relatives and maybe makes certain drivers think about going on foot in the future instead of using the streets as a ticking time bomb.
  9. This forum is developing into a paradise for stupid animal abusers..... shameful....
  10. Amazing that people who don't seem to be able to even decipher an article would post their unnecessary comment here.....btw she was the passenger not the driver....check it?
  11. Why does Chuwit come off so badly in this article? I'm sure certain characters want to get rid of him and the press feels some pressure from that side.....????
  12. No civilized country allows the killing of an unarmed burglar and that's a good thing!....????....well, there are exceptions......You can't get the wild west out of the heads of flat thinkers anymore !
  13. I do PEA payment in 7/11 Shop....easy as F...
  14. If you can not accept: So why you dont go home to your Country!?
  15. There are thousands of Dogs in Dogshelters in Thailand waiting for a home and in need to be cared. I had a Dingo Breed male Soidog; the best Watchdog and very social I had ever. I dont understand, how to buy a Breeddog in Thailand.....its abit shameful......
  16. Sorry to say: Forget Phuket. This former beauty reached the Point of overcrowding and horrible traffic. This was my words 10 years ago. So avoid!
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