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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. πŸ™„πŸ€ͺπŸ™„
  2. Amputate his penis and give it to the pigs to eat...
  3. So, in your Homecountry to overstay a visa is nuts, Joker
  4. Ms. Irina Pustovalova drove at insane speeds on wet roads...she doesn't need medical remorse but a visit to the insane asylum and the withdrawal of her DL for life!
  5. Yeah.....and the one Motobike driver left cowardly the scene.....Thai stile
  6. Off course.....a Friend
  7. Always this dream of a protected workplace... put in a little effort and you will have enough customers. If you can't deal with the free market, look for a job as a laborer in the agricultural industry...
  8. You don't always have to be funny to comment, you're more likely to be taken seriously if you can contribute something substantial to the discussion...
  9. Sack the Taxi Drivers Lizenz for 6 Months will help more
  10. Did you ever heared about a Tourist Visa
  11. Opportunists know from where comes the money
  12. No work permit means, can't work in Thailand! Are you hard to understand or are you naive?
  13. In 15 Years I was never visitet by Immi Officers......what I've done wrong
  14. You don't know, how a Trainstation looks
  15. This is how everything is arranged: Thaksin leads the party from the background and Pheu Thai's finances are secure!
  16. Zero Nightlife there
  17. Yeah....see what you want to see....or this Russians look like Indian
  18. πŸ₯±πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜΄.......
  19. No, Facebook is rubbish......
  20. Repainting a 30 yo Mazda is not for free😁
  21. Ahhhh..a wannabe it professional
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