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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Another waste of life in my opinion, instead of one seeking out the root cause of wanting to drink 10 beers to drown ones sorrows. Perhaps if and when you get to stage 4 cirrhosis you might just realise how much you had to live for in this precious life that we have been bestowed, everything in moderation Bob, eat up now ????
  2. My sister-in-law did 6 years for being in her boyfriends apartment when the police raided it. She has never done drugs, they were sitting there watching TV and the cops stormed in finding a handful of yaba daba doo pills in his bedside draw, she didn't know he was using or selling for that matter. As the saying goes, love is blind. She did half the sentence, but still.
  3. The only reason I took out health insurance was to protect what I have monetarily speaking, that said, I would rather put 250k baht a year aside, then give it to them, especially when I consider myself a low risk customer. I am I pi$$ed that they got 4 years worth of annual premiums from me, NO, I was covered, that was the objective, now I have taken over and cover myself, besides there re other options than private hospitals, but I will look at those crossroads if and when I get there, never hopefully ????
  4. Like all companies with little reviews eventually there underwriters change, could be in a year or two then you have skyrocketing annual policies. This happened to me, won't mention the company, happy to take my annual amount for 4 years, with increases every year and on the 5 range, e.g. 59-64 which went up double the annual policy. I do have a pre-existing condition which was covered, no problems since it 1st happened in 2008, on meds, good diet, exercise, but it gave their new underwriter the right to say, stick it to him. So I stuck it back to all of them, have always been able to self insure, however if you can get affordable health insurance, circa 70-100k baht, why not, but when they want to keep sticking it to you, best to put 250k baht a year on a side account in the bank (internet), if you can afford it, and if and when something transpires and you need to pay for it, well your at a million baht within 4 years and building up if you don't have something happen to you which is always the plan. The broker I was using also mentioned them who was mentioned earlier here on the post, but when asked what he knew of them he said, they are fairly knew so we give them a go, that wasn't good enough for me, so it's back to self insuring and hopefully money in my pocket, not theirs. Last but not least, in the 4 years I was covered, not one claim, but they put us all in the one basket unfortunately. Good luck.
  5. That wouldn't include the authorities who turned a blind eye would it ? The buck is certainly being passed here so to speak, away from the real culprits, I mean let's face it, if the authorities didn't allow this establishment to continue due to it being illegally built and with no license, then this whole waste of 19 lives wouldn't have happened, would it ?
  6. Who cares what age differences there are between a couple, it's just a number, aesthetically it might look different to what you would normally be looking at back home. The above said, to some it would be no different to looking at a gay couple, male or female or a Ladyboy so to speak. What one has to remember here is one word, i.e. "acceptance", the world we live in is f-ck-d up, if a couple for example have years apart from each other, as long as they have respect for one and other and are prepared to support each other, regardless if it's from a monetary or emotional prospective, personally I don't give a sheet, as long as their lives are happy and better, then kudos to them. For the record, there is 21 years the difference between me and the wife, do we care what people think, if you think we do, you are so wrong.
  7. Um, you've had your 4th, it's called natural infection, far better than any vaccine. Just for the record, had 3 Pfizer's and the infection and the latest news is it's endemic and will be as common as the annual flu.
  8. I suppose she's still nun the wiser after spending the 3 million on whatever she spent it on ?
  9. Ah the timing of all of this, A-nut-in statin just the other day that he would put his hand up for PM, i.e. if the people want him too, of course.
  10. I would love to see those local boys in brown prosecuted for their part in the negligence, i.e. they obviously knew the establishment was there, and chose to turn a blind eye, thanks to those brown envelopes continuously coming in.
  11. Just get a taxi it's cheap enough and you will be there in no time, all going well, especially after a long flight.
  12. It's the locals that take brown envelopes to turn a blind eye, only when the out of area cops come in, they shut them down, seen this many times before, could be because they aren't getting a slice of the pie. As usual, blind eyes are always turned in Thailand when it comes to money and when people die, nothing to see here, move along, as opposed to sacking those who run the area and putting those who ran the joint illegally in jail, no doubt a friend of a friend of a friend or someone in a powerful positions son, just saying.....
  13. Regardless, if you didn't make a claim, and let's assume something else happened to you, they could refuse to pay for anything as the contract becomes null and void once you have made a false statement. Always disclose your pre-existing conditions, you can still get travel insurance without them covering you for your pre-existing condition, I have done it many times, having a heart condition also.
  14. I can't believe how the cops where handling this, 1st the spent bullets identified on the road by the numbers, all the while a motorcycle riding through, i.e. not tapped off. I remember when a drug dealer was shot dead in a carpark in my street in the old country, no one could leave their home until the investigation was over and the car park was 200 metres down the road, all I wanted to do was walk in the opposite direction to go to work, nope. Then there was the cop cocking the gun, all the while, while he was pointing it at everyone standing there, could you imagine if it went off. Looked like a lot of Captains all giving orders, that said, I hope they put the case together and throw the key away once he is put in the Bangkok Hilton, never to be released. I have learned here to let go when someone (every 5 minutes) does something stupid on the road while I am driving, not worth the hassle of being knifed, shot or rammed, mind you I can handle myself, but like I said, not worth the hassle of dealing with someone suffering from the small d--- syndrome. RIP to the innocent driver.
  15. When I 1st met the wife in Thailand, we clicked, it was as if we knew each other from a past life. After my 2 weeks here, I returned 6 weeks later and took her back to my home country on a 3 month tourist visa. A month before the visa was due to expire, I asked her if she wanted to stay longer and she said famously as Thai's say; "up to you". I rang immigration and enquired and the guy on the phone said, cannot do, she has to return and reapply after I think it was 3 or 6 months, I said W-T-F and he said, can I ask you what your intentions are, I said what do you mean and he said, would you marry her, I said, I haven't thought that far in advance, he said well between you and me, that could be your draw card to keep her here for a little longer, he said if I married her I could apply for a bridging visa which meant she could stay until her application for permanent residency was approved, that would take up to 2 years, I said, ok, thanks for letting me know, I will discuss it with her and he said best of luck. I then explained to the Mrs that for her to stay we would have to get married and that I had to make a call. I then rang the registry office to see when the next available dates were if I wanted to get married and the guy on the phone said Friday week, it was a Monday when I rang and we would have 2 weeks left on the tourist visa to apply for the bridging visa, so I said to the guy, hang on two seconds, and put my hand over the landline phones mouth piece and said to the Mrs, what are you doing Friday week and said shrugged her as if to say, you know, nothing, and I said where getting married and of course she said; "up to you". Yes, as you can see, I am a true romantic, organised 2 witnesses and about 20 close friends to meet at a restaurant after and had a great night, that was that was 15 years ago, not one regret, well just one, i.e. if only I could have met her when I was 18, but then again, she wouldn't have been born yet ???? What negative sides would you be talking about ? My wife signed a prenuptial agreement before the marriage which is recognised by the family courts, meaning what is mine, is mine and what is hers, is hers before the marriage. I am still free as a bird before I was married because that is the person I have always been, i.e. I go where I want, when I want, for how long I want and see who I want, why, because I explained to the Mrs that is me, and I won't change me because of a piece of paper, as I wouldn't want her to change who she is because of a piece of paper, e.g. the contract is what you make of it, and to me it was there to keep us together at that time. She lived me with me in my country for 9 years before I planned my retirement and moved here, living the life 7 years ago. If the marriage ended tomorrow, she gets the house, the car and the kids and I keep the 90% that I didn't invest in the marriage, why, because love and finances should NEVER become part of the marriage (contract) unless your a gambler. When I croak it, she will get the lot as per my last testimony (will), I think if people going into marriages thought with their brains as opposed to their d---s, if things went south, they would walk away unscathed financially, as for emotionally, well that's another thing, love hurts as the song says. Would I do it again, if it was with her, in a heart beat !
  16. As my wife says, this is Thailand, straight in the bin, time wasted but up to you.
  17. You have to weigh up if your time is worth it, to me, as I get older, I just drop the ball and move on, that said in my younger days, I would being lighting fires and leaving trails........
  18. In all fairness, the photo shows him their while the medics are attending to her. He more than likely went to the airport after they took her to the hospital and his driver went back to check on her. Why they were allowed to carry on travelling in the vehicle without the police doing their investigation bothers me more, i.e. unless they did their due diligence, which I doubt very much, MP......VIP.....probably even gave him an escort to the airport. Life's cheap her in the LOS
  19. If your buying here, best to rent IMO. Seek out other investment tools to earn you money which will pay for your rent and provide your with an income.
  20. It's ok if it doesn't make sense, believe what you like, I don't have to prove anything to anyone, that said, why should I pay more for anything, regardless if they are cucumbers, or items that I can purchase for less than in Oz. Throw your money away if you like, I wasn't born rich, but I am a lot richer here than I would be in Oz, even so I treat my money with respect and seek value when and were I can, the wife is even more fugle which suites me fine, on average we spend 100k a month here, for some that's excessive, for others it's nothing, fact of the matter is, we have had the toys and some finer things in life, but realised that they are just a waste. We can get enjoyment from the simple things in life, others prefer the materialistic things for so, each to their own, nothing to prove, don't drive a black car, don't wear gold, did I mention I don't work, that is the best part for me, no more the slave to the slave trade.
  21. Before moving here, I spent a decade making the plan, a lot of research and it worked out to a T, i.e. I live here, earning an income from investments and pay zero tax (non-resident) of Australia for tax purposes. Yes, thanks aware of that, I go back every 2-3 years to visit my adult daughter and friends for about 10 days, see the Dr, get a years worth of meds, vitamins and stock on some stuff that is costly here. I do renew my Medicare card every 5 years and have a m8's address for that and banks because some will cancel your account if you have an overseas address. I'm aware that I would have to return and stay for two years to make it portable, if I qualify because I am pretty sure when deeming is calculated, the pension will be reduced drastically, suffice to say I would have to look at it very closely when the time approaches, that said, the cost to live in Oz for two years to get the pension would take at least double those years to recoup the outlay so might not be feasible. What do you mean when you say don't go on the international register ?
  22. Why such negativity, even as a millionaire I am content living here and I know many farangs living here who are basic pensions who are happy living here, i.e. you don't have to be a millionaire to live here. Simple, because I fell in love with Thailand when I first came here, and that was before I met my wife, it's a mirror image of Australia to me, just different looking people, same sky, greenery, roads, drive on the same side of the road as back in Australia, big shopping centres, grocery stores, never been to Africa. If you've ever been to Australia which I doubt, then you would know that yes, cops harass you, whether it's in person or not, they are on the hunt for revenue and promotions, red light cameras, speed cameras, mobile cameras, radars, you are literally petrified of driving on the roads because they will pick you up for the slightest flaw, no seat belt, cracked tail light, and so on, I know this because my job was always driving to get to appointments, all day at times. Here there is a clear difference, you don't see the cops and if your unlucky to get booked, it's a minimum 1/10th the fine as it is back in Oz, and you don't lose points from your license, which reminds me, I just renewed mine her for 5 years, $12 vs $190 in Oz. Agree, but for me it's different, no family apart from an adult daughter and a a hand full of close rich friends that I see when I return who complain about life in Sydney. No doubt they enjoy it as they have family and friends there, but also have to work like slaves to maintain their respective lifestyles and yes their kids will get it all, off the sweat off of their parents backs. Was referring to politics here. Yes cucumbers and vegetables/fruits are cheap here, western food is more expensive, but you eat what you like if you can afford it. We don't live on cheap cucumbers, we eat very well, never skimp on quality, as for rice, only Basmati and rarely over 100 grams a serve, got to watch those carbs. Clean food only with a balance of carbs, proteins and healthy fats here. One could say we are a little more educated than most, e.g. when it comes to what we consume as opposed to giving in to the unhealthy choices that the majors want society to eat. I have been in the Sydney property market since 1988, having invested in it for decades, it has always been a passion of mine and those 2 that I quoted you as mentioned was from the area I lived only, that said, I know the market as I watch it weekly, 78% auction clearance rates in February, 51% as of Saturday, you see my adult daughter has a fair few properties in the south of Sydney that she acquired over time so to speak, let's just say it reduces any tax burden by far. Sounds fair and not overly committed. Unfortunately the Australian government doesn't allow "foreign residents" for tax purposes that luxury, as mentioned they slap you 42% capital gains tax when you sell, besides I have used that money as mentioned to invest in tax free investments which provide me with a good quality life here, which is what I want. All of the above said, best we move on as the topic was on something else.
  23. I don't care, I didn't buy the land and build the house to have a mortgage or for capital appreciation, I bought the land and built the house knowing that it could be done for 1/10th of the price vs doing it in Sydney and having a mortgage for the rest of my life, and if I did that, I would be like everyone else, i.e. trapped and working for the rest of my life to pay it off vs retiring at the age of 55, 7 years ago and investing the money from the sale proceeds from my property which provide me with an income here which is tax free living in Thailand, i.e. It has cost me nothing to live here in all of that time, regardless of property value increases in Sydney. If I chose to stay, sure I would have made say 20% on any increase, that is adjusted after the 20% falls in property prices since the beginning of the year, but what life would I have had in this 1st world country with it's cost of living, where would the money come from for us to survive, I would have to work, no thanks, that is not my objective, I am living the life I want her in this 3rd world country, exactly what we planned for a decade before coming here, knowing exactly what we were getting into. Besides, if I hung onto the property, I would be taxed 42% when sold, for what, for choosing to LIVE in another country that is more affordable by miles. Congratulations, real estate and shares are a good long term investment, however of late with the increases in interest rates they have both come back, I trust your $400,000 increase is still that today, that said, I know of two properties in the same area 15km out of Sydney where I used to live recently going to auction a week apart, one was appraised for $1.5m, it sold for $1.2m, the other was appraised for between $1.5-$1.6, it sold on Saturday for $1.250m. You can do the math on the fall back in prices, oh, I forgot to mention, both were 2 bedroom dwellings that needed to be knocked down and the land sizes were around 600 square metres with a 12.29 frontage, one with a sewer easement running through it's rear yard, so no swimming pool allowed to be build, or garages on or around that area. Why would anyone buy so much land in Thailand, that was a bad investment, you should have known that from the beginning. I am comparing the value in life that it provides me, that said, what life does one have in Sydney, I hear all of my friends constantly complaining of the cost of living, the house prices, the hours they are working, the taxes, etc etc, so I saw the value here a long time ago, so do others. It is cheap because it's cheap, Opera....lol, good one. Last I heard they dropped out of a huge (billions of $'s) contract with the French and signed up elsewhere, but you can Google that. Obviously, and 3rd world suites me, I am free as a bird, and not constantly harassed by cops or other government departments. I don't care about owning property in my name, the wife can have the house and the land, she deserves it, I even put the new car in her name, although I could have put in mine (yellow book), that said, I only invest what I am prepared to lose. A lot of folks in the west know no better and believe that they can take it all with them, yet life goes by them in a flash, each to their own, that said, I know millionaires, yet they are so unhappy, but yet have so much in assets that they keep pushing themselves, for what, to enjoy the remaining few years that they have seeing that what they have worked for will be pi$$ed up against the wall by their kids who haven't worked a day in their lives. Not in this case, wife lived with me for 9 years in Sydney as we planned the move, sure sometimes she would want to go back when she gets frustrated with the politics and corruption here, but she knows, that would mean that I would have to go to work vs earning a good tax free income sitting here doing nothing, and enjoying life and she wouldn't want that for me, maybe when I croak it she might move there, but I doubt it. For some it doesn't, for me it does, i.e. if you have the $'s and are content to try a different life. That is obvious, subject to me not having to work to pay for all of the land taxes and upkeep. That's a given. Makes all the sense in the world to me, each to their own. 5 bags of cucumbers here (5) in the bag $4.00 vs 2 cucumbers in Sydney for $.4.18c, like I said, cost of living here is great. I see the value.
  24. Yeh well I guess it's kind of hard when you have others supplying your neighbour with extra weapons and getting involved from behind the lines when they say they aren't.
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