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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Why would that person need their head examined, if he buys it, his money is gone, he has no legal right to the land, he owns a lease on the house, (the fixture), not the land. If he pays the mortgage that she takes out against the property on a monthly basis, which will be in her name, not his, he can continue to do so while in the relationship, if the relationship fails, he has only lost a little money vs buying the property that he has no legal right to over the land. Who needs their head examined ? Last I checked here in Thailand rent is cheap, now how much is she going to borrow against the house, where is it located, Isaan ? banks will only loan a certain amount, maybe 60%, so he would have to weigh up would it be cheaper to rent or pay "her" mortgage. Either way, putting the question forward to her will soon enough tell him if she wants his money or the banks, and I would say, it won't be the latter.
  2. Let me put it to you this way, when I asked my wife of 17 years where would be a good place to invest my money in Thailand, she said, forget it, corruption at every level. Keep it in your home country as you have laws, good lawyers, rules, regulations, sever penalties and a great police force, not like here. She was on the money and didn't take the bait.
  3. RIP If there is a real Karma, let it loose on those present, and see who laughs last. Absolutely appalling behaviour, life has no value to these bozo's, now the mother has to live with this for the rest of her life.
  4. Spoiler alert, you answered the question for him, hopefully he gets it, i.e. she will bait him, to extract his $'s vs the ok Tiruk, I love you and will borrow the money from the bank and you make the payments because I love you long time. I would like to put a wager down she won't borrow money from the bank.
  5. I built a house for MY Wife in 2009, I like My mods and customizing, My garden with fruit trees etc. I spend the whole year here, I also travel with the family to hotels and condos as I get tired of just being in the house, i.e. everyone needs a break. The above said, I knew what I was getting into, i.e. whatever the house cost me to build on her land, it would never be mine, and that was fine with me, that said, I never invest more than 10% of my worth because that is all I am prepared to lose. Why didn't I take a lease on the house, because who would want to live in the house in a village when you split up, cheap enough to rent a place for a single bloke anywhere in Thailand. As Will B Good and others including self, you need to step back, at least bait your girlfriend and say, I been thinking, maybe buying the house isn't a good idea because I can't own the land, maybe you should get a loan against the house and I make the monthly payments on it, lets see how she responds to that, keep an eye on those beautiful eyes of hers, because I am sure she won't like that suggestion, which will tell you what she's up to. What difference would it make if she borrowed the money from the bank and you made the payments then you buying the house, think about that for a minute, and then you will have your answer.
  6. Trust is one thing, finances are another thing. Keep your finances separate, you don't need to buy the house. Why do you want to buy the house and what is the purchase price that your prepared to lose ? You don't sound like a bright spark, i.e. if you have money, invest it into anything else than something you cannot legally own e.g. clear title, you mention you have 3 properties or purchased 3 properties before and not in Thailand. Wake up, invest your money into something else, trust me when I say that, ok, I get it she's your girlfriend and you want to help her out, fact of the matter is she can go to the bank and get a loan against the property, if you want to live there, tell her you will make the repayments to the bank, to which I am sure will be about the same as what you could rent a house for, if in Isaan, 5,000 baht a month, and if your relationship fails, you can walk away without losing. But as they say in Thailand, "up to you" it's your money and there is a SUCKER born every minute. How long have you been with your girlfriend ? Alternative advice provided free of charge, but is your EGO bigger than what others have to failed to adhere to ?
  7. I have a question after reading the link you provided, what do you make of this, in particular the word "tax resident", to me generally speaking, the meaning of the word "tax resident" ordinarily means someone who is working or paying tax in the country, in this instance (Thailand), e.g. a school teacher, or a farang working in and office earning a salary and paying tax in Thailand that is also earning an income from abroad and remitting it into Thailand. Be interesting to hear anyone's thoughts on this, if I think it refers to as mentioned above, I believe those of us that do not pay tax here in Thailand, because we do not work in Thailand, cannot be deemed "tax residents" for tax purposes in Thailand, because as I said, we are not deriving an income from Thailand. The new interpretation stipulates that a tax resident of Thailand who is deriving income from assets located abroad and subsequently brings that income into Thailand in any tax year, has a duty to include that income in calculating income tax under Section 48 of the Revenue Code in the tax year in which the assessable income is brought into Thailand. They might have us on the below as the word changes to residents and 180 days in any tax calendar year. But what happens when we have already paid tax on the money we are bring into Thailand, they can't have two bites of the cherry, or can they ? Residents are defined as persons residing in Thailand at one or more times for an aggregate period of 180 days or more in any tax (calendar) year.
  8. We've all been there, done that, and to be honest it's expected, b-stards couldn't get me the last two years, paperwork in order, and anything extra they asked for on the spot, I had in my bag of more paperwork....LOL Went to pick up the stamp on 1 March 2022 as advised, I/O, no have, we call you when come, oh, thanks for the 3 hour round trip that I just wasted, not to mention my petrol. following year told to come 1 March 2023, so I went 2nd March, no have we call you when we have, no call, a week later, I call, yes we have been waiting for you to collect. Mind you, I lodge the extension prior to Xmas as advised by them, i.e. it gets very busy apparently, so this time I will do it a week before it's due to expire, i.e. end January, and will ALWAYS call them before I go to collect it because they just waste my time and petrol and if they say that I should come in December before Xmas in future, I will just smile.
  9. Easiest solution, e.g. if it's a retirement visa, open a second account, not a fixed account and park the 800,000 baht in that. Leave all your other money in your other account which they won't see and if EVER something went wrong, it's only 800,000 baht Vs ?
  10. It all depends on the person you are, you sound like you want to make the move to Pattaya but are scared IMO, and like to continue making the money while your working. If you have a partner and a good social network here, you won't get bored, that said, it also depends if your the type of person who enjoys mixing with others, there is also plenty of time to hang by yourself if your so inclined. Those that returned are those that will be bored in any environment, whether it's here or back in their homeland. Routine is key, I love my coffee at 6am before I take an hours walk around a lake where other also walk and exercise between 7am-8am before the sun starts to burn you, if I'm a little late a large brolly does the trick, but not past 9am otherwise you start to turn to toast. I go out 3 nights a week, have a few drinks, shoot some stick and talk to a good expat community and their lovely wives, everyone knows everyone on a first name basis, never had such a large crowd like this back home, it was once a week with a hand full of mates as we were all too busy working to pay the bills. Not having to work is the 2nd best thing to me, meeting the the love of my wife, a new lease of life, a new country to live, it's not perfect, but where is, and while I will always call my homeland home, there is no way I could afford to live there and have the lifestyle that I have here, that is unless I work, then there goes the lifestyle and the stress level coming back. I don't get bored here as I live in a big cosy, very heat resistant house whereby unless I go outside, I wouldn't notice that it's hot, no neighbours either side, behind or across the road of me, just the way I like it, but close enough to travel to get what I want need, and the airport is an hours drive. It's important to travel annually as well, domestically and return to the homeland to visit friends and family every 2-3 years as opposed to sitting idol counting every penny and drinking like a fish because of being bored, but each to their own. There are plenty of things to do, but you have to find what you like, for me, it's Thai time, do what I want, when I want and how I want. Will I ever return to live back in my homeland, I won't say never, but it won't be from being bored. You make of life what you make of life, where ever you are and if your the boring type, you won't survive anywhere, let alone here.
  11. That would be unusual because from what I remember when the wife's sister got done with 6 pills, it was 2 years for each pill. If she confessed, they would halve the sentence to 6 years, she confessed and got out after 3.5 years with all the good behaviour stuff, King and Queens birthdays etc. I also know her new boyfriend after being released was set up by the cops for not dealing their stuff, they made sure he got 10 years, he did about 5, they don't stand a chance here because they can't afford lawyers and the cops word is game over apparently.
  12. Long of the short, yes this is my money being taxed at the source, i.e. a flat rate of 30c in the $ regardless of how much I make on dividends, e.g. $100,000 profit - $30,000 tax - $70,000 net to me. If I was a resident for tax purposes, the first $18,200 is tax free, suffice to say, tax over $18,201 to $45,000 @ 0.19c in the $ = $4,823.82, then $45,001 to $120,000 @ 32.5c in the $ = $17,874.77, so your total tax payable would be $22,698.50 vs $30,000. If resident you do get a franking credit on the tax paid so you don't pay tax twice. So one might say that the non resident is paying more tax than the resident, correct, however a non resident pays zero capital gains tax when he disposes of his shares, whereas the CGT payable by a resident goes according to the amount of income earned in that year, suffice to say 37% over $120,000 earned or 45% over $180,001. All of the above said, it works better for me as a non resident, because I buy and sell shares and pay no CGT, while paying a dividend tax from the dividends being paid. The whole benefit is to pay zero tax on CGT, that is the sweetener vs paying CGT as a resident. Better than a kick in the teeth so to speak 🙂
  13. Technically speaking tax is paid out by the company paying you the dividend, i.e. 30c vs 32c and 10% on interest earned is better than 32c in the $. The above said, if you retain your Oz residency you don't taxed on the 1st $18,200 then it's 19c in the $ thereafter up to I believe $37,000, then it goes up to 32c in the $ thereafter. You also get tax credits on the dividends that you paid tax on, that said, it's impossible to retain residency if your living overseas full time as this is your abode, some will argue, but it's complicated, and I know in my situation, I cannot argue with the taxman, i.e. I am a non resident for tax purposes.
  14. Sounds like you didn't obtain professional advice when retiring as I know a few guys who have superannuation and get money via an income stream and they tell me they pay zero tax.
  15. There are legal loopholes that allow you to pay no tax as a non resident, they are: Australian Stock Market fully franked dividend paying stocks, as the tax is already taken out by the company before they pay you. Interest from bank, otherwise known as Withholding tax, i.e. the bank withholds 10% of the interest you earn and forwards that to the ATO on your behalf. If you have property and receive rent, then you are screwed, e.g. 32% of every $ is taxed with no threshold, you cannot negatively gear the property and claim losses until the day you sell it, and then you will pay heavy capital gains tax back from the day you purchased it if it was your principal place of residence. Are you working in Thailand and being paid in Australia, or do you work as a nomad and get paid into an Australian bank account ?
  16. As a Non Resident, I am not required to file a tax return in the land of Oz, problem solved many moons ago, perhaps others should read up on the tax laws in their own countries and if same applies, then if suitable, become Non Residents for tax purposes. No more paper shuffling.
  17. Try it with soda and lime, or orange juice. Everything in moderation as all alcohol is bad for your liver, try to keep it down to 2 drinks per day as the liver has a hard time breaking down the toxins in any kind of alcohol, and as we know, the liver is the main organ that everything passes through, so it needs to be taken care of, otherwise . . . . .
  18. Th block feature is the best, don't see his posts, replies or comments of any kind, he disappeared from the forum as far as I'm concerned, as I said when I blocked him, so long SUCKER 🙂
  19. Oh come on, she loves you muk muk like they all do, they just show it in a different way. Darling I go get groceries, you give me money !
  20. That's way way way to much, 1 x 1,000 IU per day is enough, have you had a Vitamin D blood test to see where your level is ? https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-vitamin-d-to-take
  21. Perhaps if you feel this way, you should return to your home country as I am sure they will roll out the red carpet for you. You sound quite a racist to start a post like this, that said, since coming here in 2005, then moving here a decade later, I have never had an issue with a Thai, and always manage to get a smile from them, I am not in the paranoid zone of is that smile real, nor do I care, it's about respect and being courteous, especially when you are in ones home country. I could start a post about all the things that pee me off here, but I might as well include what pees me off at home. Regardless of race or where we are, a smile is just a gesture, a nod of the head, a lift of the head, it's a way of saying G'day, it's all good, who cares what the other person thinks of you or me, same can be said for the guy your having a drink with, we are not mind readers. Maybe you should look down when you see a Thai, so as not to get a smile if you feel so insecure.
  22. I feel empathy at times when someone here on TVF annoys me, that's when I block them, no names mentioned, and that empathy makes me feel real good 🙂
  23. Judging from Goats baiting, sounds like he got done hard by a "prostitute", SUCKED in HARD if that was the case, otherwise, why all the hard up comments about bargirls, he deserved what he goat, BLOCKED him now....LOL, don't have time for these <deleted>.
  24. @transam Looks like we found another Keyboard warrior who just knows everything and want so aggravate us expats on this forum. To the block basket you go, so long SUCKER !!!
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