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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Is that in the north-east ? My apologies, reading two stories at once, this was in Bangkok, the other story was in the north-east and nothing to do with cleaning.
  2. You missed the whole point, i.e. if they guy was on our property, he would have received more than a beating, he would be dead, suffice to say, how hard would it be to say that he tried to rape my wife and she feared for her life, end of story, next !
  3. You missed the whole point of my post, perhaps you should go back and read it again before you get your knickers all in a twist.
  4. Ok, let's go one step further. Why don't immigration officers crack down on all of those farangs here who use an agent to provide them with their yearly extensions, you know the ones that pay the agents upwards of 20,000 baht per annum. I will tell you why, because everyone gets a slice of the cake, as opposed to those who overstay and don't use agents to secure their yearly extension. Can you imagine how many farangs using agents are actual also breaking the law because they don't have the 800,000 or 400,000 baht in the bank. To me, overstays are nothing more than a deflection of the real cause and a justification of them having expensive BMW cars, I mean what is wrong with a normal car ? I believe my points are relative. Edit: Don't get me wrong, I am not for overstayers, but when looking at things, let's look at all angles, including where resources could go, and yes I am aware I am a guest here and free speak, or my opinion is still here, well for now anyway.
  5. I have to disagree with you, as I believe the blame lay solely on the intruder, I mean you know that you wouldn't risk going onto a neighbours property at night or any other property for that matter. It's called trespassing and the intruder was out to steal, regardless if it was ganja, his intention was clear, a good beating should have made him learn a lesson, in my days, the cops would do it. The fact that he refused medical treatment when it was to be administered, shows to me that he is incapable of accepting things for what they are and has a problem mentally. He is lucky my wife didn't catch him in our yard as she wields a manchette pretty well and won't think twice about using it. As for the relatives, well to me, it shows that they are only after money as they can't see past their own noses, the guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time and unfortunately got a beating which medical treatment could have sorted, however he refused it, so there is no manslaughter case to be answered and no compensation to be made in my opinion. Everyone has a right to defend their property and this sends a clear message and is within his rights in my opinion.
  6. Um did anyone tell the arresting officers that cleaners are hard to come by, let alone getting a Thai to want to work ? "The owner of a cleaning company that hired them has been brought in for questioning over the matter". Clearly a misunderstanding, brown envelopes exchanged and everything back to normal then.
  7. How else would they survive here ? I am sure they have some form of income that keeps them alive here, my point was, perhaps the Thai government should focus more on saving lives as opposed to throwing out those that are deemed overstayers so as to justify their expensive BMW cars. To me saving lives is far more important, i.e. get the lazy cops off of their asses to apply the law to their own citizens, but then again, they never really cares about their own, that Captain cop the other days showed a classic example of not moving out of the way of an ambulance.
  8. I would have thought overstayers would contribute to the Thai economy, who would have thought that, nah, send them away, Thailand doesn't need the extra $ do they. While their at it, can they get some cops on the roads to save lives, some 20,000 plus of them, even a 10% reduction would be better than going after overstayers in my opinion.
  9. A Doberman Pinscher is extremely loyal to his family. A Doberman Pinscher is very sweet and affectionate with the family children, provided he has been raised with them. He views the kids as the puppies in the pack. A Doberman Pinscher is a fantastic guard dog that will be the ultimate protector for your kids. Ticking time bomb for anyone outside the family, yeh, well who cares, family 1st.
  10. Always buy the hot water heater at the maximum, i.e. 6.0 that way your water is always hot, even with the dial in the middle, anything lower than that and you will be having cold showers this winter. I say the above because we have 3 bathrooms, 2 of them have 3.5's and ours 6.0, the kids using the 3.5's compaing in winter that the water is not hot enough so we allow them to use ours and will change them to 6.0 when they need changing.
  11. Karma, as for the flowers, well they can send some when he's good and buried, but wouldn't was a single baht on this piece of cat turd.
  12. Having owned two in the past, they are a great dog, very protective of kids as well. I raised 3 kids with 2 Doberman's, one male and one female (couple), they would sit next to their prams when babies and no one could come near that pram, and if the kids ventured off, they would be around them. Never attacked anyone who came to our place, well except for my brother who one day opened the side gate without announcing he was coming in and the female charged him, fortunately for him he went out the gate as quick as he came in. Any dog would attack a stranger entering their domain. Love Doberman's, all the stuff you see on Hollywood is not your average Doberman, I heard rumours that they would put stuff in the dogs food to aggravate them or even starve them to get the reaction they wanted, but then again, they are just rumours, and of course, if you train any dog to attack, it will. But for a dog to attack unprovoked to me means it has been mistreated somewhere along the line, or it's cross breed is no good, not wanting to mention a particular breed, as I know nothing about them, except what I hear in the news, but owners will defend them, as I would the Doberman breed.
  13. If your on Facebook, search PerfectPedigree, I am now following them. Not sure if you have to put in Thailand after their name as I clicked on a link within their link that you had a problem with.
  14. We are obviously not talking your standard tourist visa. That said, your a lot of fun
  15. Battered wife syndrome. The abused thinks that the violence was their fault. The abused has an inability to place the responsibility for the violence elsewhere. The abused fears for their life, and/or, the lives of loved ones whom the abuser might or has threatened to harm (e.g., children-in-common, close relatives, or friends). The abused has an irrational belief that the abuser is omnipresent and omniscient. Wikipedia
  16. Guess I'll have to take your word on that. I recall years ago when I wanted to open a bank account on a tourist visa and also apply for a Thai drivers license I was told I needed a Certificate of Residence and had to go to immigration to get one. I went to the immigration office on a tourist visa at the time and was told cannot do, must have a Non O Visa. Maybe things have changed since then, but I'm pretty sure you still can't open a bank account or get a Thai driver's license with a tourist visa, which makes me ask the question, how can you get a Certificate of Residence to buy a car if you can't get a Thai driver's license, it just doesn't make sense to me. But if you and FriendlyFarang say otherwise, well I stand corrected. @FriendlyFarang
  17. You seem to know a lot about Thai law, bet my left one you have never ever set foot in a Thai court or spoken to a Thai lawyer. I went to court as a witness for a mate, his ex girlfriend claimed that he gave her the 5,000,000 baht that he claimed she stole, she ended up doing 20 years for fraud. It is easy to prove things, even when you think you don't have a leg to stand on. Will she do the 20 years, well maybe half with all the royal birthdays, good behaviour etc. Not going to try and convince anyone that just because he purchased the car in her name that it is legally hers, there are many factors that can show causation as to the reason the car was put in her name, yes the onus is on him to prove his case and if the judge sees through all the reasons, he can rule that the car is his and make her transfer the paperwork into his name, if you think anything other than that, well your entitle to think what you like, it's not black and white.
  18. Please do explain how you obtain a letter of residence if you are on a Tourist Visa.
  19. It is my understanding and unless convinced otherwise: YOU CAN NOT BUY A CAR WITH A TOURIST VISA!!! You can purchase a car with: Your work permit or your certificate or a *letter of residence issued by the Thai immigration or a certificate of residence from their embassy. I doubt she would go to those lengths, because if it goes to court, it could all blow up in her face and Thai's don't want to spend money they don't have, especially when he could prove where the money came from, also establishing how long the couple were a couple etc, I mean who in their right mind makes a gift for 189,000 baht in their right mind ? As mentioned above, the judge will see that he couldn't purchase it on a tourist visa as you claim, and the only alternative was for him to buy it in her name, and agreed when he returned with the correct visa as he is doing now, that she would transfer the car back to his name, (bring in the dealer) as a witness, like I said before, and as things went pair shape in the meantime she decided, it's my car, no, no, Tiruk, not the case, and like I said before, the judge would see it for what it was, but you believe what you want to believe, I am not going to try to convince you otherwise. He has leverage when she agrees, the only other alternative is that he take it to court, if she is stupid enough to ask for more or refuse his offer.
  20. He can also show causation for purchasing the car in her name, e.g. invalid visa for purchasing the car, dealer can be a witness for this, bank account funds showing the transfer to the dealership. Any judge could see this, however the case has to be presented exactly how the purchase occurred, i.e. it was never his intention for her to own the car. As with law, it basically is up to the judge to sift through all the arguments and then make the final decision. I would say he would win, that said, would probably cost him more than the car is worth, suffice to say why I suggested he offer her 20,000 baht to transfer it to him, that's a lot of money she would be throwing away if she knocked it back as she wouldn't see the car again and he could try selling it to a wrecking yard for parts for well below market, or drive it unregistered as others do, or swap plates and put a dummy label on it as the cops here are could be too dumb to check IMO.
  21. Why on earth do people do crazy stuff like this, it's the same as giving her 189,000 baht and saying look for a car for me while I am away and if it's a good one, buy it, suffice to say your chances of ever seeing that money ever again, in other words, you f'd up. Hopefully you will learn from your experience ? Tell her your returning to Thailand when you are and you will give her 20,000 baht to transfer the car to you, if she doesn't, she will not only lose the 20,000 baht generous offer, but she will be up for all of the court costs, because that will be the next step for you. Now hopefully she is smart and will accept your offer, that, or if she still loves you, your up the creek wasting a lot of money in court. As they say here in Thailand, Som Nam Naa. I purchased a car years ago for 800k baht, could have put it in my name, but chose to put it in my wife's name, if our relationship ever went south, well, that is what I am prepared to lose, besides, she will need the car to drive the kids to school, that said, if there were no kids, the car would be in my name.
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