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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Personally I can't see huge numbers of tourists coming and going this year, think about that for a minute. If one has a mortgage, interest rates are going up, meaning higher repayments, cost of grocery items and fuel prices are on the up, airline tickets and health insurances are on the up. Those coming for a holiday will be the ones who either have money, not many, or are back packers who will sleep in parks or wherever they can. Great idea this City tax on top of every other tax, can't wait for his next genius idea and the real tourist numbers coming at years end.
  2. So we are all now doing back strokes after swimming in deep waters for a long period of time, if it were me, I would have been on my back a long times ago.
  3. My premium shot through the roof recently, switched to April who give you deductible options, so you can lower your premium costs, that said, in the event of an emergency, you pay the deductible you nominated, e.g. 81,875, 163,750, or 327,500 baht, there are lower deductibles, but the lower you go the higher the policy premium. I saved me a lot as I combined my wife's and kids all into one with April, dropped down from 217,500 to 70,000 baht per annum, each covered for 16 million baht inpatient only, that said, if any of us have an emergency or require surgery, we cough up the first 163,750, and when you look at how much we saved in the first year, i.e. 147,500 baht by switching, well you don't have to be Einstein to work out in reality it would only really be 16,250 baht out of pocket. If you would like a contact at April, PM me and I will provide you with their email address and you can go from there.
  4. The police lance corporal who drove a big bike into an ophthalmologist on a Phayathai zebra crossing in January, killing her, has been ordered jailed. Norawich Buadok, 21, was riding a Ducati Monster at a speed of 108-128 kmph in an 80 kmph zone. Waralak Suphawatjariyakul - better known as Dr Kratai who worked at Ratchathewee Hospital - was killed.
  5. My bad. I just checked, thanks for asking, your right, they do change the numbers. Must have confused it with my recent debit card renewal, same number. Strange that they change the numbers, because bank cards and driver's licences stay the same.
  6. This is odd, I didn't know that your passport number changes when you get a new one, mine, my wife's and our kids numbers never changed when we renewed them, so have to ask, why did yours, i.e. if it did ?
  7. I managed to get the forward journey on a direct flight, but the return journey on a direct flight is not available yet, so will wait a couple more weeks and then have another look and if available then, will book it, or keep looking until it becomes available. I thought they would allow bookings up to a year in advance, like international flights, but they only go as far as 6 months from what I can see. The first leg of the journey is a long ways away, i.e. 6 months, but I want to beat the rush, so I am half way there now having booked the first leg of our journey, just got to get the return direct flight now, which eventually come available, especially now that they are opening up from 1 May.
  8. Thx will check it out. I did look further into AirAsia and I can get a single fare to Phuket direct, but the return journey isn't open yet. Will look at trying to book a single journey back from there, if that doesn't work, can wait it out or maybe Vietjet has a return flight. Either way will check em both out, thx.
  9. Rather than send me a laughing symbol, do your kid/s a favour and lose your ego and listen to the video, it's quite educational and it answers all of your questions, but I doubt you will because from the way you word your posts, it tells me a lot about your character, that said, you are too far gone to reach out to, misinformation can be a killer. Are you prepared to not listen to the video because it might convince you otherwise ? Prove me wrong and listen to it, then critique his comments, I'm all ears. It's the least I can do for your kid/s. Everyday is a great day.
  10. It is not a secret that a lot of Thai men abuse their wives, more so than in other countries because the police here don't give a rats about domestic violence and that there is nothing in place to protect those abused women from them. Was it an assumption, yes.
  11. I take my advice from guys like Dr Paul Offit and others who are qualified as opposed to non qualified persons such as yourself.
  12. Perhaps you may want to re-think about that sentence, it is a deadly killer to anyone in the upper age bracket, who is unvaccinated or has underlying conditions.
  13. Listen to you beating your chest here on the forum. Every parent has a roll to protect their children based on the research that they can best find and digest, that said, we all know that there is no data on the long term effects on these vaccines, does that mean you don't vaccinate your child, well that would be up to the parents, who know doubt discuss their findings and then make an informed decision. There is no guarantee in life long how anyone's hour glass is going to last, if it's not the vaccines that will kill us, it might be a car, a train, a plane, pesticides, a snake, a dog, and the list goes on, we are all going to die eventually, and of course staying alive is the plan. I don't know where you get off making a statement suggesting that these vaccines are untested, they go through rigorous trials, is there any long term data, no, but so far our 5 kids are all going well and as years go bye we will hopefully see that the decision we made at the time was the right decision, if not, well the decision we made was the best decision at the time based on the data readily available to make the decision to protect our children. You do not have the right to suggest that we failed as parents, perhaps you might want to look at yourself in the mirror and repeat those words to yourself ? If you don't want to vaccinate your kid/s then that is your decision, just don't go judging others because you don't wish to vaccinate your kid/s, do I think it's irresponsible, personally, I couldn't give a rats a$$, up to you as they say. Have a good day ????
  14. My mother was abusive to the nursing staff who took care of her, she would also hit one or two male patients with her walking stick i.e. she suffered from dementia. I recall one day when visiting her and was walking up the hallway towards her room, I could hear her swearing and yelling, I stepped up my pace and when I arrived there was no one in her room, then I heard her going off again, it was coming from her bathroom, and of course I yelled out, mum, you ok, and a nurse replied, can you give us 5 minutes please as I am trying to finish showering her, no problem I said and returned 10 minutes later. The nurse was in the room and greeted us with a smile, I said everything alright with her reply being, just another day, and Poppy, is in her usual good mood when we try to shower her, we have got it down to 3 days a week now she said with a smile. People like this suffer mentally and require special care, which I know is very lacking here in Thailand, hence the reason families try to remain tight, as they take on the burden. I see my wife's step sister who lives with her grandmother in tears a lot, she would be in her late 40's, grandmother probably in her late 80's, early 90's, she's a character, takes off down the street half naked, and is very abusive to her adopted child who looks after her, should she stab her, or should my mother when she was alive and taken care of by the nursing staff been stabbed, I think not. We all have fuses and we can all snap, but he was married to her, he new she had a problem, stabbing her to death, feeding her meal to the chickens, and whipping the knife tells me he also has a mental health problem. My previous post saying he should have then turned the knife on himself was out of anger, that said, he would be better off had he done that as opposed to rotting in a cell with 30 others for the remainder of his years. Do I have empathy for him, sure, do I have empathy for his late wife, yes, as I do with most women who are subjected to violence, as males we can all fob it off as whatever, but we are the dominant of the species and need to learn to control our anger, especially when it comes to the weaker species. Was his life tough having to look after his wife in her state, no doubt, but when you marry someone, you marry them in sickness and in health to the very last day, not end their life like this.
  15. I forgot where I was for a minute, that's right in Thailand women have protection against their aggressive partners/husbands. I hear rumours that the police are always coming to the rescue not, when the call is made, of course they might turn up when someone's dead, a little late wouldn't you think. They have busier things to attend to, like road closures to collect cash for expired registration, drivers licenses, and then they have the Karaoke bars to run, but that's another story.
  16. I got hooked right off the bat when I moved here, leaves Facebook for dead where everyone has to post a photo of where they at and what they eating, who gives a rats a$$. Its sort of a routine of mine, can't help myself, I receive two emails everyday just to remind me to have a geezer, and I also receive a few likes, confused and sad faces along with thanks on comments I made or posts I made, and some not so nice comments. Generally speaking I like to also helped out where I can. Also keeps me up to date with what's going on, and I learn new things everyday. I enjoy reading peoples comments, posts, and try to avoid the lost souls caught up in their own rage, because there stuck, or broke or just plain miserable, too bad, you get dealt with a hand and have to make best you can with it. I especially like the ones who have had a go at my Asean Now profile name with them not having any idea what it's about, but like it says, it's, 4MyEgo, that was the old number plate on my 1974 Silver Shadow back in the day ????
  17. Maybe because my dates are to far in advance, that might be the reason they are not showing any flights. Will look into it further, at least now I know they are having direct flights in the current month. Just checked, there prices/flights only go as far as end July, so guess will have to keep an eye on things as the months go by, cheers.
  18. I have always flown from Phuket as the time the flight leaves and arrives suites me, that said, it is also always a direct flight, whereas the Bangkok flights usually have a stop over on the way back. I also stay overnight in Phuket near the airport to reduce the travel time in total from my front door, i.e. 17 hours to 9 hours if that makes sense, in other words, I arrive fresh as opposed to exhausted, same with the return leg.
  19. When I went to book, it shows that they stop at Bangkok where you have to change flights to continue on to Phuket.
  20. Took the words right out of my mouth. Wife told me the other day after visiting her father that he caught two birds and is building them a big cage and she is going to take some wire we have laying around in the shed, I said no your not, she said why, and my reply was, only if he is going to move into the cage and lets the birds go, to her reply being, this is what Thai's do and my reply was, doesn't make it right, does it. I then went on to say, seriously tell him I said to live in the cage, I will feed him and visit him daily to amuse myself, I want to see how he responds to his new environment, she went silent, didn't raise the matter again.
  21. Sickens me to the core to read stuff like this, why not then turn the blade on himself. Callus. Rip to the wife, who probably endured a lot from this buffoon over the years.
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