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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Um, with shares, I spread them into different sectors, and some with paying dividends, also I am not putting all of my eggs on one, e.g. Bitcoin and the volatility is much riskier than the stock market. Sure stocks go up and they go down, but the swings are nowhere near the rollercoaster Bitcoin gives out. Place your bets now, I hear their giving 70 to 1 at the moment, and there off and racing and, Bitcoin got out the gates early and while leading for most of the way, and with 750 mertes to go, Bitcoin is looking tired, wait here comes the rest of the field most of whom are proven long stayers, passing Bitcoin who ended up finishing last. Better luck next time punters as I'm sure the odds will be close to 90 to 1 soon enough.
  2. What about one forum member here who allegedly said he just bought 200k about a month or so back, what would be his averaging in be ? Come to think of it, he has gone awfully quite of late.
  3. I think you will be seeing house prices plummeting by the end of the year in certain countries. Australia, in particular, Sydney and Melbourne will surely find that out as interest rates are set to rise at 0.25% per month to the years end, if not longer.
  4. Was it you that bought $200k's worth a few months back, I can't remember who it was, but at the 27k mark, I might be interested, remember, what goes up, must come down, and then up again.
  5. My crystal ball tells me that they will try and hold out till after the election, so that they can keep extending the emergency decree, i.e. can't have protestors out and about voicing their dismay about this so called legitimate Government, otherwise, straight to the Bangkok Hilton for those going against the grain. Will they be able to pull it off, time will tell, although I hope not.
  6. I have to agree, nothing in my name as well, except my overseas assets, plan B ????
  7. I agree, each should be equal, but when one attempts to do something as stupid as that, or suggests it, coming down hard can save a lot of grief and also teach that person that there are consequences, coming down hard would of course be the extreme. If the car was hers, by all means, do as you please, but if was my car, then I would be at risk, so respect is required, i.e. DO NOT EXPOSE ME TO THE RISK, same would apply if the reverse.
  8. No, I just haven't been out and about, as most places closed down, however if I do take a drive, say for an hour I am sure I can find a few, but the Covid thing has been a turn off, perhaps I will wait till I get it before I dip my toes, then if I am still alive and breathing well, will take the full dip.
  9. But I bet you would still like to share your bed with some of those beautiful Thai women if you could, I do, I mean, I do, but not my bed, when the occasion arises, pre-pandemic of course ????
  10. Nah, not a chance in the world, the future payout when I am gone is worth her holding onto me as if her life depended on it....lol If there is one thing I learned in life from my previous divorce, is that money is a powerful tool, i.e. if you don't wear your heart on your sleeve ????
  11. A big no, no IMO Your car, your rules. I would have to agree with you there, under a normal 1st class policy, that said, I haven't read your policy, but wouldn't want someone driving my car, regardless if it is family or not, because the law states to drive, you must have a valid license, and yes many drive without one, but what happens when the $hit hits the fan, lets look at the worst case scenario, a fatality, then what ? I'd be having strong words with her, she shouldn't be thinking this way from the beginning, totally selfish IMO and if my wife did ever try this one on me, she would think twice about thinking that way next time, not that she ever would think this way. Yes, as far as I am concerned, stand your ground, it's your way or the highway.
  12. I am assuming the fingerprints belong to the same mate who was blacklisted, suffice to say, one can change their name, but not their fingerprints and when he enters and is scanned as everyone is, he will be asked to leave again. He could go to the expense and fly over and try it on, that said, the risk is higher than not that he would do his $'s spent and regret he attempted it. More than likely put in detention and then sent home. Tell your M8 to go to another country where he hasn't been blacklisted, i.e. unless he really wants to try and pull a fast one, which will more than likely be a flop. The world of technology and facial recognition these days is far ahead of the name changers, so the name change means nothing, simple really.
  13. Is he really that scared to open these venues, is he so concerned that they will spread Omicron, I think not, there is another hidden agenda, that's always been there, but he and his cronies have failed, can't they see that when one venue closes, another opens, why, because that is what people want. Trying to clean up Thailand's image will only deter those that want to come here for those venues, naturally there is nothing wrong with them, lots of people have to eat, right, that and support their families, after all the government has failed miserably supporting it's own, because it's all for themselves IMO.
  14. Could this be another closed mine, personally I don't care, but when you make a statement like, THIS "vaccine" does not do what they told you. You should back it up with your evidence, instead of coming on here and to convince us with just your word, because only those on your clouded side will buy your unsubstantiated hot air to put it mildly. Are you an Anti-Vaxer, I don't care, do you want a vaccine I don't care, but as I said, you want to say what you said, well for anyone to believe any of your hot air, it has to be backed up, can you do that, NOPE !
  15. You know the old saying, you can lead them to water, but.........
  16. To add to that, that it is supposed to protect you from severe disease, hospitalisation and death, i.e. when and if the T-cells respond, which they have been doing worldwide from what I read. The vaccines were never developed to protect us from mild disease, they are doing their job protecting us from the above, severe disease, hospitalisation and death. I know a lot of people who have had Covid, young, old and in between, and one that died who wasn't vaccinated.
  17. It's on page 5, all you have to do is look and listen to the vid.
  18. This is one to start with. All you need to do is Google his credentials Dr Paul Offit, he is also on the board of the FDA committee, listen to this video of him being interviewed, you only need to listen to him for the first 20-30 minutes then it goes to two other doctors for their input. FYI @proton
  19. As for severe disease, modeling by Imperial College London found that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine with a booster was around 85.9 percent effective against Omicron, compared with about 97 percent against Delta.Jan 20, 2565 BE https://www.healthline.com/health-news/by-the-numbers-covid-19-vaccines-and-omicron#Pfizer-booster-vs.-Omicron
  20. What about the effectiveness for serious disease, hospitalisation and death ? Did you miss that ?
  21. Get as many jabs as you like as I'm sure your research, if any has convinced you to keep taking them, so why even bother posting ?
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