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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I might be a little behind the 8 ball, but I just booked my international leg and am working backwards, e.g. when I went to book my domestic leg, i.e. Udon to Phuket direct as I used to do pre-pandemic, I couldn't book the direct leg of the flight. I have to change over at Swampy, ok, I get it, might have to do with not enough flying direct to Phuket to cover the fuel costs etc, so does one wait in the hope that there will be direct flights down the track. I have a few months still, i.e. after July, so do I wait, or do I bite the bullet and pay 25% more than what I used to pay and change flights to get to Phuket, it's not the increase that irks me, I understand everything is on the up, but it's the changing at Swampy and waiting for 2 hours, not to mention the 8 suitcase that one has to cart around, as there are 4 of us, 2 little ones travelling. Anyone heard anything like after hopefully 1 July when they fully open up the country as stated previously on many occasions, that they then might put the direct flights back on, because we also have to return the same way.
  2. Try again, require or won't settle for less than TOP SHELF. That said, most guys aren't hanhom like me, and can't pick up a good looking babe unless there's money involved. Get it now ????
  3. Someone could reply with get your hand off of it, but I will hold back. Good luck to you.
  4. I never said I remember everything, on the contrary, I have a shocking memory, my wife always asking me if I remembered this or that, and my reply is always nope, did I, if it's more than a day old, you know me honey, I don't remember. But women I have been with, sharp as a razor blade, why do I remember them, maybe because I enjoyed them, who knows ?
  5. Good for you. You see the difference for me to most guys is I command TOP SHELF, that said, why would I lower my standards, never been a shortage of women to pluck, but hey, it's the looks and all the other bits and pieces that I want to enjoy when cruising. The above said, when your used to enjoying BMW's and Mercs, so to speak, you just don't won't enjoy driving anything else. That's without saying that quality, not quantity is my way of appreciating a really good drive. I too once had a mate (now deceased) who would one day take TOP SHELF at some of the clubs we would frequent, then next time, he would take one home at the close of the club at 4am, which would be one that I would chew my arm off if I woke up next to it with my arm under it's head as opposed to waking it up. Once said to him, m8 why do you do it, and he said, it was the thrill of securing one, to which I said, I would rather starve to death, to which he replied, you will never starve and he was right. Would I like to have 200 notches on the board, sure, but I'm satisfied with the quality I have had, anything under model material for me, keeps walking on by.
  6. The wrong being the rape, the right being going to prison to do time for his crimes, rape, i.e. if there is evidence and he is convicted of such crimes. If the evidence is there an there is enough to convict for the violation, hell YES. As far as I recall, Thailand has defamation laws, so for these women to be making it all up could be detrimental unless they have enough evidence for a conviction, that said, if they were violated, why not compensate them, if it hits him where it hurts, i.e. in the pocket plus jail time, go for it. The fact that women all around the world as you suggest accuse men after many years want compensation, well it's up to the courts to determine if there is enough evidence to convict, and if there isn't he walks and can then turn around and sue for deformation, I suppose ? Are you suggesting that the guy who is alleged to have committed these crimes remembers what transpired 10 years ago, well if it's any consolation to you, I am 62 and can remember every single women I had consensual sex with, I remember where I was, and whether they were Westerners or Thai, last count was 34, not something to brag about, but I can also remember about the equal amount that I had opportunities to sleep with consensually but passed on it for various reasons, do I kick myself, in case your wondering, sure for some of them, but not others. The above said, I do have trouble remembering what I got up for and walked to an area in my house often to get something and forget what the heck I got up for, but to answer your question, I can remember, so if I can remember who I had sex with, where it was and who it was with going back decades to current, so can he. Perhaps you should try and recall who you had sex with and see how far back your mind can go.
  7. I would imagine that this or women in general who hold it in for years, feel shame, embarrassment, guilt in other words they have a sentence within themselves, until they can muster enough courage when hearing others came forward, then they can feel some kind of support, e.g. I shouldn't feel guilty, or ashamed, or embarrassed, he did this and needs to pay for it because the case is stronger in numbers. Just because one has proof that a crime was committed, in this story, rape, doesn't necessarily mean if she went to the police, here in Thailand he would get charged, as powerful people here walk away all of the time, if you don't know that, and your living in Thailand, you really don't know the culture here. I would support any female who was raped and came out a decade or more later to get out of her life sentence of holding it within here for the above reasons mentioned, the damage is done, now to try and make the wrong right so that at least some kind of satisfaction can be made out of all of this is he is convicted for his alleged crime/s. Most rapes go unreported, does that make it right, no, more women should come out and report it, but it all depends in what country your in, for example we all know what happens to women who speak there, I won't go into that disgusting part, but you can Google it. Maybe the above gives you some kind of perspective, but at the end of the day, you would have to ask the victims why they didn't come forward, but I would say that what I said above would be pretty much on the money.
  8. Seriously, get a grip, no doubt you've been burned by an Isaan women, hence the crude post. Maybe some are so deserving of it ?
  9. Do you honestly think that this women thought that others could be involved, they seldom do think this, they think they are the only victim until they find out there are more and then they unite. I would imagine it would be quite traumatic for any of these women to come forward with these accusations as they were violated, naturally as a male, we couldn't fathom what they are going through, and all we can do is support them until justice is reached, if ever here in the LOS as we know money talks and that is probably why she didn't report it back 15 years ago, as others have mentioned, his father is/was a powerful figure. For all those with the jokes about this, get a life, no, seriously, get a life.
  10. I think this is a worldwide phenomenon. What's that old saying, the rich get richer, the poor get the picture.
  11. Care to share a few pointers : How you felt Your symptoms Age or age bracket Any pre-existing conditions and how long after your 3rd dose before you contracted it Good to hear you survived it.
  12. No doubt those would be the ones in the villages who sometimes get cremated the same day, and those that don't rarely get anyone to check them, e.g. they died of old age, so the figures are only what the government tells them, i.e. no autopsies to find out the cause of death.
  13. So no one really knows who dies from what in other words, it's just based on what the government gives the WHO, now if that's the case, it's anyone's guess.
  14. Yes correct, that is the site, so what you are saying is that their figures are misleading. Looks to me that their figures on Covid deaths are spot on, and I would assume that they also get their figures from WHO ? https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/country-health-profile/thailand
  15. Whist I agree with your comment, I believe it is time to move on with life as this virus needs to spread through the world as other viruses have done and still do. The above said, I believe that I confused my previously stated 25,700 infections in my reply as it was deaths since Covid began 2.5 years ago. We are all going to die, that is a given, it is up to us to protect ourselves as we have done since we started roaming this planet, lock downs we know only prolongs the inevitable, the virus mutates so best to get it, surviving it is the objective and to be immune from it for once and for all, if we don't survive it, well we wouldn't have known any better because our time could be up tomorrow, bus approaching head on !!! Sure is we have the flu or a cold, we stay home so as not to infect others, but we really can't expect others to do as we do, it's just life, selfishness is everywhere and always will be, that said, I did stock up on toilet paper ????
  16. Could have sworn I recently read the figures were up in the 25,000 not so long ago here on Asean Now ?
  17. Compared to the Sydney market, Thailand is extremely VERY VERY VERY cheap. This vacant land parcel sold down the road from my old place last October which is about 16km's out of the Sydney CBD, not an affluent area by far. https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nsw-bexley-137429018 In Thai baht using 25 baht to the AUS $ that comes to 45 million odd baht, then you have to add another 25 million baht to build a house on it, so 45 million baht vs whatever your paying for a Rai, (1,600 square metres) would be dirt cheap, remember, the land that sold in the link is only 607 square metres, couldn't even build a duplex on it. Whatever you pay for land here in Thailand it's "dirt" cheap compared to my home country.
  18. Roojai is cheaper in annual premium by about 5,000 baht for my vehicle, that said, I tend to stick with those that have paid out, as sometimes it's better to deal with those who have a track record. Edit: No saying anything bad about Roojai as I know nothing of them, they might be great ? The above said, is Roojai a Thai company, because if it is, I have had a friend who had his car ridden off, T-boned and the Thai company with the police negotiated a payout much less than his policy was worth, in other words he was told if you want to take us to court, you will wait for years. I am not saying Roojai are not good, I just don't know of them, maybe others can tell of their claim experiences ?
  19. Yes, if we see you have fun and splashing water and drinking and all that, we will fine you 20,000 baht because you could spread the flu, even after most people followed your rules and have been vaccinated. We can't bare to see you having fun, otherwise the next thing we will have to do is open up bars and entertainment venues after two plus years and we don't wants that.
  20. Lol, solly about that, I see the typo now, will keep that for future reference.
  21. This cannot be, I just read an article stating that there are over 3,000 unmanned or useless checkpoints put up all around the country with a lot of Som Tum orders for those sitting there doing sweat F A.
  22. How does this prevent accidents, all I see is people sitting down or some of these checkpoints not even being maned. It's one thing to turn up to sit down and eat Som Tum while being paid, and another about being serious, e.g. breathalysers/arrests. When they decide to follow how most western countries reduce road deaths, then perhaps things will change, but my lights will be out within the next decade so can't see that happening, but thanks for the annual short lived once again amusement.
  23. Yep, got a m8 of mine who went back just before they closed the borders, and he is itching to come back, said the cost of living is through the roof, he is on a disability pension, has his place paid off, and is finding it tough. We compare food prices here just about every week, small talk and you can clearly see the differences, that said, the imports aren't doing to badly as he sent me the price of MasterFoods Hot English Mustard today, 140 baht, I get it at Villamart for 165 baht, so not to bad. He will be bringing an extra bag when I finish with him as he is coming over in August, and of course I will pay for the extra freight for the 20kg luggage, I think it's 1,000 baht, but will be well worth it for me. Oh, he doesn't know it yet.... ???? I will be picking him up at the airport so he will save 1,100 baht on the taxi ride, fair is fair oi.
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