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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Banks charge far too much to transfer here. When I did transfer from ING, I would transfer to my Wise account and then transfer the money to my Thai account. I will now be using my CBA account to transfer to Wise, then to my Thai account. The thing to know with your wise account is, if you put more money in than the threshold that they allow, I think it's $20,000AUS they will charge you something like 1.6% interest monthly or something like that, so best to get it in and out asap.
  2. I'll say end of May, beginning of June, because they want the economy opened up a$$-up
  3. I would say I have been lucky the last 6 months, nothing more than that, lucky, and agree the timing is everything, and sitting on the fence every now and again does help, i.e. don't have to always buy in, but when I do, I get out as soon as I get a bite, not aiming for the stars but if I get a bite that is even 5c or 10c can make a very good earn. The above said, gong in small isn't worth it, has to be 30k-50k on two-three stocks at a time, if you handle the pressure and it is ugly from where I am sitting, but the nest egg is building up.
  4. Well done, these have been the ones making me a good coin over the last 6 months, but I'm an in and out trader, I will go in on the downs and get out in the ups, sometimes a little too early on the ups, but better on the fence with money in pocket, than on the ground stuck so to speak and my way works well for me, i.e. I have worked out if I left it in from the start with all the ups and downs, I wouldn't be much better off, so the bites are filling. ASX: PLS, EVN, S32 Things might change now with the 1st instalment of many interest rates to come, that said, the last two stocks are fully franked dividend payers in case one gets stuck.
  5. I have made some very good coin in the last 6 months, gold, lithium and miners. The prior 2-3 years were very mediocre, nevertheless have always made my monthly budget targets. 2017-2018 were pretty similar to the last 6 months, very good.
  6. I know this was posted a while back, but I just want to give all the heads up. If you are a non-resident for tax purposes and have a bank account back in Oz with an overseas address, the banks will now cancel your account. I say this because one of my accounts was closed today with ING bank, they stated that their policy was for residents of Australia and as I was not a resident of Australia they were cancelling my account. Was with them for 13 years and had a few mortgages with them over the years. Fortunately for me I have another account with CBA and my residential address is in Sydney, and I am going to keep it that way, and if anyone asks, I don't do tax returns anymore as I am retired and fly to and from Australia a few times a year, and if they ask me what my residency status is, I will say I hold Australian residency status. Fark the lot of em, what next, the shirt off of me back.
  7. Would you care to provide a link with that, as I read the sub-variant B2.12.1 is more contagious, but no worse then what is out there. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/ba-2-12-1-all-you-need-to-know-about-new-omicron-ba-2-sub-variant-2904303
  8. Do these guys actually listen to the news outside of Thailand, I dare say there might be a language barrier. All I hear is petrol prices are up, electricity prices are up, gas is up, food and other living expenses are up, and the latest today from my home country, i.e. an interest rate rise of 0.25% and is expected to continue in the upward trend every month till December, i.e. a total rate rise of 1.5% by years end. Now for someone with an average mortgage in my home country which means an extra 25,628 baht per month or 307,539 baht per year, just to put things into perspective, and that doesn't include any of the above items that I mentioned. These guys think everyone's going to come for sticky rice mango, not to mention the extra 300 baht they intent on slugging them to enter Thailand, won't even mention the 1% City tax that, that wannabe whoever he is wanted to charge in Bangkok. The tourists won't be back in big numbers for a long while, after the pandemic, lockdowns, job loses, property and business losses and now while the pandemic is ending, everything is going up, up and up, I can see property values also taking a dive in time, and if they can hold onto those properties for the duration of those rate rises, maybe a holiday in a decade or so. Yep, sticky rice and mango going off.
  9. Oddly enough I didn't need an eye test when I renewed it over 5 years ago when I was 56, as mentioned it expired a year ago, rules changing all the time. Yes the Medicare one is a keeper, because once that lapses, you have to re-establish your residency.
  10. How very nice of her. For those who don't go back before the 5 year expiry period, go online and tell them you lost it, they will send a new one to your registered address with a new 5 years period on it, then get someone to send it over. Works for me, and as my card expires in July 2023, I will be doing the same thing again, i.e. going online and telling them that I lost it, so as I am heading to Australia in September, I will be going online in August telling them that I lost it again, so will pick it up when over there in September. Got to play the game, was unfortunate that I couldn't renew my licence online, so will have to renew it when back there as it's expired for over a year now, and the bummer is you can only renew it for 5 years, no more 10 year period when your over 44 years of age.
  11. Waiting for the sub-variant B2.12.1 from the USA, then we will see the figured go through the roof again as it's even more contagious than it's predecessors. Just got to learn to live with it, as it's here to stay.
  12. I once had motorcycle covering me in Thailand. Fine print was, had to be under 125cc, registered, helmet be worn at all times and I had to have an IDP. As I don't ride anymore, no need for that insurance, just the 1st class insurance for the car, plus separate private health care cover, as I don't wish to end up in one of the training hospitals as I call them, each to their own.
  13. Have been the executor of two wills and have not gone through probate, One was in 2008 and the other 2020, so my point is, because they say the Probate is the Supreme Court's recognition that the will is legally valid means diddly squat to me, just more fees for courts and lawyers. Everyone in the will "family" in both scenarios know me and new I was the executor and all had a copy of the will and knew what they were getting, i.e. equal shares and everyone signed off on it. If people want to use the courts and lawyers, up to them. I would imagine there would be valid reasons for it, but not in my circumstances, besides never had an issue not using a lawyer or the courts. We have moved off topic.
  14. With the will, there is no probate required as my assets are clearly defined within the will and how they are to be distributed. On the other hand if we were to divorce, she could apply to the Family Law Court back in my home country for say 20% of my worth, say 10% for each kids as they came into the world after the prenuptial and I wouldn't say no to that, she could also apply for child maintenance and I wouldn't have a problem with that, however I would ask the court to accept any proposal that I would have put forward at that time, e.g. private school fees to be paid in advance to their schools for the remaining periods they have to complete high school and so on and so forth. At the end of the day, it wouldn't be a messy divorce, i.e. no need for a court, just documents signed in front of a lawyer to be registered with the court on what we agreed on as a fair settlement. The above said, is she wanted to be difficult, my assets could be moved out of the country very quickly and trying to get ones hands on that money would be impossible, i.e. if I wanted to be a p3ick. Pays to think ahead and have a good and fair lawyer, who is also my best man.
  15. About 15 years ago, my family law specialist gave me all the advice I needed. That was a prenuptial agreement which was signed by my wife in the presence of an independent lawyer before we tied the knot, which she agreed what was mine was mine and that she was entitled to nothing. Forming part of the prenuptial agreement was the life insurance and a block of dirt that I bought her, that block of dirt is where the house we live in was built 6 years ago.
  16. Ah, I see where your coming from, I also forgot to mention, this goose lays golden eggs every month, which gives her a good quality life, so I suppose I might be worth more alive than ....
  17. I have life insurance for the wife, it is worth 10% of what I am worth alive. The insurance will keep her and the kids going, easily, until the smallest one is 21. My will is 50% to my daughter overseas, and 50% to my kids here, my daughter overseas is the executor and is instructed to put the money in an account in her country until her youngest sister reaches 21, so, her sisters will be 26 and 21 when they receive the money, i.e. unless I am still around for many years to come. That is the plan, but you never know.
  18. Not really. I have booked our return tickets for October and yes it is 5 months away, but hey, when you have kids and school holidays, you got to take advantage of the break periods and book way ahead, besides got a great special with Thai Airways, lets hope they are still in business by then.....lol.
  19. Direct return flights from Phuket just done for October. It would appear now that Thailand is opening 1 May, the airlines are opening up their seat reservations further down the track, i.e. October. The above said, I couldn't book a direct return flight from Phuket to Udon Thani a week ago, only the forward journey. What started out was that I could only get a single direct forward journey, i.e. no return direct return journey available to book for October, that has now been booked a week later. Thanks for all who put in their information. All good now, Mods can close off when ready.
  20. Wife only uses rice bran oil when frying chips for the kids The rest she cooks in Olive oil as it's readily, and yes it is expensive, but better for you. That said, we always buy the 5 litre one when on special as you can save around 300 baht.
  21. Hard to answer your question, however I can say this, my father and mother in law live about 400 metres up the road. My wife might see them before dusk to drop them off a sweet or some fruit, I only see them when I take the rubbish to the stacker that my wife purchased and put on their land, and the recycle stuff. They are usually sitting around looking after the grandchild from their oldest daughter and when I see them I usually lift my chin up and smile, they acknowledge with the same as we cannot communicate language wise, I might say Meh, Rhon (as in hot) and she will reply Rhon muk muk. Smiles are always good in situation like this, and I know that my father in law has very little eye contact with me as I raised this with my wife early in our relationship and she said he is very shy, it's not just with me, but with others too. I know when my wife is around he is better because he can communicate to me through her and me the same, so we can crack some jokes, but one on one, he will smile and take a wide birth if the wife isn't with me. Shaking of hands, never done that or even wai, so I suppose it's whatever makes you comfortable, as mentioned earlier, the usual chin up and smile and we are all good. When my wife and I go away on a holiday, I might get my wife to buy them something small and they appreciate the gesture. I never go out of my way to try and win or prove to them that I am a good son-in-law, as I didn't marry the family, that said they can see how I treat their daughter and know that I have their backs. Tell your wife how you feel and see how she responds, but in my opinion, don't try to look for their acceptance, everybody reacts differently and you are who you are and if they don't like, nothing more to be said, they are in-laws and a lot of in-laws don't like their son or daughter in laws for whatever reason. Just stay focused on the wife and the kids, that is your family and number one priority, nothing else.
  22. Well done, I am glad to hear things are looking on the up for the better. Marriages are not easy, some are a breeze, others are a nightmare, and when you have done everything you can and there is no change and you are seriously unhappy because of the other party to the marriage, and you know that for sure, then it's time to move on. The above said, in my 1st marriage I hung on for 12 years, it wasn't good, I did my best, and have no regrets because I knew I did the best that I could and more, much more, that said, some might say you wait too long to get out of it, and my reply would be, if it ended any sooner, my path would not have lead me to the love of my life. All the best of luck to you and apologies if I sounded harsh, however, sometimes we need a wake up call.
  23. Says it all and reminds me of that 2008 movie Taken, staring Liam Neeson. Be interested to see how this pans out.
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