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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I think that is unlikely as Delta is and was doing that, now that it has found a way to mutate to Omicron, I believe it has tweaked it's way to where it wants to be, in the host to spread it to others as opposed to dying with the host, you know go around every season like the flu etc. The above said, when the next Cornona virus Sars Covid 3 does eventually come our way, I think we will be gone, that or it will take out 40% of us if it's a lethal one, but with technology and better systems in place we might end up beating it, at least we can hope because we didn't beat it this time, vaccines and all, it found it's way to live with us and spread as Omicron.
  2. Travel and health insurances do cover pre-existing conditions, although this does vary from company to company, that said, most will cover your pre-existing conditions if there has been no reoccurrence in the past years, just a matter of shopping around.
  3. It keeps people from starving, less of a burden on the government and of course, that money gets spent, therefore going back into the economy
  4. Now that Omicron (Covid 2) has found a way to not kill it's host, Omicron will end the pandemic and this will end up as a flu or a cold, give it till this time next year and things will be back in full swing IMO. People are waiting to let loose, and people need to make money to survive, prostitution is a necessity in Thailand and we all know the reasons for that.
  5. Travel insurance only covers pre-existing conditions if the travel insurance company approves it in writing, the same applies with health insurance, only if the health insurer approves your pre-existing condition, and both if approved, will add more to the policy for you to pay. It is not automatic and if you have a pre-existing condition and don't disclose it, your not covered, period !
  6. Health insurance does cover repatriation, however health insurance is far more expensive than travel insurance, suffice to say those without health insurance, which are most, should opt for travel insurance. In other words most people rely on the NHS or Medicare in their home countries as they pay taxes (compulsory) and don't think twice about health insurance (private), so travel insurance is there, readily available, suffice to say, if government made it mandatory, all they would have to do is advise the airlines to put in a question tab, e.g. DO YOU HAVE TRAVEL INSURANCE ? the indenting traveller would put in yes, then add the policy number and the ticket would be sent in the email, press no and then a message could flash across the screen, i.e. YOU REQUIRE TRAVEL INSURANCE to be able to purchase your ticket and a few drop down boxes can provide them with links to insurers, nothing is to hard if they really want to get serious about it. I have health insurance and I take out travel insurance when I travel, the latter is cheap and if one doesn't pay then I have an option to try the other, no point in being exposed so to speak and extra cover is a must as the Irish say; to be sure to be sure.
  7. Health insurance does cover repatriation, however health insurance is far more expensive than travel insurance, suffice to say those without health insurance, which are most, should opt for travel insurance. In other words most people rely on the NHS or Medicare in their home countries as they pay taxes (compulsory) and don't think twice about health insurance (private), so travel insurance is there, readily available, suffice to say, if government made it mandatory, all they would have to do is advise the airlines to put in a question tab, e.g. DO YOU HAVE TRAVEL INSURANCE ? the indenting traveller would put in yes, then add the policy number and the ticket would be sent in the email, press no and then a message could flash across the screen, i.e. YOU REQUIRE TRAVEL INSURANCE to be able to purchase your ticket and a few drop down boxes can provide them with links to insurers, nothing is to hard if they really want to get serious about it. I have health insurance and I take out travel insurance when I travel, the latter is cheap and if one doesn't pay then I have an option to try the other, no point in being exposed so to speak and extra cover is a must as the Irish say; to be sure to be sure.
  8. Some guys I know travel to Pattaya annually to get theirs because they say it's virtually impossible in BKK, that said, might be the alternative for you ?
  9. Tragic. My take on this is that governments should stop pussy footing around and make it mandatory for those travelling to their countries to have some kind of travel insurance. There is nothing negative about it and it lessons the burden on their families and others financially when things go terribly wrong. Besides, it's cheap and I have to say that I am seriously sick to the core of hearing people getting injured and or unfortunately dying without some kind of travel insurance cover at the least. They make people get PCR tests + + + for Covid which adds up excluding hotel stays, why not travel insurance with repatriation included as part of the policy, simple really if you ask me. RIP, taken too early, but goes to show, we never know when our numbers are up and we all should cover ourselves so that our loved ones don't have to suffer financially. I might sound harsh for a Sunday morning, but it is what it is and now his family can't even afford to pay his bills and get him home without others contributing, that said if he had travel insurance for a little amount of money, financial burden sorted.
  10. I fail to see your point, if they don't encourage people to go on holidays and spend, what do you think will happen to the balance of the hotels that a hanging on with a string, not to mention shop owners etc etc. It's unfortunate that people have become unemployed since this pandemic, no ones fault, but if the government doesn't keep doing things to improve people to go on holidays while waiting for international travellers to come back, there will be a hell of lot more unemployed. Unemployment is a fact of life, but they have to stimulate the economy so taxes are paid and the money moves on. I am doing my bit taking advantage of the We Travel Together offer with the wife and kids to spend money so it goes into other peoples pockets so they can remain being employed through businesses remaining open. Like I said, I don't see your point.
  11. Flirting yes, romance, no. All the way + ????
  12. 1988-2015 property industry contractor, liked the job up till 2006 when I came to Thailand, then in 2007 the industry changed with technology, and with that turnaround times went from 3 days to 24 hours and no secretary to do my typing and no assistant to do my research, suffice to say the pressure was on and my stress levels were on the rise, was doing 14-16 hour days, however managed to keep going on a 6 figure salary and retiring at 55 in 2015. Even though it was a 6 figure salary, it wasn't worth it, trust me, but I had my plan to move here, so hung in there. You needed a 6 figure salary just to survive as the cost of living was right up there and retiring at 55 came from some good real estate investments, not the salary, albeit the salary and the tax breaks helped service the mortgages, but the capital gains were where the money came from for me to retire early. Never regretted leaving, in fact, I now make money from other investments and don't have to pay taxes on it, but the strangest thing is, if I lived in the country I would have to pay taxes on it, go figure. The cost of living here is much cheaper than back home and I have never ever been so relaxed, which reminded me of something my old man once said to me when he saw the hours and days I was putting in for so long, along with my stress levels, he said, son I have been were you are coming from, don't get caught up in the gears because life is short, don't forget to live. He was retrenched at 55 with no pay out back in the days, so he didn't experience the lifestyle I am experiencing, but was content to live the remainder of his life not working for the man, till he reached 72. Those working, work because they have mortgages to pay off or kids to pay for in university etc, if they are fortunate to not have to contribute to any of the above, they are either married or just don't know how to change, if they at all want to, a bit like a caged chicken, same thing day in, day out laying eggs, if they could find a way out, some would, but I know a few wealthy people who make a lot of money, they don't need to work, but continue to kill themselves and complain along the way, holidays are unheard of as they would lose money being away from their businesses, so to me, their lives are lived the way they only know how to live them. Coming to Thailand in 2006 is when my life changed, I saw a way out, met the most beautiful and pleasant woman who I married and enjoy being with day in, day out, funny how things work out. Do I miss the old country, NO. Do I miss the 6 figure (4,400,000 baht salary) NO. The not missing the salary part might make some of you say I am crazy, but that's ok, I make enough from my investments to live a good life here and I have my money from my real estate investments, so it's either work to make or sit back and make enough to survive a comfortable life, after all before we all know it, life will be over for us all and I have been enjoying every single day of it since 2015, no amount of money can replace that and I will continue to do that as long as I am breathing.
  13. There are certain times of the year that I exercise outdoors and certain times I exercise indoors, it's just a matter of finding the balance, that said, I am in rural Thailand, so if I was for example in the big smoke, it would have to be indoors, but being in the country, I remain focused and look forward to the days that I can ride the bike for that hour taking in that fresh air, the scenery and the bugs, small snakes crossing the road, and the Soi dogs that want to have a go ????
  14. My thoughts exactly, as for 3 months, well I don't know about that with everyone masking up, sanitizing and staying away from others, e.g. kind of hard to catch the ball if your not on the field so to speak, that said the sooner this spreads, the better we all hope as we are all looking forward to getting back to life as we knew it. The above said, I can't see life returning to normal for a long time as the paranoia will always be there, people still wearing masks, sanitizing and staying away from crowds, hmmm, looking back having moved to this country 6 years ago and away from the big smoke might have been an omen for me, no complaints here ????
  15. The sooner they realise the spread of this variant might be the catalyst we have all been waiting for to knock Delta off, the better, can you imagine no more fearmongering, no more control, just the return of the flu. I see light at the end of the tunnel, or is that a big spot light blinding me ?
  16. LOL Got a even better deal on now as they had a promotion on when the wife was making the booking over the phone. The room was 3,780 per night and after using the We Travel Together App was reduced to 1,982 baht per night including breakfast and taxes, that's almost half, the app will also credit us with 600 baht per day to spend on food once we check in ???? Where else can you stay in a 5 star hotel for that kind of money and get money given to you to spend on your meals, happy days.
  17. Yup, will be booking ours with the hotel direct tomorrow, looks like they have reduced their prices, noting that a week before the "We travel together" 40% discount came into effect, they put their prices up 40%, and it looks like no one went....LOL So tomorrow we will be booking for 5 nights in January, in this 5 star hotel that we have stayed at before on the oceanfront for 2,245 baht per night with breakfast included after the 40% discount is applied, how cheap is that. Good thinks come to those that wait.
  18. It all depends on what your preference is of course, the younger the better IMO.
  19. One goes with the other, this is the price one has to pay to be with a younger woman which of course has it's many benefits, especially to the eye of the beholder.
  20. Perhaps you should read your first sentence again and take note. Regardless of societal COSTS, do you not realise governments waste millions of dollars on other stuff, so if the guy falls back on society, so what, I take it at 77 years of age he's more than likely worked and paid his taxes as opposed to others who come from other countries, pay no taxes and are a burden on societal COSTS, see my point ? Life is short and at 77 he ain't got much left in him so let him take whatever it is as I am sure his burden on societal COSTS would be shorter lived than others and I won't mention any races because that would be deemed discriminatory suffice to say if governments throw it away to them, then why not him who would have earned the right for society to throw something back to him. That is all I am saying.
  21. That is where had to stop reading, who gives a flying fk about society these days, just look at the mess the world is in today. Stop worrying about society and live your life and let others live theirs, it's that simple really.
  22. I bother because I love the freedom Thailand provides me with, immigration is a walk in the park, the cheap cost of living compared to back in my home country, building a big comfortable house for 1/10th the price compared to back in the old country, regardless if it's the wife's, not having to pay taxes from my investments, staying at 5 star hotels for half the price when I choose too, or even 3 stars, it's easy to get around, I could go on, but I know you missed what most of us already know that's why you probably don't live here ? 3 to 4 months is for those who can't afford to live here and have to work to come back again and again and again IMO, why bother, because of the need too ????
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