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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Yes, broker understood that the policy was becoming expensive, no deductibles on the plan and I was on the basic plan, that said, they don't cover you for less than 16 million USD, that is where the problem is, who wants 16 mil USD insurance, should insure one for less, and make the policy less, a win/win you would think. Broker is suggesting WRLifem however on the brokers webpage it states that they are new, haven't had much dealing with them and therefore couldn't guarantee them, lot of help that was. When I quizzed him on April about the 3.275 mil baht cover, he said too low, you need 16 million baht cover, sounds to me like someone wants a bigger slice of the pie.
  2. I truly must be missing this feeling jealousy as you call it because I cannot relate, however Uriah Heep I used to listen to when I was having full moons (trips) back in the day. Great band for that era.
  3. Someone should telling he's wearing the wrong mask
  4. Come to think of it, dementia slowly creeping in, your probably right.
  5. Understand, however Joyce, CEO of Qantas who I saw in a video on an Australian news channel did original state that no one would board a Qantas flight without a PCR test, he was beating his own drum saying it was for the protection of staff and passengers. I will admit, things change, however there was no mention in his original statement which I cannot find, time lapsing that it was a requirement of other countries. Totally understand airlines would have to tow the line with other countries requirements, otherwise there would be a heck of a lot of peed off customers. @Polar Bear
  6. https://www.qantas.com/au/en/coronavirus/pre-departure-testing-requirements.html
  7. With all due respect and sorry for your losses, it can be the toss of the coin. If I was to have what your father had, I would prefer to be treated in a private hospital here vs a public, would it prolong my life, maybe not, but I would want to be treated by those who in my opinion and from experience, speak English and show an interest and look for the causation of what you might have, e.g. prognosis vs playing with mobile and having no eye contact or speaking English, communicating with wife while still texting on mobile. As for the heart attack, had mine in 2008, stent inserted back in my homeland, lucky, yes, here it could be the roll of the dice if it occurs again, however I would want the best care possible if I survived another, hence the reason I pay private health insurance that covers my pre-existing condition. The above said, looks like I will have to forgo that pre-existing condition being covered when searching for another provider who wouldn't want to take both arms with the same increase my current provider wants. At the end of the day if one can afford private cover they are better off here, that is providing it is affordable, anything over 100k in my opinion isn't worth paying out and therefore self insuring, putting that money aside in the hope that nothing goes pear shape along the way, as I wouldn't want to have to dip into my own savings as it would put a dent in the rear if you get my drift. At the moment if I can find anything suitable, I will self insure and when the families policy comes up for renewal, I will also include them in the self insurance scheme of things, so 215k baht a year aside would amount to 1 mil in 5 years, lowering any potential dent if we get there without any hiccups.
  8. The reason, I presume is to keep hospitals at an acceptable level for the flu endemic.
  9. That's a good plan, however a little difficult when you have family here IMO.
  10. I would hate to think what Ricky Gervais would have have said, it's a night of entertainment, jokes are said, good taste, bad taste, Will Smith, you just lost everything.
  11. Good that you were given the heads up. As for the deductibles, it might only be for both inpatient and outpatient cover because I was told no deductibles with my cover, that was coming from the brokers mouth.
  12. As far as I can recall, the policy I had/have with David Shield/PassportCard is the essentials policy zone 3, inpatient cover only, and it covered my pre-existing condition of which I mentioned was an extra $60USD per month going back about 3 or 4 years, no doubt that has gone up as Sheryl has mentioned in another post, but I was never provided with a breakdown apart from when I first took out the policy about 3-4 years ago, x $ USD per month for policy and $60 USD for the pre-existing condition. When they send me the renewal, it is not broken down, it went like this in 2020 when it was due for renewal in May, a couple of months prior to my 60th birthday, so I was technically still 59 years old $2,325 USD, in 2021 it went to $3,690 USD when I fell into the 60-64 year bracket, and this year they are wanting $4,266 USD. I didn't expect premiums to go up every year, just outside the brackets, e.g. when going into a new bracket, like 60-64 and 65-69 and so on, but I was wrong about that wasn't I. My calculations for the two year period increase in percentage terms might be a bit out, e.g. 95% vs 85% when revisited in USD terms. I went online to see what the brake down was, but there was nothing, just $355 USD per month. At the end of the day it's about 400 baht per day or $5,507 AUS for inpatient cover with no deductibles, which is rich IMO, hence the reason I am not renewing with them.
  13. This is news to me, it is for inpatient only, no deductibles as far as I am aware with PassportCard.
  14. PassportCard or David Shield as they were know to me when I joined originally.
  15. In the UK he would have the NHS which is free, as is Medicare in Australia, i.e. unless you are referring to private cover which I never had back in my homeland as there was no need. You see as an emergency you are admitted straight away, as I was, under Medicare, private cover would be expensive back in my homeland, that said, there are other options, e.g. go on a waiting list if the procedure is not urgent, or pay for it to be done at a private hospital, I did this once, whereby my option was to wait a year of pay $6,000 and have it don in 3 weeks, I chose the later and also got to deduct 20c in the off my tax, in other words a $1,000 rebate.
  16. I don't believe 28,470 baht for 3,275,000 baht is expensive, even when you take out the pre-existing condition, if you recall, I did mention that the insurer I am with at the moment wants 142,908 baht to renew the policy and last time I checked the pre-existing cost was about 25,000 baht. The difference I believe is in the coverage, e.g. $16 million USD vs $1 million with April. I mean who needs $16 million coverage and not having the option for deductibles, that said, something is better than nothing, and deductibles allows you to reduce your premium and having some cover, sure the pre-existing condition goes out the window, but such is life, better having cover than not having cover in my opinion as you never know when that bus is going to hit yah so to speak.
  17. Thx Sheryl, yes I had a look at April Thailand this morning, if I am not mistaken, it was something like 28,470 baht per annum for 3,275,000 million baht coverage and the deductable was 327,500 baht, this was for hospitalisation only (inpatient). I never needed 16 million USD, but that is what came with the previous insurer who also covered my pre-existing condition, which I would forgo with April. There were other deductible amounts which made the policy still affordable, options, I like that. One size doesn't fit all, e.g. 40,672 baht for the same coverage with a deductable of 163,750 baht and so on. Also if I recall, they are good payers in the even of a claim, subject to everything being above board of course. I was referred to WRlife, however I don't know of them, however they only cover up to 800,000 baht and the cost for the policy is 92,251 baht with no deductibles, sounds steep to me.
  18. I lost 15.5kg by eating a sensible diet, that said, it was a mix of exercising as soon as I got out of bed, black cup of coffee first, just so I wouldn't fall off of the treadmill, which I would stay on for 45 minutes, these days you can do it for much less time doing HIIT. Add to the above not eating till 12pm and then again no later that 6pm, no carbs after 2pm is key. If you don't move, you don't lose as much as you should, I mean I can lose two kilo's in a month by just not eating before 12pm and again before 6pm. Weight or resistance training also helps to build muscle mass, protein shake before or after depending on your theory does help as well.
  19. Yah never take your eyes off of your kids, period !
  20. Your spot on. I gave them notice this morning that I wasn't renewing the policy, was also speaking with Wim at AA last year about the last increase and he appreciated where I was coming from and did suggest April, however I managed to negotiate a 15% reduction on last years policy with PassportCard and told him that I would revisit it next year, suffice to say, next year has arrived and am not looking to negotiate with them this year, it's become to expensive, especially when I combined my families health insurance plan with the other insurer, which will also be going up on January 1 as my wife will go into the next bracket. This new increase in my premium would take the current combined health plan premiums to 215k and that is for inpatient only, no outpatient, that we pay for out of pocket, if ever needed. One can appreciate its a business and they probably had to fork out a lot of money during the pandemic, but hey, I'm not going to pick up anyone else's tab and have put the 142,908 baht into a separate account to start self insuring. That said I also sent Wim an email and will see what he comes up with, more likely April, as I would be looking to take out the largest waiver they have, and I believe it's 50% ? Edit: It also looks like I will be going without cover on the pre-existing condition, I can handle that, but then again, it all depends on what is on offer and what the cost for the premium is.
  21. I don't see the relevance in naming the provider, however you are correct. As for the pre-existing condition, you are correct again, the extra premium if you recall is optional and was only $720 USD per annum or about 25,000 baht last I checked, no doubt that has also gone up.
  22. I just received an email from the private health provider that I am currently with advising me that the new premium for the upcoming year is going to be 142,908 baht should I wish to renew the policy, they stated that the increase was for reasons due to age 60-64 and world health costs, last year it was 105,395 baht, that's an increase of 35.6% year on year. My age is 61, and I recall when I was 59 the same cover cost me 73,408 baht, an increase of 43.6% year on year to my current annual policy which is coming up to expire in a month. When you do the math for the cost increase of the policy from 59 years of age, i.e. 73,408 baht to 142,908 baht at 61 now, that's an increase of 94.67% in 2 years, that said I am assuming that this is going to be an annual event of increase after increase to the policy, so best I get off the rocket. That is what I am thinking anyway, especially when I haven't made a claim. I knew increases came with age but looks like it's time for me to shop around for a new private health care provider with deductibles, at least that way it would appear more affordable as I am not interested in self insuring, which I could do, if I really had too. Open to any suggestions of inpatient private hospital providers who have had a fairly steady rise year on year and of course have a proven track record, e.g. pay out in emergency situations, if at all possible. I am a firm believer of private health coverage, however for a fair price, especially when no claims have been made, yes I know, it's not like car insurance ????
  23. Having all of those planes around the world sitting idle has made me weary of flying for at least a year to allow those cobwebs to clear up, so to speak. Now that they have found the 2nd black box, hopefully the cause can be revealed and not covered up like Malaysian flight MH370. RIP to all on board.
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