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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. It was being reported in a link to CNN tv via a Richard Barrow tweet that a second bomb had been diffused at the shrine just after the first bomb exploded. Why hasn't this been reported here? Or perhaps it has and simply been buried in the usual multifarious threads concerning a prominent news item. As per. In any case, if this is true, and CNN were live reporting it as such, then an 'act of terrorism' it surely is if it weren't plain before. The 'suspicious item' found today on Sumkhumvit is also worrying as it has been posited it may be a 'decoy' to lull people into a false sense of security before another 'real' one goes off. I believe this theory holds water, who carefully wraps a piece of rolled cardboard in plastic and duct tape just for the hell of it?

  2. Just had a visit from another falang and the same thing has happened to him . He had been here for 2 weeks and was merely making a visa enquiry at kap choeng immigration office and was asked why he had not reported on his arrival . He said he was unaware that it was a requirement . After sitting with the officers who completed his registration he had to pay 800 baht for late reporting .

    Funny how many times this '800 baht' 'fine', for whatever reason from 'late reporting' to 'not reporting residence' (the onus upon which is the housemaster anyway), all at Kap Cheong, is getting mentioned. The cynical would think that they'd all come up with yet another money making scam scheme during their som tam break. Of course I expect the ingenuous 'they're only doing their jobs/it's always been this way' along shortly coffee1.gif

  3. What is required is a "police the police" agency. An Independent Police Complaints Authority attached to the judiciary, that have powers to interrogate even the highest Police officers, and the power to charge law-breaking police officers. The IPCA should be very accessible to the public and to low and high ranking police officers, and all complaints should be on public record. The IPCA should investigate and charge in a very transparent way.

    Officers of the IPCA should be appointed by the judiciary, transparently, on qualifications and merit.

    No need for the complex system proposed. It's still old-boy network.

    It's a known fact, admitted by Prawit himself, that senior officers regularly cover up for their subordinates, so how do you believe any haha, 'independent' body would function any better. Remember where you are.

  4. See. You get it. Traveling the globe is about meeting people who are different. Not better. Not worse. Different.

    Think of all the stories you'd be missing out on if they all acted like the knobs back home.

    "Went to China and it was jam packed with people just like my neighbors back home..." What's the point?

    "Went to Thailand and hung out in a bar with a bunch of blokes from the next town over." Why bother with the flight?

    "Went to Thailand and saw a gorgeous babe drop trou and wiz all over a patch of weeds." Now there's a story.

    Oh they're different alright,

  5. Remind us again which nationality it was that the Thai tourist board deemed necessary to be handed published guidelines on unacceptable behaviour in public ?

    99% of the time, TAT is ridiculed here on TVF. Unless, of course, their actions support some agenda. I get the sense yours is one of those agendas.

    Aren't you a little embarassed to look to TAT to validate your disdain for the Chinese?

    I don't believe the TAT is needed to validate any disdain for the Chinese http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/uploads/monthly_08_2015/post-147745-0-14676400-1439547828_thumb.jpg Dear God ..

    Of the millions of Chinese tourists, I don't think photos of 2 of them can really be held out as representing the behavior of the other millions.

    Decorum (and the moderators) prevent me from posting pictures of the "preferred tourists" passed out in a puddle of their own vomit on the streets and beaches of Thailand.

    But I don't hold out that all Aussies, Brits and Yank tourists are drunken louts. Each group has its characters. Behavior we grow up with doesn't faze us when we travel overseas. That includes drunks passed out in their own mess. It doesn't include the odd behaviors of the Chinese, or the Russkies, or the Middle Easterners, or... But make no mistake, we all have our quirks and each group has its knotheads.

    Defend away! I do not believe any other nationality on the planet has been banned from a temple for defecating in it http://thediplomat.com/2015/02/thailand-tells-chinese-tourists-how-to-behave/ bah.gif Again.

  6. THE NATIONAL Legislative Assembly is considering attempts to improve the country's image through "quality tourism" strategies and further engaging international agencies to show that Thailand is transitioning to a democratic government.

    Ah, another day, another pair of wet pants cheesy.gif

  7. What is the big drive to get more Chinese tourists? They come in groups, rubber neck, take photos and get back on a bus, .. spend nothing and have no respect for Thai culture or customs. You'd be better to get back the European, Aussies, Americans and other Farang your rules and regulaztions chased away. They respect Thai ways and spend money

    Ho Ho Ho. I laugh on you. They treat Thailand as a sperm receptacle and a vomitoreum.

    Not all of them, mind you. But the Chinese I run into are more polite than the average Euro or Aussie or US tourist. (Canadians generally get high marks from me- so polite they're spooky)

    Of course, you won't even know they're Chinese if they blend right in... You only notice the knotheads.

    Remind us again which nationality it was that the Thai tourist board deemed necessary to be handed published guidelines on unacceptable behaviour in public ?

    99% of the time, TAT is ridiculed here on TVF. Unless, of course, their actions support some agenda. I get the sense yours is one of those agendas.

    Aren't you a little embarassed to look to TAT to validate your disdain for the Chinese?

    I don't believe the TAT is needed to validate any disdain for the Chinese http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/uploads/monthly_08_2015/post-147745-0-14676400-1439547828_thumb.jpg Dear God .. bah.gif

  8. The LED displays that seem to be popping up everywhere,are they not distracting ?

    the Dept of Land transport needs to lighten up a bit.

    regards Worgeordie

    I was taken aback when I first saw a massive one of these at a busy junction on phuket. I recently watched a doc on graffiti and it was pointed out that Joe Public didn't ask to be assaulted by huge advertising hoardings either. Everyone's supposed to just accept them as they're provided by businesses who've paid to pollute our urban spaces. Very good point.

  9. Assisted care has been tried many times here in Thailand. I was involved in a retirement village, assisted living com unity about 30 yerars ago in NE Thailand. Planned and researched, stopped when we could not get "qualified" "health workers" here in Thailand (those who wanted to take care of disabled and elderly people).

    Thai nurses don't want the jobs, immigration rules are a big hindrance for the assisted living people, most of which come from the Philippians

    We trained and qualified they are in demand all over the world, but not here where no one wants the job, but we don't want some one else doing it.

    Yes great potential but blocked at every juncture. Would be perfect in Cambodia or Vietnam also, not near as many hoops to jump through.

    Some time back I'd met another farang with ideas about making money out of taking care of elderly expats here. This was of course also shot down by the Thai authorities. There are Thai nurses willing to work in people's homes. These are referred by other Thais as stated in my post. Some of you should really get out of your little expat enclaves more.

  10. The Andaman Clinic in Chalong will be able to provide you with home nursing assistance. They are on the Chao Fa East Road about 200 meters past the Chalong Police Station on the right hand side next to the THMB Bank beside 'Beautyland' and the large pet store cat hospital.towards town. Hope this helps.

    I can't speak for Phuket, but I do know that there is a care home for elderly, mostly expatriate in Chiang Mai. I have never seen it, but heard form friends that it is very comfortable, the people are well looked after, but it is not cheap. If your friend is prepare to move to Chiang Mai and can afford it, it may be the right solution. Other than that, a proper nurse on a 12 hours basis would be OK.

    The OP states his friend would prefer assisted nursing at home, not being shunted up to an old people's home in Chiang Mai.

  11. They better hurry up and rework the whole visa system.

    The econony is tanking big time.

    Another nail in the coffin was the announcement today by Virgin that they are no longer flying to Phuket.

    I often fly Phuket/Jakarta with Air Asia and yesterday I checked on ticket prices. Although it has not been announced, AA has also cut all flights to Phuket from Jakarta.

    Virgin is no longer flying to Bali either. The economies of many countries are 'tanking big time' Vietnam for instance is touting one year visas for americans to boost their tourism. Having said all that, the junta aren't helping, the weakening baht, might.

  12. Seems a little strange doesn't it, in a land with little to no regard for the law, and almost as little enforcement, that adherence to juvenile rules should be viewed as important and in many cases enforced through bullying, coercion and even with penalties applied in one for or another for non-conformance!

    Surely 'conformance' should be complete anathema to students.

    Ah well, there's the 'Law' and 'The Law of The Jungle'. Draw your own conclusions coffee1.gif

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