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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. This invasion of Europe the subsequent occupation has to be checked and halted. The destruction of European culture, lifestyles, economies and individual freedoms,the choice of religious beliefs and sexual preferences will be the victims if this invasion is allowed to continue.

    Now we are seeing the first mutterings of discontent and possible actions are being seen to come for the old Slavonic states region.

    That region had experienced the delights of a Muslim occupation and the interpretation of the words of the Prophet by the more rabid less well educated and civilised followers of the Prophet a few centuries back.

    They, the old Slavonic peoples saw their peoples enslaved, tortured and murdered, women and young girls turned into breeding machines so as to reinforce the gene pool, pedophilia was the pastime of many of the faithful in their distorted beliefs.

    Then came our old friend, Europe's savior, ''Vlad the Impaler'' better known as Dracula.

    How his deeds and name have been distorted over the centuries to hide that which in realty he actually did. His actions led to the overthrow of the occupiers they were treated to the same barbaric actions that they practiced and it worked

    Europe was saved and the Slavonic states were liberated.

    Perhaps a new updated Vlad the Impaler, Dracula is emerging and we will see that character rising from the ashes in the current Slavonic region.

    This invasion must be halted or all is lost, European culture lifestyles will be but a memory that will be erased from memory by the Imans and their blind to the truth P.C. fiends friends.

    Wake up Europe before it is too late and you are being warned and if you don't act you will be swallowed in to the quicksand of religious intolerance and insanity.

    Not sure I go along with the Vlad bit, but am deeply depressed at the thought of the various countries of Europe having their culture swamped any further by another's diametrically opposed, intolerant one. Fang's for the post biggrin.png

  2. Unfortunately you didn't. My previous company allowed me to get Bupa and I paid a 200USD per month premium. My company was purchased 2 years ago and the only option was Muang Thai (no premium). My wife saw it and almost broke into tears. Beside the surgery I had a couple procedures, but the total annual payment is only around 200k baht per person. Nothing like Bupa. If I were in any position to chose I would never chose anything but Bupa. Not only that the greatest portion of my premium was for my 2 year old daughter, for everyone else it was considerably less.

    Look into Bupa first, then anything else.

    Hi, yes then this is indeed very sad. Buba i see with for example IMG as very good. I think if you have like 500'000$ (15'000'000 Baht) would already be quite nice and in my opinion enough. I found some insurance which give you this cover and are cheaper than for example Buba.

    What I see important:

    • Live time garantee, not that they will kick you out with 65 or 70 years of aga
    • good coverage (minimum 16'000'000 Baht per year) for this with a lifetime coverage sum i guess 5'000'000$ (160'000'000 Baht) also should be OK
    • monthly rates which are payable (and not that the rates for over 65 years will increase dramatically) I like to see the rates for different ages.
    Outpatient i am not sure how important this is? because most bigger problems will be handled inpatient. But maybe if you have a bad sicknes which not need inpatient but still have to pay a lot for medicine (maybe some kind of cancer, ...) then would be good to have this as wel... still considering...

    HampiK, do you remember that old saying 'buyer beware'?. I think they must have been referencing insurance or used car sales!?

    Jokes aside...I wanted to contribute my recent experience with BUPA. My partner and I purchased BUPA Platinum cover, and we opted not to take the Outpatient Cover because we were primarily concerned with having emergencies covered.

    Unfortunately we experienced an emergency soon afterwards when I fell ill with food poisoning so my partner hauled me off to our local private hospital. We had only just initiated the policy and paid for it in full on friday, so we did not have a BUPA card to present on the Sunday we went hospital. The nurse who greeted us at the hospital directed us to the Internal Medicine counter. I saw a nurse who checked my vital signs. Followed quickly by a consultation with a GP who was concerned I may have had Appendicitis. She ordered a blood test and an ultrasound. I also saw a Surgeon for a physical examination. Once the Surgeon determined my appendix was fine I was referred back to the GP. The GP wrote a report and a prescription, I had it filled and dashed back home. In the middle of the tests and consultations I rang BUPA and was treated very poorly by a rather officious Customer Service Representative. He gleefully informed me that I did not have a policy because the policy number the Assistant Branch Manager had told me to quote did not exist. To which he added that I could not just present in hospital and ask for blood tests and such without having Outpatient Cover. I tried in vain to explain that I simply did not ask for any tests, these were what the GP requested. Trust me, I could think of 100 other things I would rather have spent 3 hours doing on a Sunday morning had I been feeling fit and healthy! I also attempted to submit a claim at the hospitals insurance counter. But again the policy number was not recognised there either. So, next business day we went to our local BUPA office to discuss what had happened with the Assistant Branch Manager. I was informed that because the policy was less than 30 days old we could not claim on anything other than an accident. Again, I attempted to explain that I could not afford to wait 30 days lest I die from food poisoning at home while waiting for my policy to be ready to claim on. Again, we were met with indifference regarding what constitutes an emergency according to BUPA, and given superfluous photocopies of policy documentation, which we all ready had, specifically to underline that we shouldn't bother trying to claim in this instance. It is also worth mentioning that it was pretty embarrassing telling hospital staff that I had insurance that did not actually exist at that point in time, despite the fact that we had paid in full for our policy 2 days prior, and been given the policy number to quote.

    We were very disheartened by all of this as it seems emergency only refers to accident. My advice would be that you had better arrive at hospital in an ambulance if you don't have BUPA Out Patient cover!

    I've no doubt that BUPA are probably one of our best options here. Just be very careful which policy you decide upon, because they don't come cheap. I do regret not asking more specific questions.

    Your case is simply one of tough luck. You were inside the 30 days. Next time, simply take some Cyfloxin.

  3. Taking into consideration all of the horror stories relating to insurance companies here (I know of at least two BUPA cases - one a broken arm, another cancer, where those supposedly fully insured, weren't), and looking at the Thailife linked above, I feel the best way to go is a combination of basic pa/health insurance and self funding, as some other posters have. I really don't see the point in flogging out astronomical sums each and every year for coverage which may not be forthcoming, nor a 'bank' thousand+ basic/worthless. The combo option, IMV, appears to be the best option.

    The only sure thing about the insurance 'horror stories' on ThaiVisa is that you only get to hear one side of the story.

    Perhaps you are unable to comprehend my post? ''I know', not 'I read on some internet forum' huh.png

  4. In the 10 years I have been in Thailand, I have heard absolutely nothing from Thammasat University which I would consider to be 'pro democracy'.

    They are a disgrace to the principles of education and what a university should be.

    Just a very quick google found this https://www.facebook.com/anthony.cartalucci/posts/1548006848808717

    Meanwhile, today's BP runs a headline article with selfie taking Prayuth declaring ex pat Thai protesters gearing up for demonstrations against this coup ahead of his meeting at the UN in New York, have already been labeled 'red shirts'. 'Goose' and 'gander' spring to mind.

  5. That restaurant owner must have some big connections. Immigration officers plus 4 Kathu police needed to get these criminals. I would also want to pose proudly behind these hardened criminals and smile knowing that I've made Thailand a safer place. After all, it's a well known fact that those who are accused of cheating on a restaurant bill are likely to kill.

    criminals ?cheesy.gif

    The poster was being sarcastic. I would have thought a Glaswegian would know that.

  6. I can't wait to see how he will react to real questions instead of rehearsed ones and when he gets cross examined in the questioning or is asked for explanations with which he is put on the spot. Their have been several times it has happened already and he has not shown a very good manner or response to that. When it happened here though he berated the reporters whereas he won't be able to do this at a UN meeting.

    Who are gonna be his translators? I don't think he speaks any decent English..... rolleyes.gif

    Maybe he could call upon one of the hundreds of Thai expats waving anti junta placards outside the building biggrin.png

  7. I guess I'm wondering, how could it benefit Thailand not to get help form Turkey? It may seem like a naive question, but as much as nationals from there have been implicated it is amazing that none of the suspects have been verified?

    They don't want anything to do with an investigation which will very likely show up China in general and Thailand in particular as being responsible for the bombing of Bangkok as a result of the internationally condemned forced repatriation of the Uighurs. 'Please make it go away, please make it go away ..' Time for an Ostrich emoticon.

  8. Taking into consideration all of the horror stories relating to insurance companies here (I know of at least two BUPA cases - one a broken arm, another cancer, where those supposedly fully insured, weren't), and looking at the Thailife linked above, I feel the best way to go is a combination of basic pa/health insurance and self funding, as some other posters have. I really don't see the point in flogging out astronomical sums each and every year for coverage which may not be forthcoming, nor a 'bank' thousand+ basic/worthless. The combo option, IMV, appears to be the best option.

  9. I really dont understand why they had to lie all the time like this with the numbers and figures?

    They believe it keeps the natives less restless. However, the poster citing his som tam lady sucking it up, together with my Thai professor neighbour don't work in the tourist economy and believe everything coming out of Prayuth's mouth. The Thais working the little local tourist businesses currently going to the wall, not so much.

  10. If you can openly write an article like this one and not get 7 days AA the situation can't be all bad! whistling.gif

    Front page of the BP reporting Pravit, one of the Nation's senior reporters just been hauled in for this 'attitude adjustment' again. Given Prayuth's stating 'there's a limit to his forgiveness' in this article, I would be very concerned if I were working on any newspaper right now. Really, some of you frogs still sitting in the warm water waiting for the boil dry.png

  11. Why only two days per month? Make it policy every day (yeah I know, TIT ;-) and/or charge an extra 5-10 baht per bag if they "need" it. Start by cracking down on 711s who set the worst example for conspicuous plastic bag abuse.

    This was my first reaction on reading this two days per month stipulation, but on reading this posted reason why, and knowing the locals as I do, this 'easing them into it' idea is a very good one. From past experience all attempts at clamping down hard on anything here are fiercely resisted, unless you have a tank, so the 'frog in the slowly boiling water approach' should be far more effective. We shall see.

  12. "...Our country has clear rules and we have to follow the rules..."

    That begs the question; are rules set forth by an illegal, non-elected government lawful? Especially if these rules impinge on the very values and foundation of a Democratic society? What we have is "rule of law" as it existed in the day of the caveman. If you have the power then all those without power must bow down to your rule; right or wrong. It is not good for the people, but it is very good for those in power.

    It's a fair point.Speaking hypothetically and without any reference to Thailand and in an entirely general sense, if a group seizes power illegally by force of arms, it follows any way of removing that clique is permitted ( including non violent force).

    You don't mean ...? Nah. No oil coffee1.gif

  13. You should do what I am going to do. Just ignore this thread. It is only a click bait cash cow for TV anyway. Look at the threads back when the protests were on. Hundreds of thousands of hits for TV, foreigners arguing and hating on other foreigners, hundreds of pages of BS and speculation...and when the dust settles, Nothing, absolutely nothing has changed. Just ask yourself, am I still happy here or not. Then structure your affairs around your answer.

    Not to mention the multi threaded panic induced visa changes/everyone's getting kicked out after 90 days overstay 'news' that wasn't last year. Posters should've wised up by now ..

    Of course it's click bait or it would be in the proper forum and not parked in the one with the largest percentage of 'views'. Cynical much?

  14. Thailand just keeps biting itself in the ass. If these visa exempt crossing are legal why stop them? Always blame the foreigner for Thailand problems. If your immigration people weren't so corrupt you wouldn't have the problem you have. Just wait and see tourist numbers will drop and TAT will say that it will not affect tourism. BS

    but we still keep coming back. If los were to be efficient like Singapore would you really want that? Thailand would lose its charm(bargirls).

    Au contraire, and I understand I am in the minority on this forum in believing my quality of life would improve considerably if the euphemistically named 'bar girls' were to have charges laid against them of the prostitution they are engaged in and were to be made to find alternative ways of making a living (always amazes me the fact of their illegality flies straight over the heads 'midst the hangers and floggers sanctimonious mongers on here), thus causing a mass exodus of the less savory elements/old farts here.

    Cue 'Thailand needs my bar fine/Chang money' or would be rendered a penniless backwater' crew.

    BTW Your username suggests Thailand shouldn't have appealed to you anyway .. laugh.png

  15. ISIL distributed over 100,000 fake Turkish passports in Thailand and Malaysia to aid the Uighurs and financed the smuggling ring.

    Until this can be linked to in the mainstream media, it is nothing other than a conspiracy theory and will continue to be removed.

    The story is not so far fetched given this http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/08/growing-concern-over-trade-in-fake-and-stolen-syrian-passports

    If there's a burgeoning trade in fake Syrian passports, it's not much of a stretch there's a demand for Turkish ones also. And given where we are, fake passports hardly 'news', is it.

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