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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. Abstain. It's too early to say. Until we know who did the BKK bombs, there can be no way to judge if it is a harbinger of more to come.


    The most likely perpetrators of the deadly Bangkok bombing last week were militant members of a right-wing Turkish organization infuriated by the Thai government’s forcible repatriation of Uighur refugees back to China. Anthony Davis, a veteran security analyst with IHS-Jane’s, made a persuasive case for the Grey Wolves on a panel at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand Monday evening.

    Having taken the time to educate myself on the Grey Wolves it's so obviously them. Attack on a religious shrine with lots of Chinese milling about in a famous capital city of a country much criticised for their forcible and ignoble repatriation of their compatriots. The problem for the Thais is how on earth to deal with them? We are all well aware of the consequences of any retaliation, just more of the same, and in this case from a far more sophisticated outfit than the Thais have ever been used to. What to do? Lie low and pray it doesn't happen again's my best bet.

  2. "The first mission, said the prime minister, is to help ease the hardships of the farmers and the low income-earners so that they can struggle through the economic hard time." I think they can struggle through the hard times without the government lending a hand.

    What about making it easier for farang to own and operate a small or medium business in LOS? I want to expand my Aussie business into Asean in a farang friendly country. There's 25 + million baht just to start.

    What about allowing a farang to own one rai of land to build the family home on? I'd pump 6 or 7 million baht into that alone.

    Maybe those thing will be announced in the coming weeks!

    China announced today they are easing their foreign property investment rules to help revive their flagging economy so who knows? Wouldn't bet on it though. China big country with less attractive property market. Thailand much smaller and uber nationalistic.

  3. What about offering a serious reward?

    There are some criminals being sought with rewards up into the millions of USD.

    With enough money offered, even one's mother may call the police.

    What? 10 million baht (last I heard) not enough? Pfft. And in any case, any Thai on the street would have about as much of a clue as how to spot and deal with an international terrorist as the current admin.

  4. Who said the Grey Wolves weren't active now? Both they and tourism are mentioned in this clip

    I'm coming around to the Uighur theory. In my previous posted video on Chinese suppression of the muslims, together with the Uighur mowing down/blowing up Han Chinese, wanting to send 'a message around the world', attacking Koreans in Turkey thinking they were Chinese, aided and abetted by Thailand's notorious incompetence .. Ta da!

  5. Ok, I know I am going to get flamed but here goes. I for one do not think that what has become known as a Western democracy is right for Thailand; at least at the moment. However, my reasoning is at odds with the current government's and their cronies. There is no doubt in my mind that the govt. is trying to return Thailand to a mythical ' Golden Age', based upon the idea that the elite possess the the right to govern. The reason Western democracy will not work in Thailand is because Thailand is still a feudal state. Sure it exhibits all the trappings of a developing country but the core beliefs and importantly operational functioning of Thai society is based upon allegiances to someone higher up the 'food chain'. These allegiances are are almost tribal in the way power is organised and distributed throughout Thai society.

    So, until such time as these feudal power bases are completely abolished...Thailand is not ready for a Western style democracy. Unfortunately the model currently being proposed will only disenfranchise millions of Thais.

    What you're describing is exactly the same as the West BEFORE democracy was bitterly and bloodily fought for and won. The citizens subjects of this country have been forever denied their opportunity to work towards democracy and the overwhelming majority have been kept so ignorant and cowed it's unlikely they will ever have one. Don't be so patronising.

  6. She could have chosen any career and been successful. She is attractive and charismatic, and smart enough for most lines of work. When her brother, a convicted criminal, twisted her arm into running for PM as his replacement, little jingly alarm bells should have been ringing in her head. When the emails arrived telling her to get him an amnesty and new passports and lay the preparations for his glorious comeback, she should have said no, three times.

    I'm sure that if I met her in a business setting, I would like her. She should have pursued that line of work instead. I don't think she is a bad person at all, but she made some huge and snowballing mistakes because of her misplaced loyalty to her brother, an unsurpassed corrupting influence.

    What utter tosh 'misplaced loyalty to her brother', she was the only one left, all Taksin's other puppets already having been routed, and who was to fill in for him? His spotty little not-yet-of-age son? No little noodle head 'sis' was all he had left. And please don't tell me she did it out of any familial feeling, she got a LOT of shopping and free first class all expenses paid trips abroad on the back of this and a hefty top up of her bank balance to boot. Hubris got her the same as her 'brother'. Beeatch. Just because you don't like the juna (many of us who haven't completely lost the plot don't) does not a Joan of Arc make. Greedy cow.

  7. Tourism-spend down ... so much for the focus on 'high-quality tourists' then ! facepalm.gif

    Although Chiang Mai has seemed quite busy, for low-season, in my recent experience. And there are still lots more flights to/from China, than we had only a couple of years back, so demand there must have increased ?

    Perhaps try to encourage businesses to offer better value-for-money, and get the TAT to try to encourage lower-spending longer-staying tourists, once again ?

    And ease the restrictions at Immigration, show that Thailand does want visitors, and won't throw needless barriers in their way anymore.

    Dream on.

  8. "And our in-depth investigations reveal that foreigners of unknown nationality came to Thailand in 2011"

    Have a word with TAT I'm sure they can shed some light on that little gem?

    As for the bombing technique being "taught by foreigners" Really? It requires foreign brains to put a pipe bomb in a bag, leave the bag at the chosen location and then walk away and detonate? Wow In a round about way that it actually quite insulting to Thais. The fact they woudl have to be taught something so bleedin obvious.

    Personally i reckon it was more likely someone Thai - simply because the tuk-tuk driver only charged him 20 baht for the ride.


  9. Whatever....it must be a foreigner and it must be a foreign designed bomb......!

    I don't remember there being any news of the bombs detonation technique or anything being found......but, they did clean the site pretty fast...!

    Really clutching at straws now, mentioning someone that came to Thailand 4 years ago to teach bomb making training......why didn't they stop them then?

    Ah Jesuz I can't bear the thought of running into my uber nationalistic Thai neighbour today. The dog will just have to do without his walk .. facepalm.gif

  10. Odd how every time a topic on anything deemed esoteric is raised on here the overwhelming majority just can't seemed to resist repeatedly posting their usually ignorant, views debunking said topic. Anyone would think they really needed to reaffirm their uninformed position/stance. There's no other explanation for their not simply thinking 'oh this topic doesn't interest me' and going on to something else coffee1.gif Is there.

    There's nothing " esoteric" about astrology.......it's bunkum.

    I rest my case.biggrin.png

  11. give me the winning lottery numbers then I'll believe in Astrology ...

    as for the planets ... I only know uranus giggle.gif

    Fruitcake central now at TV, man didnt walk on the moon but astrology is real.............blink.png

    Odd how every time a topic on anything deemed esoteric is raised on here the overwhelming majority just can't seemed to resist repeatedly posting their usually ignorant, views debunking said topic. Anyone would think they really needed to reaffirm their uninformed position/stance. There's no other explanation for their not simply thinking 'oh this topic doesn't interest me' and going on to something else coffee1.gif Is there.

  12. Tell that to Fern and the thousands of others paying higher bribes than ever


    Article sums it up. What happened was that on seizing power all players held their collective breaths and adopted a wait and see attitude, they then simply exhaled and put the prices up. Nothing's changed. How could it when there's been no overhaul of their bureaucracy. All of it including judiciary and police reform. Perhaps they like it exactly the way it is. For some reason.

  13. They can't be that short of money and funding if they have sufficient for this. Here was me reading that the cut in their budget was desperately affecting their ability to function properly and have enough resources........

    I agree. What with this and the proposed old lottery offices being turned into a museum solely dedicated the king, one wonders just how short of funds for essentials such as infrastructure and revamping old buses instead of buying new ones, ad infinitum, they really are.

  14. The ex-american expert above sees: "carnage on the roads and streets" and it's only "easy girls that draw the crowds"

    Could you let us know where the carnage filled streets and roads that you walk down are located? Or do you puke up what you see on your idiot box television? How boring and unoriginal your conversations must be.

    Where are the bars filled to the rim with these tourists looking for easy girls?

    Do tell.

    You never been to Phuket then ermm.gif

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