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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. If she offers a reward, the police would have solved it yesterday and caught all 9 seperate burgarly teams and their associates.

    There. The first post and condoning the corruption everyone rants against on this forum. In other news, a migrant worker has filmed a cop extorting money from other migrant workers on a train and taking him to task for it. Good on these brave people for taking a stand. And shame on you hypocritical 'just roll over' farang. I'm guessing I won't ever see your user names on yet another all-Thais-are-corrupt thread coffee1.gif

  2. In 2010 a certain general showed what he was prepared to to do with those elements of the army which he could trust.

    That is what is keeping the lid on

    (JAG, Post #19 above)

    You may be right.

    I would argue however that 'force of arms' is not the primary reason for this. Nobody is talking about guns 'n such.

    It is their ability to incarcerate people on a whim.

    Their is no appetite for confronting a trained military. Especially from membership of the UDD, which is approximately 80% Female, never mind a political organization like the PTP. Anyone who suggests otherwise is seeking to demonize them with self-serving ulterior motives.

    But their ability to apprehend, arrest and detain indefinitely that cuts across all sectors of civilian society, with a judiciary in their pocket......Mothers, old people, students, you name them....That is where their real power lies.

    That is certainly very much part of, possibly most of it.

    Their demonstrated willingness to kill ruthlessly is the backstop which they hope will allow them to continue their oppression unopposed.

    If you like (although like is an unfortunate word in this context) it was the act which set the context for how they govern.

    Rather as the Thamassat University massacre set the context for the 70s and 80s?

    I agree, but with the caveat that the situation now is nothing like that of even ten years ago. Now news spreads rapidly via social media which is immediately picked up by international mainstream sources. They simply wouldn't get away with it, the story of the police giving themselves three million baht for the arrest of a suspect with no actual conviction as yet, proves just how blithely unaware of how they in particular and Thailand in general, are perceived on the world stage. Or perhaps they simply don't care. Their arrogance and hubris points to the latter.

  3. If Thailand didn't want to get involved in this they should have honored their United nations obligations and passed the Uighur to Turkey.

    The events that came about can't be condoned. However, remember many of those people sent back will at least be in labour camps forever at best. Many will have been executed.

    The Chinese state has no time for Uighur.

    By sending them back, the Thais were sentencing many to death.

    I do find it odd that the usual 'must abide by the laws/treaties' stance on this forum has given way to emotion on this subject. The FACT is, Thailand should have honoured it's signing of the Human Rights Treaty and not have sent anyone, Uighurs included, back to the persecution from which they were fleeing. The international condemnation on this issue should have given you a clue. So enough with the anti Islam rhetoric, with which I have a lot of sympathy BTW. This was simply very very wrong, much alike the shooting to death of 13 Catholics on Bloody Sunday was, resulting in twenty long years of the bombing of mainland England.

  4. Negative inflation? I call BS on that!

    The only thing that is cheaper that I purchase is petrol and that even lags behind the market rate.

    Normal supermarket items at Big C, Lotus and Makro, food courts, restaurant and misc items are MORE than last year.

    Thai logic. Sales are down, not so many customers....put up prices.

    We;ll, it's not good marketing logic, but it is the closest Thais will come to being able to do arithmetic.

    Profits down because fewer customers.

    Therefore, to maintain profits while having fewer customers. each customer must pay more.

    Ergo, prices go up. Plus a little extra to pay for the calculator needed to divide 4 by 2.

    In general, if you think from the perspective of observing an IQ of about 80, understanding of what at first glance seems daft follows quite quickly.

    Nah, it's just their flat out mindset on every damn thing. Couldn't get 4 million for your scrappy little plot of land last year? Put it up to six this year. Muppets.

  5. There's nothing quite like a good ole TV lynch mob to hand out justice is there?

    Can there really be anyone who believes that the RTP managed to earn their reward and catch two of those actually involved with the bombing? Or is it more likely they "stumbled" literally onto an unrelated gang smuggling people through Thailand?

    Are any of the photos of bomb making equipment shown by RTP legit?

    Can we believe that the bomber conveniently kept his phone that he used on CCTV at Erawan shrine so police could confirm it was the one used?

    At what point are statements of "fact" by the RTP enough for you all to have already convicted these two guys?

    They aren't, but that won't stop the ignorant hang 'em high brigade, who are everything wrong with this world.

  6. Sorry, but why? Unless the NCPO thinks all foreigners are criminals - in which case this is both a racist and stupid directive.

    Doesn't immigration hold this data already on long term stayers via the 90 report?

    True...but millions stay less than 90 days...and the government would have no idea, otherwise, of where those people were..

    Especially the bad ones, that fly in to do their dirty work/get fake passports...and then leave quickly.

    Having already bribed Immigration Officials.

  7. Really? Who is this muppet anyway? Who died and made him God? Remarkably silent on the nation's biggest terrorist threat to date and then when the junta think they've safely pacified the populace with their bungling and obfuscation, the police having shamelessly bribed themselves with three million baht, so far, and openly this time, (I mean they can can't they, who's going to stop them?) They wheel this old fraud out again to back up their continuing illegitimacy. This self proclaimed 'reforming' 'government'? And just who are they? Is it beginning to dawn on anyone yet they're just a bunch of thieves in khaki with bigger guns? This country's screwed.

  8. Toany

    The problem at this point in time is the majority of slaughter is by Muslims of other Muslims. The result of that is a huge Muslim humanitarian crisis with people trying to flee the violence to safer countries. Will these countries take the refugees in or not? Or risk importing extremism?

    This will be an unfolding story with serious consequences as to how it is handled. This I see as more to be immediately alarmed about than Dr.Tanay's (so called) prophesy, which sounds very reasonable but I felt had a political agenda.

    The fact is It is uncertain how Dr.Tanay's name became attached to this internet viral circulation but largely considered to be a hoax. Dr.Tanay was not even German but Lithuanian. It also was attributed to William J Haynes, Defense council of Bush's war on terror.But It seems to have originated from the blog of Paul E Marek.

    What you are doing is promoting that and asking TV members to be involved in chain mail. You should Google your references first unless of course you already know and have your own agenda.

    Does the provenance really matter? I'd heard a German woman being interviewed express exactly the same thing. 'We didn't know. We weren't paying too much attention at the time'.

  9. Well, thanks for the replies. Tried holding the button longer but no difference. Not prepared to take a drill to the damn thing and call out almost as expensive as computer so will just have to suck it up. Another odd thing is that the later in the day I try to fire it up, the shorter the waiting time. It had already occurred to me moisture might be the problem so wrapped it in plastic one night, no difference. Short of never turning the bloody thing off, will just have to wait out it's sulk. Thanks.

  10. whistling.gif Here is my problem.

    I registered for the free windows 10 upgrade.

    When it was available I downloaded and up came windows 10.

    Two weeks later I decided it was not for me and went back to windows 8.1.

    All that appeared to work fine.

    I am now running windows 8.1 again.

    That appears fine.

    However, I am still receiving message that my free upgrade to windows 10 is now available and I should download my "free" windows 10 upgrade

    I have turned off automatic updates and selected 'let me manually chose the updates to download from Microsoft."

    That works fine

    But I am still receiving the notice that my 'free windows 10 update is available , and I should download it."

    I want to download any valid updates for windows 8.1 and NOT the update to windows 10

    Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this annoying Microsoft malware notice?

    Microsoft apparently treats any windows 10 updates as more important than a windows 8.1 update and automatically installs that windows 10 update..... no matter what I tell them to do.

    There must be a way to turn off....de-register my registration for the free windows 10 upgrade once and for all.

    But where is that ?

    I'm still getting that bloody 'Your free Windows 10 is ready for download' each and every day even though I never registered for it and never will. most 'updates' IMHO never actually are. You'll either have to simply give in or keep clicking the little cross at the top right hand corner. Like wot I do biggrin.png

  11. I don't get it. Why would a people smuggling gang draw attention to themselves by committing such a vile act and bring the weight of the worlds law enforcement agencies against them. Surely if there were problems moving people you would just re-think your method of moving them.

    Edit. IMO there has to be a better explanation than this one.

    I agree, but there's a very good opinion piece in today's BP written by a foreign terrorism expert as to how they could be related. He also sets out a far more plausible scenario surrounding the bombing than any of the codswallop coming out of the 'authorities'.

  12. I don't get it. Why would a people smuggling gang draw attention to themselves by committing such a vile act and bring the weight of the worlds law enforcement agencies against them. Surely if there were problems moving people you would just re-think your method of moving them.

    Edit. IMO there has to be a better explanation than this one.

    I agree, but there's a very good opinion piece in today's BP written by a foreign terrorism expert as to how they could be related. He also sets out a far more plausible scenario surrounding the bombing than any of the codswallop coming out of the 'authorities'.

  13. Wait up, folks. As the police chief was speaking, it was translated to me that he was releasing the money to the investigation team to be paid out to informants as they see fit.

    Word of warning, don't rely on any 'translation' your Thai wife gives you, however well you believe she speaks English. As my Aussie neighbour has finally woken up and smelled the coffee to .. They all talk utter tripe.

  14. Which border crossing?

    I'm unsure of the name since I went as part of a tour. it's a land crossing.

    Now your sounding like a troll.

    Get the name of the border crossing. It's not rocket science or crawl back under your rock and stop wasting the time of genuine TVF members who are trying to help you.

    This is sounding spookily alike the infamous 'Stuck at airport' thread after the junta's crackdown-that-never-was last year, which ran multiple click bait pages until posters either sussed or got bored and left.

    • Like 2
  15. I stupidly replaced my old Acer with a new one just a couple of months back. The power button is now playing up every morning. It won't fire up until it's been pressed for at least a zillion times over the course of around thirty minutes, during which time my morning's meditation is proving more and more an exercise in futility biggrin.png I remember having this problem years back with my old one and a search had thrown up someone having contacted Acer who said 'This just seems to happen now and again, we don't know why, but it will pass' blink.png Given that Acer had already acknowledged this problem, you would have thought they'd have sorted it out by now, silly me.

    I'm guessing I'm not alone in this, given the phrase 'notorious problematic power button with Acer' frequently popping up. Anyone else? And how did you deal with it other than waiting out (from memory) the one to two months before it decided to stop acting up? Thanks.

  16. “As for details, I’d prefer not to disclose them now, because it may make our work difficult, and it will alert other perpetrators in the same network.”

    But we'll be sure to update you just as soon as we are privy to the foreign investigators whose help we reluctantly had to accept in the end, let us know what they've found next.

    Anyone believing the Thais uncovered the terrorist cell all by their little selves is seriously deluded. What part/s of the usual multiple threads on this topic rightly pointing up the ineptitude of the local authorities did you miss w00t.gif

  17. Wait, you're planning a major move from the other end of the country and you're asking for advice on an expat forum? How much is AirAsia CNX/HKT nowadays anyway? coffee1.gif

  18. Shocking. So many sick people in this world. Worse than animals.

    I do wish people would stop this ignorant comparing with 'animals', of which you are one, BTW. "They are animals'', 'Worse than animals'. You have it the wrong way around! angry.png Animals, the non homo sapien kind, simply use their consciousness in a more focused way, unlike the human species who can find a million different ways to exact cruelty on all species including themselves.

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