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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. The first mistake was taking migrants rescued from boats on to Europe instead of returning then

    there port of embarkation. The second was Angela Merkel/Germany has fanned the flames. It may

    suit Germany because of demographics to welcome 500,000 immigrants a year for the next

    20 years but not the rest of Europe. All-100% of these migrants should be provided a train

    of bus ticket directly to Germany. This is a German problem as Germany has fanned the flames.

    When a couple of million migrants show up on the door, maybe Merkel will regain the plot.

    Britain's policy of funding refugee camps in conflict zones neighbouring countries, and accepting

    a limited number of the most vulnerable refugees makes infinitely more sense. When things

    settle they can then return. This may not be politically correct, but for me this is the direction

    this should go.coffee1.gif

    Whilst I agree with the thrust of your post, does anyone truly believe these people would return to their native lands after having been granted asylum in a First World country replete with welfare benefits? Seriously? And whilst I keep seeing these numbers of between 500,000 to 800,000 every year, have they all been rendered incapable of giving birth/redirected their multi birth culture? And will these predominantly Muslim peoples assimilate as well as their predecessors (sarcasm alert), or will these ever swelling numbers, already having imposed their burqa wearing/minaret building/halal eating customs now become ever more shrill in their demands for sharia law?

    People need to understand that the Islamic faith is a lifestyle and permeates everything they do, exclusively. Unlike other faiths who do not demand everyone else kowtow to their way of life or get their bloody heads/hands chopped off. Wake up. We're not talking about the likes of Rushdie or Fareed Zakaria here.

  2. The migrants, whether genuine refugees, ecomic migrants or infiltrating jihadists are mostly muslim. They should be redirected to safe mulim countries to have their status considered. Europe should only consider genuine christian refugees. The EU and especially Merkel has totally lost the plot.

    In other news, how are they to determine the 'genuine refugees'? Now that there's a booming trade in fake and stolen passports (bit lilke here really) as reported even in the PC Guardian?

  3. Anyone? I did contact a local company I'd found online who wanted a whopping 8k - $235 and said they'd deliver. I pointed out that their delivery charge must be astronomical as I could source overseas for around 1.5k plus shipping of around another k.(Can't as no cc and now iBualung Pay's been hacked). They laughably replied with 'We are company. We have many things we must pay' Christ. So any other recommends? Thanks.

  4. Well there's a start. Didn't happen under previous governments. If you try nothing you get nowhere. Let's see where it leads us.

    Dead wrong again. It is quite tiresome to keep hearing the junta cheerleaders misrepresent facts with feelings, and decidedly incoherent. Look at before the junta (during Yingluk's admionistration) and after the junta took over...it speaks volumes.

    'Damn... Aha! But the first car scheme... Did you know that Thaksin is a convicted criminal living in Dubai? I bet you didn't....'

    But he is right..if you dont start nothing will change. Not that I expect them to give up their income without a fight or that it will go fast. But I do think that measures could be implemented that help at least a bit.

    What part of FangFerang's posted chart showing a steep decline in investigating incidents of trafficking since the junta seized power flew right over your head?

  5. Consider the (hypothetical) differences between Thailand and more developed countries:

    - In Thailand, a lengthy investigation uncovers bribes and other specific forms of corruption at the country's borders. The national Chief of Police issues a strong rebuke and transfers some supervisors.

    - In other countries, a lengthy investigation uncovers bribes and other specific forms of corruption at the country's borders. Corrupt officials and police are arrested, handcuffed and arraigned for prosecution. The Chief of Police holds a press conference announcing the actions taken against police who break the law, and confirms that police are not above the law..

    Notice any differences? blink.png

    Orrrr, the National Police Chief covers his subordinate's arse in order not to have his money boat rocked.

  6. He added: “My home has undergone surveillance by individuals with false ID and false number plates, anonymous letters, long-running … tax inspections, investigation of my Thai citizenship, 480 telephone death threats, and rock attacks on my car.”

    It appears that Wyn Ellis is a Thai citizen.

    If this is correct, why are Thai citizens deported from Thailand?

    I met one of those farang 'Thai Citizens' once. I told him I don't care what you call yourself, when you step your big blonde blue eyed white ass outside, you're a FARANG. 'There are four employees, three Thais and a farang, I count myself as a Thai' Pfft.

  7. Don't be too hard on the lad, every Thailand newbie goes through the same stage.

    He'll learn, same as I did, same as you probably did.

    Some of us have been to Thai many times, some of us have lived in Thai extensively, some of us can speak read and write Thai and still keep our positives about the Thai people and culture. I agree with the original posters, keep the racism and the anti Thai anger and sentiment negatives to yourselves.

    It gets so tiring to read all that anti Thai people stuff, made by so many posters here. First it was all about bitching how the Thai police would not catch the bombers, now its all about bitching they are catching too many? Can they do anything right in your minds?

    If you do not like Thailand, the Thai people etc. Then why do you visit? Why do you live in Thailand? If it is such a terrible place, filled with such terrible people, then why not leave? Thailand will be a better place without you.

    Peace : )) ...Venting over...(been saving that up for a few years)


    I agree with many things said but where did in these comments anyone talk bad about Thai PEOPLE. Thai people start talking about RTP the same way as some members on this forum. Unless someone might consider the vast majority of Thais not being Thais because they are unwanted poor farmers!

    Exactly! These types of post make my blood boil. My Thai court translator asked me to please pass on that it's not only the farang who have many problems with the police. She'd had to spend an entire night sleeping in her car to seek out the criminal gang who'd stolen two of her rental cars and then spend the following fortnight bedding down in different friends' houses as she was now a target for a hit. The Thai police hadn't wanted to know, until she'd at last enlisted the help of a lone cop she knew personally in another town who'd reluctantly helped her out. So enough with the smug 'it's only us farang' paranoia, the Thai population suffer their greed and laziness far more than we do. There's more of them.

  8. This could be the result the PM wanted.

    No doubt... another 2 years to "sort the country out", is what this means...

    The junta would still have maintained power, given the clause legitimising their being able to step in at any time during any elected government's tenure if said government were to do anything they didn't like, thus creating for a state within a state ad infinitum. At least this way voices against this preposterous

    constitution' have been raised, causing the junta to have to eliminate any such similar clause in any re-draft. Hobson's Choice.

  9. <snip>

    They opened up the old one and there were a few ants inside. A quick burst of air to blow them away and all was well. The only problem was that he had paid 25K for a new laptop.

    I had ants in my old Dell laptop - couldn't stop them falling out every time I moved it. I wish I'd found this site back then:



    Having read through the Hub Page comments, many of which say they're in tropical countries, I believe this is by far the most plausible solution. This would also explain why it 'happens for a few weeks and then sorts itself out'. Colony relocated/died out? Took me best part of 40 minutes to start up today, so ants must be making some headway. Will give it a go tonight and let you know how I got on. Thailand ant heaven ..

  10. So everyone raises prices to compensate... it won't work this time.

    It will if they want it bad enough and their credit has a little stretch left to it. This whole bring prosperity to Asia was just an importation of our bad habits of borrowing money to buy useless gadgets we did not need. They refined the process and took it another step further. I can stand on a street corner in my home country and never see the number of new cars pass by like they do here. It is very rare to see older vehicles here and wages are 10 fold or more higher there. All the kids here have mobiles ipads eat at KFC are well dressed dyed hair painted nails the works yet in most cases the income stream is much smaller here. Governments are a 2 faced monster on one hand giving us almost 0 percent interest rates so that we load up on credit to(in their words to help the economy improve). Then they abruptly turn around and say "Hey you have borrowed way to much money" So which is it? Your talking to consumer junkies who cannot control their purse strings.

    You know, this is something I noticed in Penang. Lots of older cars you never see here, an SUV in Penang is a rare sight. And their cost of living's higher. So whilst I have some sympathy with the previous post about the locals not having access to the higher standing of living that we do, you could hardly label Malaysia a welfare state/land of opportunity. So, yes, it is the Thai mindset and no, it's not 'Thai bashing'.

  11. "He predicted that those who disagree with the draft charter will later try to have it amended..."

    This is a faulty conclusion.

    Should by any remote possibility a fair election be held in the future. A representative govt. ought not to think of amendments. That would be like trying to make a "silk purse out of a sow's ear"

    The only thing that would extend representative input to a constitution, would be to turf the one resulting from the current situation, and proceed with Democratic principles being the guiding force for construction of such a thing.

    I wont hold my breath for any such electoral eventuality however.

    Now whose Democratic principles should be chosen? TRT, Democrats, the USA model, the UK model, Australian, EU, German, Syrian, Egyptian, North or South Korean, South African, Zimbabwean, Sudanese, Malaysian, Singaporean or any other of the 160 countries in the world?

    What your version of Democracy is will perhaps be different from mine, Thais or most other people in the world.

    There is NO one size "Democracy" that fits all.

    Do you believe that it is right for you to wish for and impose your version of Democracy on the Thai people whether they want it or not?

    It is a Thai problem for them to sort out for themselves not for outsiders to impose.

    There are no 'versions' of Democracy alike there are no 'versions' of Truth. There is only ONE. Enough with this 'well if it doesn't suit our agenda we'll tweak it a bit and rename it' nonsense. Just come right out and say you really don't mind being undemocratic because it suits your interests exactly the same as lying through your teeth if needs be. There is Democracy and there is Truth, both of which should be strove towards and fought for. End of.

  12. "He predicted that those who disagree with the draft charter will later try to have it amended..."

    This is a faulty conclusion.

    Should by any remote possibility a fair election be held in the future. A representative govt. ought not to think of amendments. That would be like trying to make a "silk purse out of a sow's ear"

    The only thing that would extend representative input to a constitution, would be to turf the one resulting from the current situation, and proceed with Democratic principles being the guiding force for construction of such a thing.

    I wont hold my breath for any such electoral eventuality however.

    Now whose Democratic principles should be chosen? TRT, Democrats, the USA model, the UK model, Australian, EU, German, Syrian, Egyptian, North or South Korean, South African, Zimbabwean, Sudanese, Malaysian, Singaporean or any other of the 160 countries in the world?

    What your version of Democracy is will perhaps be different from mine, Thais or most other people in the world.

    There is NO one size "Democracy" that fits all.

    Do you believe that it is right for you to wish for and impose your version of Democracy on the Thai people whether they want it or not?

    It is a Thai problem for them to sort out for themselves not for outsiders to impose.

    There are no 'versions' of Democracy alike there are no 'versions' of Truth. There is only ONE. Enough with this 'well if it doesn't suit our agenda we'll tweak it a bit and rename it' nonsense. Just come right out and say you really don't mind being undemocratic because it suits your interests exactly the same as lying through your teeth if needs be. There is Democracy and there is Truth, both of which should be strove towards and fought for. End of.

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