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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. 7/11 entrance and exit ding dong! ding dong! ding dong! ding dong!
    but i feel really bad for Family Mart employees who have to listen to the computer voice announcing "HELLO WELCOME!" every time anyone gets near the entrance. "HELLO WELCOME!" "HELLO WELCOME!" "HELLO WELCOME!" "HELLO WELCOME!"

    Seven has begun the same hello/welcome loop in some stores I’ve been in the northeast recently.
    • Sad 1
  2. I'd expect no worse nomination from the self proclaimed stable genius. 
    Roe v Wade is probably history. Doesn't affect A#1 stable genius so he is fine with that. 
    Plus, does anyone actually believe trump even cares about roe v wade? I do not even think he cares. We all know this. He cares about winning, and imposing his power onto others. He does not care about the people, or rights. Just winning, that's all. 

    Trump likes winning, I like winning, ergo I like Trump.
    • Like 2
  3. Here's what seems to be a pretty fair and balanced history of how we got to the so-called 51 vote nuclear option in the Senate. Both the Republicans and the Dems had their fingers in it at different points in time. But the idea first originated with the Republicans (Trent Lott) and was first used for a Supreme Court nomination (after previously being used for lower level appointments) by the Republicans with the Gorsuch.
    Mr. Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the seat in 2017, but with the GOP possessing only a narrow majority in the Senate, McConnell and his Republicans reached for the nuclear option.
    The Senate rules were changed for Supreme Court nominees, allowing them to be confirmed by a simple majority. The conservative Gorsuch was confirmed days later to the Senate in a 54-to-45 vote.
    The part I find particularly objectionable is nominees for Supreme Court justice and other appointments, regardless of who has appointed them, DESERVE a right to have a vote up or down on their confirmation. As the article points out, the Republicans simply filibustered most of Obama's judicial nominees, and then simply ignored his Supreme Court nomination, never even giving him a hearing.  That was simply WRONG.

    Merrick Garland fell under the Biden rule. Turnabout isn’t fair play and elections don’t have consequences when it comes to republicans?
    Republicans cited a 1992 speech by then-senator Joe Biden, arguing that if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer, President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement, or else appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate.
  4. An additional quote from your article. Seems you cherry picked or didn’t read past the gotcha headline.
    "The drinking age was 18 in Maryland for most of my time in high school, and was 18 in D.C. for all of my time in high school," he said, adding, "I drank beer with my friends. Almost everyone did. Sometimes I had too many beers. Sometimes others did. I liked beer. I still like beer. But I did not drink beer to the point of blacking out, and I never sexually assaulted anyone."

    • Like 1
  5. Kavanaugh lied to the senate judiciary committee when he said he was of legal drinking age as a senior in high school.  He said the drinking age was 18, but it was 21.  Why wouldn't he lie about assaulting a teenager and attempting to rape her.  He seemed unstable during his testimony and the kind of partisan judge everyone knows he is.

    It would be better if you were correct in your example of him lying before you called him a liar. Another false partisan accusation.
    • Like 1
  6. Nonsense.
    They rightfully asked for an investigation, that investigation is coming. Either his name will be cleared and he can accept the seat without a could hanging over him, or it can be proven there is something to the allegations and he rightfully will not be on the seat.
    Good result, should have been this way ever since hers and after that others allegations came up.

    Yes July 30th when Feinstein’s office received the letter she should have brought it to the 21 members of the senate nomination committee to be investigated.
    • Thanks 1
  7. Where can I purchase some of these?

    Tesco as the next poster said. I believe they have large round trays like dinner plates.
    We buy them at the local 9฿ shop (where nothing is only 9 baht?)
    put peanut butter or stale potato chips as bait and leave them with all the little critters until something big gets stuck and change it.
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