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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. Has anyone ever been refunded too much?

    Yes a few times in 7 actually. Once I just stood there and held the money and receipt until his associate looked and told the young boy he had given too much.
    Had an airport vendor try and clip me for 100 on a pack of cigarettes from a 1000 note but I counted the change over the counter and when I got to 700 just put my hand out and the other 100 was given with a sorry as many have said.
    Since we’re purely speculating, I wouldn’t be surprised if a video emerges showing Kavanaugh committing unspeakable acts with a gerbil on top of a horse dressed as a unicorn with a dildo for a horn.

    Good call Nostradamus! Your dildo has arisen as predicted.
    Are there any particular numbers that are coming to you that you’d be willing to share?

    According to the all-red Drudge report, insiders claim Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer are set to report on a late twist in [supreme Court nominee] Brett Kavanaugh‘s confirmation that involves a new woman and a “dildo.”

  3. He as actually shaken my hand  (i hope I dont get a disease ) I was a concrete form supervisor at the development of Trump Place on the west side. He was at the at the Topping Out party, and he congratulated all the supervisors.Never in my wildest nightmare did I expect him to be elected President, Which is the biggest problem because one way or another  he will be gone soon, but the people that elected him will remain, you know the ones who like farts.They are the greatest threat IMO.
    The men is a threat to everything this country stand for, Whem America is destroyed the geographical area between Mexico and Canada will not cease to exist, and people will continue to live there under some form of government,What will disappear will be the concept of America.
    The indians sold their land for a bunch of trinkets and beads, will you sell yours for a bunch of farts?

    So you didn’t have any trouble taking his money and shaking his hand? I think you should return your paychecks for that project as a sign of your commitment.
    • Haha 1
  4. When I was young in the U.S. bar scene the bars clocks were set 15 minutes fast and everyone knew and understood it. It gave the staff time to clear the drinks before the official deadline and not risk violating curfew. Not much difference 40 years later and half a world apart.

  5. No it has not because Mark Judge has not testified under oath 

    He’s given a statement under penalty of felony, is that under oath enough for you?

    The committee interviewed Judge Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth — the three men accused by Christine Blasey Ford.
    ALL THREE OF THE MEN under penalty of a felony DENIED THE ACCUSATIONS By Ford!

    On Monday, staff interviewed Judge Kavanaugh under penalty of felony. Democratic staff was invited and could have asked any question of Judge Kavanaugh. They declined to participate… Staff contacted Mark Judge and obtained a statement under penalty of felony. Staff contacted third person allegedly at party described by Dr. Ford and obtained a statement under penalty of felony. Staff contacted fourth person allegedly at party.

  6. Fords third named witness, this time a woman and lifelong friend has also denied any knowledge of Kavanaugh and the alleged party incident. In baseball that would be an out or the end of an inning.
    A witness, reportedly named by Christine Blasey Ford as one of the people at the high school party where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted her, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday she was not there.The attorney for Leland Ingham Keyser told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Keyser does not remember being at the party Ford described as the location of the alleged assault.
    "Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," Keyser said in the statement. CNN reported Keyser is a lifelong friend of Ford's.

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  7. Not irritation or emotional or any of the things you accuse me of.   I do not hate Donald Trump.  I originally accepted his election and hoped he would be an exemplary President that worked well for America. He has been incompetent; a divider of people and a person who is such a bad example for our youth that I would not want my children to be around him or emulate him.
    Throw aside the Mueller investigation or any collusion narrative.  There is ample evidence that Trump has placed America in a situation in which the majority of the World  looks at America with derision simply because Trump's  actions . The man is a racist; he panders to people who hate people of color; gays and lesbians; Latinos; and everyone else who is different from his alt right; ultra nationalist agenda.
    How can anyone support a President that  refuses to believe 3,000 people died in the Puerto Rico hurricane and separates children from their parents- then deports the parents and now cannot reunite these children with their parents  when a court of law has ordered that it be done.
    You can continue to support him if you desire- but come November- when the Democrats take over the House and Senate  because the American people have voted them in and Trump's agenda has been repudiated- you will have to accept that as fact.   Or as I mentioned will the Trump supporters blame everything on  illegals voting; the deep state or the media.  Probably so!!

    Even Puerto Rico doesn’t believe 3,000 people died in the hurricane like you apparently do and stated such. They state near that number from an outside statistical assumption of the deaths as a result associated with the hurricanes disruption of the status quo prior to Maria.
  8. I'm a white older male and I can tell you I see absolutely no way that the FBI and/or anyone in the Department of Justice would fabricate any type of evidence or narrative against Trump. I have known a few personally- and while they have their own personal opinions- this does not affect how they do their job. They are highly trained and totally professional.
    The FBI is the unit that investigates the possibility that a foreign country spies on the US or in this case attempts to subvert the American election process by favoring one candidate over another. There is no doubt- none at all that the Russians tried to interfere in the election process.  There is no doubt that individuals who were connected to Trump in an official capacity have pleaded guilty to breaking US law.   There is no doubt that Donald Trump's son met with Russians  and is being investigated for possible collusion/
    There is no doubt that President Trump knew his son and others were meeting with Russians.  He is being investigated for collusion among other things because that is what the FBI and Justice Department do when allegations come forward indicating a crime may have been committed and it becomes even more serious when that person is the President of the US and has access to every American agent posted anywhere as well as America's most top secret archives and activities.
    According to some posters- the FBI and DOJ should do nothing- simply allow the Russians to continue to penetrate  American systems and elections because -according to them- Trump is good for America.  Anyone want the Truth?
    Most people of good faith even those who do not like Trump want the truth of what happened-  IMHO-  if Trump colluded with the Russians or someone on his staff did- he is not fit to be President and his legitimacy is questionable. On the other hand- if Mueller  clears Trump- so be it- his legitimacy is proven and everyone moves on  to the political season of 2020.
    Trump and his alt right insiders are clever- they keep trying to sell the American people the narrative that there is some massive conspiracy involving the Deep State to remove Trump from Office. They  know Trump is incompetent; they know Trump has been in bed with the Russians prior to becoming President but they are creating a false narrative to enable Trump to continue as president as they try and pass law after law based upon their  alt-right- ultra conservative view that seeks to isolate America from the rest of the World; establish America's military might and interventionist profile and control the American populace economically and psychologically.
    It is essential the Mueller investigation continue because IMHO what they will find is the following:
    -Donald Trump has been accepting Russian money for decades prior to becoming President when he was running  Trump Inc.  He has been laundering money for Putin and his oligarchs because he needed capital to continue his failing business enterprise.  Trump was bankrupt- could not borrow any money from Western sources and simply allowed the Russians to buy into the US property market at inflated prices and pocket the money. Why won't he show his tax returns as every other American President has done?
    -Trump has been using the Presidency to enrich himself and is in direct violation of the emoluments clause of the Us Constitution. He has not placed his holdings in Trust.  He continues to travel almost every weekend to a Trump owned property in Florida or New Jersey and billed the Us Government for  rooms; food etc for his entourage.  Even when on official business in the Us and overseas- he watches over his business assets and encourages use of these facilities.
    -Regardless of who commissioned the dossier- it is true and Trump knows it.  I would guess that the Mueller investigation has found the exact dates Trump's plane left the US- and when it returned and has placed him in Moscow at the exact time that the dossier indicates Trump was   with Russian prostitutes and having them piss on the same bed that President Obama once occupies.  Trump hates Obama simply because Obama is well respected by Americans in a way Trump will never be respected/ I am quite certain that Mr Putin even has tape of what Trump was doing but of course we are never going to see it.
    -Then there is the final nail- the Russian involvement attempting to subvert the US election of 2016- and one asks why would the Russians like Trump over Clinton.  Easy answer- Putin hated Clinton because of her leading a coalition against Putin's attempt to take over Ukraine and his actual  aggression against Crimea which succeeded.  Putin knows he has a friend in Trump- simply because of business dealings for decades using the oligarchs as fronts; the dossier; and realizing Trump has no experience in foreign affairs and Putin knows he has enough on Trump to subtly blackmail 
    And if the above is not enough to be suspicious of Donald Trump and his actions how about the following:
    -He has praised White Nationalists and angered the African American community showing a tendency towards racism
    -He has called the media the 'enemy of the people' because he doesn't like  their reports
    -He is amoral and immoral- proven by his own words and actions
    -He has mocked the disabled and is vulgar.
    -He has gone overseas and criticized the allies of America and weakens the  positron of the United States. He has pulled out of the  Climate Treaty; cancelled the agreement with Iran and creating a possible war situation; moved the Us Embassy to Jerusalem- against the wishes of his advisers;  created a 'Trade War' with China which will cost billions in lost income for American consumers; and threatened to shut down the US government in order to force funding a useless border wall.
    -He  lies; exaggerates and fabricates .His own lawyer  called him a serial liar.
    Yet, after all of this- Donald Trump would have you and I believe that there is a conspiracy to get him out of the Presidency.  Everyone is against him.  Everyone else is wrong.  Only he is right....The majority of people see Trump for what he is...even some of the Republicans..
    He is a narcissistic meglomaniac who cannot accept the truth and thinks only he is right and that makes him a clear and present danger.   It will be interesting to see what conspiracy theory Trump comes up with when in November 2018- the Democrats control the House and the Senate..... Oh yes.... it must be because all those illegals  were allowed to vote...
    God help us all!!!

    Do you think we’ll get to see pictures of your claim of the Russian prostitutes pissing on the bed Obama occupied?
  9. Get real. This question is merely a proxy poll for approval or disapproval of "trump." Generally because the interest in these U.S. political topics is dominated by older, white MALE Americans (and Brexit type Brits) it's predictable that the pro "trump" side will "win" such a poll here on Thaivisa. But in the real world of American voters, "trump" does not enjoy anything near majority support.
    To topic, these conspiracy theory attacks on the American justice system are merely a diversionary tactic of the pro-authoritarian, anti-rule of law, neofascist, dangerous racism based "trump" movement. He is under attack, legitimately, because he's a criminally corrupt CON MAN and has been all his working life, so this is another "trump" style tactic to hit back harder and try to change the subject. 
    It's a rather successful tactic but that does not mean that the propaganda behind it reflects reality or what's best for the American nation and democracy.

    In your not so humble opinion,in my opinion.
    How’s the “do you want trump to finish his first term” poll compare to this one percentage wise?
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