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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. I think it might be pointed out that not all the Cherokees were moved, along with other tribes during the, “Trail of Tears” forced westward migration. There were substantial numbers remaining in the Smokies where the Eastern Cherokees remain to this day.

    You mean this trail of tears?
    “But the most stunning discovery about the life of O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is that her husband, Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, was apparently a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes in the Southeastern United States and herded them into government-built stockades in what was then called Ross’s Landing (now Chattanooga), Tennessee–the point of origin for the horrific Trail of Tears, which began in January, 1837.”
  2. Just do it Thai style: Fill a big bucket with water and mix hot and cold until you like it. And then take a bowl to splash the water from the big bucket over your body. Problem solved.

    Or leave 5 gallon pails in the sun during the winter and bathe midday like my mil, a village rice farmer.
  3. The premise of the thread is trump wins either way if Kavanaugh is or is not confirmed. As he’s been confirmed it must be a win/win.
    Win 1: The Democrats reaction to his second Supreme Court Justice in less than two years (let the impact of that over the next 20 years soak in) showed the depths that they will stoop to.
    Win 2: Trump executed another campaign promise to stack the courts with conservatives.
    I think Trump has filled the vacuum left by the now defunct Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey and is currently single handed the greatest show on earth.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  4. 1. The House of Representatives, if the Democrats get a majority, will attempt to gin up an Impeachable offense which is Treason, Bribery or Other High Crime (felony) or Misdeameanor, such as perjury, offense against the person, they have a lot of lattitude..
    2. Assuming they find something, they will vote to send it to the Senate where the matter will be tried under the rules of evidence and 2/3 of the senators must vote to remove him. There is no set standard of proof. 
    There is no chance whatsoever that Kavanaugh will be Impeached.

    Not quite right. You can impeach a ham sandwich but can you get a conviction in the senate is the mustard.
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    It works the same as it does for a President or Vice President.Federal judges are considered "civil Officers of the United States" under the US Constitution.

    Question was to the poster of the impeachment claim but thanks anyhow.
    In these type of circumstances I never ask a question I don’t already know the answer to.
    I’ll wait to see if November even gives the dems a chance at impeachment in the house of a simple majority. Then the intrigue will be if they have a majority will they pull the trigger when there’s not a snowballs chance in hell of a 60 vote supermajority in the senate at this time.
    Let’s see how many years it will be before there’s a chance of Democrats removing Kavanaugh from the court and will they even remember if and when they hold the levers.
    • Like 1
  6. The whistles with bodies attached to them.. blowing mindlessly as loud as they can as you drive by ignoring them.  You can hear them in your condo blocks away on the 14th floor.  

    Yes I just had this talk with my wife when I spontaneously burst out laughing while walking in a hospital parking lot. She asked what’s funny? I asked her if she ever remembers hearing somebody blowing a whistle at drivers in all her travels through America?
    • Haha 1
  7. I think considering that you have gone to all the effort to grab this photo on-line and post it on this thread that this in-fact typifies the real you and how you really feel about your life, bored, fed up and discontented. As they say, a picture can explain a thousand words.
    I believe the majority of the negative posters, moan and complain a lot because they want to stay in Thailand being losers in their own countries but are struggling to stay here, being financial or simply have mental and emotional issues, so they blame the country trying not to see the reality, or in other words, it`s not me, it`s all the others. Bet these people don`t have close family relationships or any friends either and it`s obvious why.  

    I think the picture was to express his reaction to the OP rather than your far reaching psychoanalysis assertions.
    As Charles Barkley said I could be wrong but I doubt it. I found it rather pointless and vanilla but to each their own.
    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. An American friend of mine complained to his Thai wife about some noise, and she replied, "Don't listen to it."

    I can relate to her answer as my wife replies similarly with, no thinking, up to him, not so long, come upstairs, not the same your country or can do what?
    She has a very zen way about problems and that always cools me off and gets me laughing at my foolishness for thinking anything here should conform to my American standards for behavior.
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