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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

    You're right chicken.     My OP was indeed sketchy but  made so in order to make a point.
    I used the  idea of a car as an example but perhaps it wasn't the best example as  certain cars can as impulse  and you stated.
    What I'm really talking about is  a   policy I've faced with a merchant selling the last item of a model which  has been on display and he wants full price for the item even though it comes without it's box or instructions and etc.      I  haven't even mentioned the wear and tear it undergoes as customers turn dial and what not.
    It's just venting  on my part but honestly I  can't understand why anyone would buy something at full price when it's been used by the merchant as a display model.     I expected to find different stores in the area charging exactly the same price for the same model due to little competition and thankfully for me, there is a local merchant  that has the display model  I chose as new in the factory sealed box.
    When I mentioned it to one friend he said he'd automatically expect a 30% discount off the new price if  a product is  a display item.      I think that's about right.
    I suppose the policy I've seen far more than once can be written off to a matter of  limited customer service, but for the life of me, I can't imagine buying from the merchant that has that policy.     And I'm talking a major  department store.

    Twice not so long ago I bought display items from a reputable chain and paid full price. I must admit I was a little surprised there was no negotiating a floor model discount. Each item could've been ordered and received within days so I guess it made sense that the merchant held the price. If you buy it he has no display to encourage orders and has to buy another one to put back on display. Each item looked not too old and came with the box, instructions, warranty and all the miscellaneous parts and pieces.
    Luckily so far so good as my wife would have preferred to order them new.
    What about those who have no family? Do you recommend that they sit around and look at pics on the internet of happy families? There will be widows who will think of their deceased spouses, divorcees who think of their exes having fun with someone else. Ahh yes, happy times.  
    :partytime2:    Ok, I am being a  prat, but  keep a thought for those of us that are alone. I dread having to call in to my family to do the  Christmas call. My sister is going to again ask why I am not there for dinner and that I am not very family focused.    :) 

    Christmas being a celebration of the birth of Jesus can inspire everyone, especially those who are troubled. It's a reminder he is here to help those in need that they are not alone.
  3. I remember when I first came here and encountered some monks. Some in the temples were okay. Friendly enough. But quite often, the monks I encountered walking around Bangkok came across as arrogant and egotistical. I knew nothing of Buddhism except that monks were supposed to be humble and live with very little. It was quite a shock when waiting for a taxi for 10 mins and some monks just pushed right in front of me and took my taxi. Not even a nod of thanks or sorry. 
    I had a foreign friend who told me: "Monks are very important in Thailand. Thai people respect them very much. You must respect them". Well, the problem with any group of people who 'must' be respected is that they may feel they're above the average man. That feeling can breed arrogance and contempt for others. It can even make people feel like superstars who can do no wrong. Evidently, with social media, seems to be more and more of the case. 
    "You should respect a man's faith in the same way you would respect his opinion that his wife is very beautiful and his kids are very smart" 

    My wife respects monks a bit except the one I pointed to puffing away on a cigarette in the wings of the temple before coming out to do his thing for our group. We were at a temple we quite enjoyed, the first one she took me to and we continued to frequent it often.
    Maybe she said "not good" but that was the end of it until the next time I suggested we go there on a Sunday as we normally would and she said no because she didn't feel good about it anymore.
    I learned something about betraying her right then.
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