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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. I would loan only 25% of the appraisal on the ring. You may be getting an inflated valuation.

    Ask for additional collaterals and I bet the borrower either walks away, is offended or both.

    Thais are not sentimental about jewelry in my opinion and rarely are interested in diamond.

    If it's worth so much I would expect them to just sell it and take the small loss.

    I think you are being set up.

  2. Early on when my wife sent a picture of her 10 year old niece wearing a tee with the 4 letter English F word on it I explained to her as best I could it was a very very bad word especially for a child to wear. She replied,,oops we don't know honey,,just like color only. Right then I knew this was going to be a fun ride.

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