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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. Rule in Thailand is always have your girl check the bill. This stuff is not limited to Farangs. Why do you think even the local customers always check their bills so closely here? It happens to everybody....

    Rule in Thailand is always have your girl check the bill."" - rubbish.

    I don't need a Thai girl to check my own bill for me.

    It's that attitude that has Thai's thinking all farang are as weak as p*ss.

    Deal with the Thai's yourself. and pay your own bills.

    Empower yourself.

    I guess you couldnt figure out that I was trying to say everybody should check bills closely. Whether its you, your girl or your mother, check them. Nothing to do with screwing farangs over but, its everybody that gets pooped on doing business in Thailand.

    Im empowered just fine.

    "Rule in Thailand is always have your girl check the bill." - what part of this comment of yours did I fail to understand????

    I hope you are not another one of those, "I get the missus to do it" brigade.

    My wife considers it her job to look at every bill for everything to insure there are no mistakes or overcharging ,, 7/11, Tesco, 20 baht shop, handyman shop or restaurant.

    Why would I want to take that away from her?

    And if I did check the bill myself we'd only have to wait longer while she looks because she doesn't trust anyone including me.

    Another reason why I love her,,very detailed when it comes to money and arrangements for purchases and travel etc.

    And yes she has caught a few times where the bill was incorrect. A high end hotel restaurant in Bang Surray comes to mind easily.

  2. Typical. It was OK for him to cheat, but could not accept her doing the same.

    This behaviour (cheating), is not just limited to the Thais over here.

    After 14 visits to Thailand covering a span of 12 years, I have come to realize how the Thais can and will rationalize anything if it benefits them. Now we all will try to weasel out of things now and then. But I have never seen it so much as I have in Thailand. I wonder how much the confessing really helps the accused? Do they even ever go to trial? Is there any sort of proper trial?

    In my limited experience, the courts and judges here will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid an actual trial. I don't know if that is work avoidance or something else, like being in a situation where the outcome is not automatically clear from the outset and real decisions with real consequences might have to be made.
    I wonder if it's to avoid what would be thousands of lengthy trials and the Reporting of the progress and outcomes that would follow each case for years.

    It could damage the image of Thailand being perfect. Better to sweep it away with any type of deal resolution and move on to the next murderer or homicide by automobile case and keep the docket clear.

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