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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. Lol and within the same location as the first visit a man told us to come back in 3 days when a particular lady was in to get a form only she could provide and take to immigration.

    When we return and requested the form I asked my wife to question her why the yb wasn't sufficient. Of course my wife resisted but finally did and the woman says why didn't you tell me,,you don't need to go for residents certificate with yb!

    We tell her the man said yb wasn't enough,,she says that's crazy he's s senior official and should know this.

    Too much fun involving anything Official here.

  2. It's been sometime and now I have received my yellow book.

    I am not in Thailand full time so that delayed my application being completed. Upon returning after 4 months I needed to replace my pictures they lost, bring 2 Thai government employees to vouch for me and finally get the book.

    I will say it saved a trip to immigration for a certificate of residence when I was applying for my driving licenses.

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  3. The driver at faults insurance should pay for the loss of your vehicle during the repair period.

    That's standard in U.S.

    I don't think he rented the car or had the accident in US.

    At-fault liability isn't the "U.S. standard" anyway. Some states are "no-fault" states. (My understanding is that Canada and Australia also have no-fault insurance provisions, but I don't know exactly where or if it perhaps applies to the entire country.) Some people like to post without any knowledge of what they're talking about. All entirely irrelevant as this is Thailand.

    Relevant to the OP and the other drivers insurance paying repair costs making it an

    At-fault liability case the loss of vehicle should have been included as it would be in the same circumstances in the US. Clear enough? No Fault doesn't apply to the OP.

  4. The vast majority of TVF members need not apply, as they can't even spell.

    I fall into this category of highly specialized skills. I have a Thai company BEGGING me to work with them for 75,000 baht a month.

    I'd rather be beat in the ass with a mad rattlesnake than take that offer.

    I'd have thought the proper tense would have been beaten but you're the only self declared genius in the room so I'll have to defer.
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