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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. A black five gallon pail down low or any bucket with a black plastic trash liner will attract many mosquitos. I think this had been said before. It works to the tune of 100 critters in the morning.

    What to do with them after is the catch.

  2. I am a Black American and am neither a thief, drug dealer, a pimp, nor on overstay. I served my country in the military from 1970 to 1993 as an enlisted person and a Commissioned Officer. I have a Bachelors degree, 2 Masters, and a Jurist Doctor degree. I have three children, son is an M.D. and both daughters are attorneys. Your intelligence is showing by lumping all black people in the same pile. Same as if I would say all child molesters are Caucasians and the police should get rid of this scum. But I know better, and judge people by their character and not the color of their skin. I have followed TV for almost 6 years and rarely comment, only if I have helpful information to share. But it gets tiring reading all these racist posts and everyone accepting this stupidity without commenting.

    Be assured there are good people that feel as you do but feeding the trolls and blatant keyboard warriors is a waste of energy and pixels. I'm happy many people show their true character from behind an alias.
  3. Not to mention, of course, that this thing called Google ain't anywhere near as great as he would like us to believe according to others who have responded on this thread!

    Spot on, OJAS. Always a good idea to get confirmation from those on the ground. Google maps has a 50/50 chance of accurately dropping a pin in Thailand. Though they are eerily accurate when it comes to driving/walking directions when points are correct.

    Regarding directions I find the waze app quite accurate and streams the most efficient route. There appears to be a good number of users in Thailand contributing data.
  4. My guess accepting already scheduled delivery and avoiding penalties. Then they can cold stack older rigs as they come off contract thus updating their fleet.

    I don't follow oil but read one of the majors pushed out delivery of a few deep water rigs a few years accepting the penalties and avoiding the full payments because they are cash strapped and no work for the rigs.

    A desperation attempt at survival of the company through the downturn.

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