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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. Thais and foreigners alike can't avoid mishaps with 125-150's which make up the majority of the bikes here in my opinion so 400 is a +/- 200% greater engine displacement. I'd call that a big jump from the average.

  2. My wife is the only Thai person I can gauge the op's question by and if it was up to her there would be no tip or rarely a small one.

    I've taught her to tip a little something at least now. She will if she feels the service was at least good. If anything goes wrong she lobby's for no tip.

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall when we're not together. I suspect she keeps the money close to the vest but that's a big reason why I love her and trust her judgement regarding finances. She blows it here and saves it there.

  3. Money exchanges will reject bills with the slightest defects. I assume because they will be stuck if the Thai bank will not accept them. I've had one $100 U.S. bill rejected among 30 by 2 vendors until a third took it among 10 others.

    I was a little miffed as the secret service will honor 3/4 of a bill if torn or replace currency when burned if you send them ashes.

    The experience has caused me to get all clean bills in the states before traveling to Thailand.

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