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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. My wife's parents are living and have lived a quite simple,modest and happy subsistence lifestyle.

    We gave them a decent sinsod and they spent nearly every baht improving their home. And did a fast,sensible and value driven job of it. I could tell they made improvements they dreamed of for sometime, like a roof without holes and water pouring in during rainy season.

    I was happy for every baht I'd given them.

    If my wife gives her mother a new dress she says thank you, it's so beautiful and puts it away to never be worn as its too nice.

    Now she just gives money and let's mama decide what gifts she needs.

    Her parents appreciate some modernization but aren't motivated to go after it as they get by the old ways,which isn't easy but it's work they know and can perform within their farm and village. Papa will never return to BKK after being away in his youth to support a wife and 3 children. Now he just feeds the cows,chickens and watches tv while mama does the rest.

  2. I enjoy the footage of Thais crashing everything on wheels shows. It makes me drive cautiously and reminds how lucky I am to be alive when I park my motorbike each day or when a bus trip ends uneventful.

    As for the rest of it my wife enjoys it. We all have our guilty pleasures, why would I want to change hers, she's a nice person.

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