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Everything posted by oslooskar

  1. What baffles me more than anything else is that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans managed to come up with better presidential candidates.
  2. This mass insanity has got to stop! There is no such thing as a "Transgender Woman."
  3. Destructive choices are a clear sign of decadence and the loss of the will to survive.
  4. Both my son and his girlfriend came by our home all covered in tattoos and gave me quite a fright. Fortunately they were fake tattoos and were washed off after the beach party they had attended was over.
  5. I don't know what you've been smoking, but you might want to ease off of it a wee bit.
  6. I'm a former professional kayaker who's owned several sit-on-top kayaks and they do NOT take on water and sink down like the kayak in the photo if they capsize. The problem, as I see it, had nothing to do with capsizing and everything to do with a hole in the kayak's hull. Also, climbing back onto an undamaged sit-on-top does not require great skill----I've done in rough water to show others how to do it.
  7. The hatch covers are both on in the photo, so there must be a hole in the hull. Also, I find it hard to believe the kayak capsized in those calm seas.
  8. Richard, you might want to put your cards on the table and explain yourself. After all, my name isn't "Henry" and I don't know anyone named "Liza".
  9. I think you need to reread my comment when you sober up because there is absolutely nothing in it that would indicate that I want anyone to believe the Japanese were humane toward their prisoners.
  10. The kayak is a two person "sit-on-top" type kayak that he should have been able to immediately climb back on and start paddling. However, the question in my mind is, why is it so low in the water?
  11. Many years ago when I was a young man, I met an Englishman in Gibraltar who had been a prisoner of the Japanese during World War Two and he had nothing nice to say about them.
  12. Okay, I understand the situation better after reading about international prisoner transfers. https://en.correct.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/handbook-for-foreign-prisoners-in-thai-prisons.pdf
  13. So, if I understand the situation correctly, the imprisoned Dane would be transferred to a Danish prison if he could come up with 220,000 baht? How exactly does that work?
  14. I'll stick to swimming laps in our fifty-meter community pool, which I have all to myself 90 percent of the time after 5:30 P.M.
  15. The 40,000 Baht was not really a loss, it was a bargain price to pay for a real education. That Swede is now better educated today than he was a short while ago.
  16. That's monkey business and not for you to know.
  17. Most of us expats know we are foreigners, so I really don't know what your point is.
  18. Some foreigners never learn. Most of us expats are law-abiding men and women who follow the rules.
  19. And backing your allegations up with evidence is not yours.
  20. There is no evidence that guns have made San Francisco dangerous. After all, there were plenty of guns around in San Francisco when I was growing up there and it was a very safe city.
  21. During the Nuremberg Trials after WWII, several high-ranking Nazi officials underwent IQ testing as part of psychological evaluations. Here are some of the reported IQ scores: Hermann Goring 138, Rudolf Hess 120, Hans Frank 130, Albert Speer 128, Seyss-Inquart 141, Alfred Rosenberg 127.
  22. During the Nuremberg Trials after WWII, several high-ranking Nazi officials underwent IQ testing as part of psychological evaluations. Here are some of the reported IQ scores: Hermann Göring: 138 Rudolf Hess: 120 Hans Frank: 130 Albert Speer: 128 Joachim von Ribbentrop: 129 Wilhelm Keitel: 129 Ernst Kaltenbrunner: 113 Alfred Rosenberg: 127 Karl Dönitz: 138 Franz von Papen: 134 Arthur Seyss-Inquart: 141 Alfred Jodl: 127 Baldur von Schirach: 130 Fritz Sauckel: 118
  23. As long as there are no weapons involved, I don't see a problem.
  24. You mean like, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Robert Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Ben Shapiro, and Vivek Ramaswamy?
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