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Posts posted by digbeth

  1. 15 hours ago, Middle Aged Grouch said:

    In a house developpement they will charge you far more then the market price for basic issues like cleaning or gardening or even the electricity. Not to mention that often the work is badly done and the developpers often refuse to admit their flaws (electricity, paint work or plumbing). Not to mention the exorbitant monthly common fees invoiced by the managment,  that are not justified in many beach towns like Hua Hin or Phuket.

    If they're paying over the market price for services in a moo-ban they're either too rich to care or just gullible, apart from convenience there should be nothing stopping them from getting their own contractor/maintenance guy to come do their garden when they're away


    water and electric should be from the utilities unless it's the developments' bore water in some backcountry place that can't get municipal water 

  2. so for a monthly subscription fee instead of p4p per transaction how much action were you expecting to be having? once a week? month? how do you work out the schedule with your family/wife? or is it expected that dad disappears every Thursdays night 


    Unless there's substantial saving in paying monthly vs visiting establishment built for such purpose, you get better variety if relief is all you're looking for, less complication of attachment, say with the subscription, if you wanted out but she didn't.... could be messy if she comes to your family to blackmail etc.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, proton said:

    Too political, can you give an example? Not political enough, but not surprising from a yellow shirt and member of the elite (he was never poor) posing as working class and looking like a tuk tuk driver. Where are all the songs about real social injustice, poverty, corruption, slaughter of students and protesters or the wrongs of 112 law? 

    famously spoken out against sugary energy drinks hooking in the poor, getting them addicted on that stuff, yet decades later would open one with the brand in his image 

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    • Haha 1
  4. I've seen it advertised on one clinic on the corner of 3rd road that's been there for at least 3-4 years, and that looks closed or at least I've never seen it open, in malls and out on the street I don't see any offering... beauty clinics on the other hands...

    • Thumbs Up 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

    No you do not 'need' to its just accident insurance not health.

    quid pro quo, the bank staff has their quota of insurance to sell, if you help them out, they'll help you out in  bending some perceived rule that tourist can't open an account, 


    you also don't need to pay agents to open an account either 

  6. 1 hour ago, digbeth said:

    just now the PTT EVplus app update along with downtime for all the charger seem to result in the booking system no longer on the app, not sure if it's for good or a temporary thing 

    looks like it got worse, with the new update, booking slot is now half hour - 27 minutes with 3 minute time to unplug and vacate for the next guy, if there's no booking in the next slot, you can continue charging without unplugging and re-scanning. 

    • Like 1
  7. 14 hours ago, Pib said:

    What happens if someone else had the slot booked for the upcoming hour when your charging session ended 5 minutes before the hour, but you wanted to continuing charging....but can't since the upcoming slot was booked by someone else who might be parked right behind you waiting for you to get the heck out of the way so they can start charging?


    you won't be able to charge in the first 10 minutes if someone has booked that slot, common courtesy would dictate that you vacate the charger for those that booked, if someone has booked and hasn't turned up, you can charge after the 10 minutes, but if they're there and you are preventing them from accessing the charge that they have paid to book.... expect altercations, a post to social media or fisticuff 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 15 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    Bear in mind that you have to arrive and start charging within 10 minutes of your booking time. On a road trip, I would find it challenging to be at a particular station at a particular point in time, a couple of hours away.If you arrive late, you lose your slot and the 20bht reservation fee. If you arrive too early, you can start charging if the bay is free but then have a 5 minute break at 55mins to the hour.


    Thailand seems to be the only country in the world to have come up with such a genius scheme.

    The booking fee is 40 Baht now I think


    the genius scheme was from during the free trial period a couple of years ago where people would clog the station, after which the slot booking was implemented, and people were booking without actually showing up, which has resulted in the booking fee


    now that they start charging money, the whole booking thing should be scrapped, but some people find it reassuring the have a charger booked during their trip, not much help if you turn up and there's someone else or even ICE car in the bay who refused to move even though they won't be able to charge until the 10 minutes is up, forcing you into a no-show and lengthy call to PTT to get the booking fee refunded

    • Like 1
  9. Sugars are used in the production of Ethanol for the 'Gasohol' mix in most 'petrol' fuel in Thailand today, 

    I think the 91 octane E10 (10% ethanol) were phased out around 2020, does this correspond in bigger share of newer cars and bike being on E20 and E85 that results in more demand for ethanol and sugars? 

  10. If you're running a business here of any worth, not having access to media in the native language would put you at a big disadvantage, the newspaper that must not be linked here aren't reliable and doesn't capture the true sentiment and is at best 2nd or 3rd hand account 


    Having better understanding of language to enjoy Thai media and literature, I'd say not so much you're not missing anything. 


    day to day life, you can get along just fine without

    • Like 2
  11. I remembered late 90s was pretty bad, up on high building you'd distinctly see layer of brown on top of the horizon everywhere in Bangkok


    Out in Pattaya you'd notice on the burn days for the planting of tapioca, but then it'd only be a few days for the whole year, unlike Chiang Mai where you see it all season for lots longer


    the PM2.5 stuff maybe was due to raised awareness from access to apps and more monitoring stations, I start wearing masks in Bangkok around 2018 - 2019, maybe it's all the palm oil planting in the whole SEA 

  12. Was this by a current dealer? ones that sell multiple brands on the same premise? I was looking at Royal Enfield and the ones near me in Asok on Petchburi Rd has KTM together there


    KTM franchise seem to change hands frequently, every 2-3 years there's announcement of new distributor/importer and the previous ones no longer has anything to do with supporting owners.

  13. to get back on topic, tourists from South East Asian countries from Cambodia to Singapore and even South Korea can already use QR scan to pay, but only for certain banks from their home countries, 


    while China also has their own QR payment like Alipay and WeChat but that requires an EDC terminal like credit card swipe machine to accept like TrueMoney, so not much use for market traders, whereas in most market from tourist traps ones in Bangkok or out in the boondocks accept PromptPay QR


    As for signals, I've been in markets out in the province where there's only signal in some corner of the market only, meaning in order to scan you'd have to walk over to where the signals are, power is no issue as phones should have batteries, and beside even markets in the most backwater town manage to string power for lights, the trader only need their phones to see if the money has indeed came through, some even operate on honour system where the buyer just flash the screen that shows  they've scanned and transferred, some do got scammed but I doubt that'll be a problem for long in small town.

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