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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Oh, but I do care and I can't see that importing and spruiking Chinese made goods to the poorly educated is going to help America one bit, nor will trump and his so-called plans for America, which the top CEOs in that country label as "a disaster", because "trump doesn't know what he's talking about" – – maybe you should be more frightened of him, not only because of what he's done, but because he doesn't know what he's talking about!
  2. Oh, you poor soul, stop grieving for my home country, because the funds I have invested there are helping homebuyers/builders and therefore supporting the economy – – don't have to apologise! And in case you didn't know it, there are huge numbers of people living outside of their own country supporting the economies in which they live, and here is no different for me. Have a good day.
  3. Whether you like it or not, trump has gone down in history as a multi-times bankrupt and a felon and it doesn't fit MY narrative, they are just the facts which you don't want to accept. So why don't you order one of your Chinese made MAGA hats, then order a pair of Chinese made gold sneakers, followed by a Bible printed in China, because they will all help the American working man, won't they! You are simply another rube who has joined the cult. And for the record, I am living my best life in Thailand, with funds aplenty in a couple of countries and a beautiful and intelligent Thai daughter living here, and I am still collecting wine as has been my hobby for 50 years, so thank you for your good wishes and why not post a pic of you with your Maga hat, sneakers and Bible.....would love to see it! Enjoy your Kool-Aid.
  4. You will be shocked to learn that "All of the Chapter 11 bankruptcies by Trump’s businesses were submitted via a prepackaged bankruptcy, in which a deal had been reached with the creditors before filing. " So they were bankruptcies whichever way one looks at them........irrespective of the "prepackaged bankrupty" title you put on them?? So successful businessman trump cannot successfully run a company? And for the record.............. Trump and his foundation were forced to admit their fraud. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/trump-admits-misusing-charity-funds-settles-lawsuit-against-trump-foundation-that-he-said-he-wouldnt-settle/Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million for Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation (notice the term "illegally"). Trump University (also known as the Trump Wealth Institute and Trump Entrepreneur Initiative LLC) was an American company that ran a real estate training program from 2005 until 2010. It was owned and operated by The Trump Organization. Despite its name, the organization was not an accredited university or college. In 2011, the company became the subject of an inquiry by the New York Attorney General's office for illegal business practices which resulted in a lawsuit filed in August 2013.[6] An article in the National Review described the organization as a "massive scam". (Surely not by honest Don trump??). In November 2016, Trump agreed to settle a series of lawsuits related to the school for $25 million. The Four Bankruptcies which resulted in tradesmen losing money/not being paid millions owed.. The Undocumented Polish Workers …. In 1991, a federal judge found Trump and other defendants guilty of conspiring to avoid paying union pension and welfare contributions for the workers. Trump eventually settled out of court, paying an undisclosed sum. But the facts of the case were never in question: Trump’s company really did hire undocumented immigrants to build the Trump Tower. He merely argued he wasn’t aware of it, and it wasn’t his fault — even after a court ruled against him. There is a long list in….. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/01/donald-trump-scandals/474726/ The guy is a liar and a crook, proven time and time again. TRUMP HAS FILED FOR SIX BUSINESS BANKRUPTCIES and has had many failed businesses:- The Trump Taj Mahal in 1991 Trump Castle Hotel & Casino in 1992 and Trump Plaza Casino 1992 Trump Plaza Hotel 1992 Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009 Not forgetting many other failed businesses….. Trumped!, Trump Steaks, Trump Network, GoTrump, Tour de Trump, Trump Airlines, 7. Trump Vodka, The New Jersey Generals, Trump Mortgage, Trump: The Game, Trump Magazine, Trump Ice and not forgetting Trump University! What more proof do you need that he is a thief and a conman, and not a very bright businessman (and a rapist). OOPS. Forgot to add proof that he is smart........
  5. One has a hard job to understand MAGA trumpies way of thinking, not that there is any way of thinking, per se, but a way of twisting the truth and lying, so they don't see it for themselves. It can be seen throughout this and other threads that irrespective of what the law has said, irrespective of what guilty verdicts have been reached and passed and what has been recorded and as a matter of record, that the trumpies are either incapable of understanding, which would fit in quite nicely with trump's description of his favourite people, or they are just plain lying to themselves, and either way they show themselves for what they truly are. It is just so sad that there are so many of them in the USA, so maybe best to stop trying to have any discourse with these people of low IQ, because they are incapable of understanding plain facts and the truth.
  6. So are you saying that trump never had six Bankruptcies to his name, that he never stole $2.1 million from one of his charities and was ordered to repay it (after pleading guilty to doing it) and has numerous other financial misdemeanours recorded against his name?? Pray tell which of the above is "leftist nonsense"?
  7. Will this do for starters.......take off your MAGA tinted glasses and see CLEARLY what happened:- Members of far-right extremist groups. Former police officers. An Olympic gold medalist swimmer and active duty U.S. Marines are among the hundreds of people who have been convicted in the massive prosecution of the Jan 6, 2021 riot in the three years since the stunned nation watched the U.S. Capitol attack unfold on live TV. About 750 people have been sentenced, with almost two-thirds receiving some time behind bars. Prison sentences have ranged from a few days of intermittent confinement to 22 years in prison. The longest sentence was handed down to Enrique Tarrio, the former Proud Boys national chairman who was convicted of seditious conspiracy for what prosecutors described as a plot to stop the transfer of power from Trump, a Republican, to Joe Biden, a Democrat.
  8. If Americans believe that load of BS, then that just goes to prove that they are well below the average IQ. Not only that, should the orange buffoon make it to the White House, then many of the policies he has been espousing will result in financial hardships for Americans (but they are not intelligent enough to understand that). There again, looking on the bright side, if trump is elected, then the US will have the lying, cheating, morally bankrupt president that they deserve and hopefully this moron will fade from the scene either through senility/dementia or eating himself into an early grave.
  9. Of course they would lie about this, because that is what they do, lie about almost anything and everything. Sad excuses for human beings.
  10. If Trump is re-elected what does it say about the I.Q of the average American? I have to agree with the suggestion about the average American having a low IQ, and trump has stated that these are the people he likes/prefers, so there are many millions of them in the USA, which is the market to which he appeals. I sincerely hope he is not re-elected, but then again there is no telling how stupid his supporters are and it can be seen on some of the posts here, and there are times when I despair, not because they have a different viewpoint to mine, but because plain stupidity seems to rule the day for them. And for one of the more stupid posts, a trumpie stated that the January 6 Capitol riot/invasion was no more than a sightseeing expedition by trump supporters. Figure that one out, especially when hundreds have been jailed for this particular "sightseeing excursion"......... "The FBI estimates that between 2,000 and 2,500 people entered the Capitol Building on January 6,[60][61][62] with some vandalizing and looting,[63][64] including the offices of then-House speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Congress members.[65] Rioters also assaulted Capitol Police officers and reporters, and attempted to capture and harm lawmakers.[66] A gallows was erected west of the Capitol, with rioters chanting to "Hang Mike Pence" after he rejected requests, from Trump and others, to use authority they believed he had to overturn the election results.....................
  11. Well LL, I have suggested on several occasions that the title of the thread should be changed, because there is no longer a wake in Patong, because it's in full swing for this time of the year, and some. Having said that, what would the suggestion be for a new heading: – "Patong – the resurrection", or "Patong – alive and kicking". I'm sure you can come up with something that would please everybody, including the mods. I did ask the question if anybody knew what the new building complex was, which was going up opposite Jungceylon, and nobody answered, but I have found out for myself: – it is, wait for it, something much-needed in Patong, it is a shopping and entertainment complex, right opposite the original Jungceylon which is a shopping and entertainment complex, which is opposite Tops, which is a shopping and entertainment complex.....hmmm, Patong needs another one of these like a moose needs a hat rack! This especially as the restaurant scene is more than adequately catered for (sorry about the pun) in Jungceylon and the "second part" of Jungceylon has a ground floor area which has a food court and a few other food stalls, but is never busy. Then take the Tops complex and although the ground floor is a popular food court area, and one which I frequent fairly often, the rest of the complex is pretty dead, so quite why anyone felt the need to build this other complex, Buddha only knows? Getting onto my night out on Tuesday to celebrate an old friend's birthday and his visit to Patong, the night at Blue Beach Café and Restaurant was excellent and a birthday spread was laid on by the owner, Jit, which was also excellent and the Australian beef cut (whatever it was) was superb and she is a generous and gracious host and deserves all the success possible. On that note, by 9 PM the whole restaurant was packed full, so she's obviously running a top-notch establishment, and long may it continue. After that a few of us ambled up Bangla and it was surprisingly busy for this time of the year, so as I mentioned at the start of this post, the word "wake" doesn't really seem to be a fitting description now. We stopped at Smiley Bar for a few drinks and that was busy, but what was surprising was the popularity of Soi Freedom now, as opposed to what it has been in recent times, because it has had a complete overhaul, a roof has been fitted and the bars have been refitted and tidied up in some cases, and it has become popular with tourists, as witnessed by the few parties that passed by into the depths of the Soi in the time I was there. I'm not a full on drinker and I only had one beer that night, as well as a few glasses of wine at Blue Beach, so thought I would take my leave at about 11 PM and amble on up Soi Sansabai to my condo, which took a bit of doing because the injury to my back has affected my ability to walk strongly, so it was more of an amble/shuffle, and by the top of the Soi, I was beginning to feel some discomfort. The traffic is still bloody awful in the main, so quite how the now crowded streets of Patong are going to cope with any extra traffic which the new entertainment complex will attract is probably only known to the town planners if indeed there are any, which I suspect not. So unless somebody drops a bomb on the place and completely rebuilds it, those of us who reside here will have to put up with this crowded nonsense or move to another part of the island.......just a thought, I seem to recall in the early days that the traffic flow was a two-way affair and that seemed to work okay, until someone had the idea to change it to a one-way flow, and look how that has turned out!
  12. Very possible as trump is more than halfway there with regards to senility and cognitive decline and this goes to prove it:- Asked if he would “commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable” and “what specific piece of legislation” he would support during a Q&A session at the Economic Club of New York Thursday, Trump said:……. “Well, I would do that, and we’re sitting down. You know, I was somebody — we had, Senator Marco Rubio, and my daughter Ivanka, was so impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue. "But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about — that, because look, child care is child care, couldn’t — you know, there’s something — you have to have it in this country. You have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to. But they’ll get used to it very quickly. And it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us. But they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care, that it’s going to take care. We’re going to have — I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country. "Because I have to stay with child care. I want to stay with child care. But those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just — that I just told you about. We’re going to be taking in trillions of dollars. And as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s, relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers will be taking in. "We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people. And then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people. But we’re going to take care of our country first. This is about America first. It’s about make America great again. We have to do it because right now, we’re a failing nation. So we’ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question. Thank you.” What the fark was that all about????
  13. I very much like movies by Peter Jackson, including the Lord of the Rings movies, so I thought I would download and watch one of his older ones called, "The Lovely Bones" although I had watched it years ago but couldn't remember much about it! Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz and Saoirse Ronan star in it, along with Stanley Tucci, and IMO the movie is very good indeed. I have to say that just near the end of the movie when heaven beckons, the song, "The Song of the Siren" by "This Mortal Coil", plays and it really did send shivers down my spine, because it's such a beautiful song and it fitted in this movie so very well, so I have copied it below for you to hear. https://youtu.be/HFWKJ2FUiAQ
  14. The latest research suggests that the virus originated in the likes of racoon dogs and other species kept in the Wuhan market......a great deal of new information on this if one wants to search the internet..... COVID pandemic started in Wuhan market animals after all, suggests latest study The finding comes from a reanalysis of genomic data. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-03026-9
  15. Having said that, now I will quit posting on this thread because I cannot believe the stupidity of the trump fans on here. And if by some miracle trump is elected then the US will have gotten the idiot they deserve.
  16. I have to agree with that comment, because in no normal country/world would any one of its citizens consider voting for a man with the credentials that trump has and I certainly don't know of anybody who would vote for someone with this history: – Morals: – cheated on his wives. Also found guilty of rape. Businesses: – he has led many companies to bankruptcy, owing $69 million to everyday American working folk and subcontractors who never got paid. Among the companies who went bankrupt were Trump casinos in Atlantic City; Trump mortgages; Trump University (a moneymaking scam); Trump vodka; Trump airlines; Trump steaks. Dishonesty: – Trump was convicted of stealing funds from a children's charity and ordered to repay $2.1 million, after admitting to this theft. He has often lied about the size of his properties to be able to benefit from tax deductions and cases regarding this are currently ongoing. Compassion: – Trump mocked a handicapped newspaper reporter and also stated that he wished the disabled vets were not there. There is so much more that could be written, but what is amazing is that he still has his followers, because no one with any sense would surely vote for this morally bankrupt buffoon. Yet here we are discussing "I love Donald Trump" when in fact he has not one redeeming feature. Absolutely unbelievable, yet he has fooled so many people......perhaps these red necked goobers are the poorly educated type that he likes. Having said that, now I will quit posting on this forum because I cannot believe the stupidity of the trump fans on here. And if by some miracle trump is elected then the US will have gotten the idiot they deserve. Before I leave......this is good to see:- Members of far-right extremist groups. Former police officers. An Olympic gold medalist swimmer and active duty U.S. Marines are among the hundreds of people who have been convicted in the massive prosecution of the Jan 6, 2021 riot in the three years since the stunned nation watched the U.S. Capitol attack unfold on live TV. About 750 people have been sentenced, with almost two-thirds receiving some time behind bars. Prison sentences have ranged from a few days of intermittent confinement to 22 years in prison. The longest sentence was handed down to Enrique Tarrio, the former Proud Boys national chairman who was convicted of seditious conspiracy for what prosecutors described as a plot to stop the transfer of power from Trump, a Republican, to Joe Biden, a Democrat.
  17. Here is the source of that information..... https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharysmith/2022/02/18/ivermectin-doesnt-help-covid-patients-study-finds/
  18. If Vice-President Kamala Harris defeats Donald Trump in November, most of America’s allies will greet her victory with thinly veiled delight. “If she wins,” says an official from one of its long-standing Asian partners, “we will have a national holiday!” The official was barely joking, such are the worries in many capitals over the presumed unpredictability of a second Trump term. Her allies talk enthusiastically about how she, as America’s first post-baby boomer president, would bring fresh and “modern” thinking to America’s role in the world, and to a host of issues including the use of artificial intelligence and outer space for defence. Her advisers also stress her doughty apprenticeship: in Biden’s four years in office she has met 150 heads of state, addressed the Munich Security Conference three times, and sat in on Biden’s key geopolitical telephone calls.
      • 1
      • Thanks
  19. Most likely we will never find out, especially if this Russian is loaded and can pay the necessary to make this whole thing go away, including the parents of the boys. It will be interesting to see how this plays out..........
  20. Stern and trump........as like as two peas in a pod!
  21. As was my father in the UK, however it was pitiful to watch him suffering from incurable cancer which had spread to his bones because he was in extreme pain, couldn't speak, couldn't move, couldn't eat and would just sit in a wheelchair with his head lolling to one side. It was a blessed relief when he passed away, looking about the same size as a Belsen inmate, and I would have gladly signed a document to help him end his time here on earth.
  22. Well you got that part right........never thought a trumpie would see the light!! LOL
  23. I tried to watch the movie, "Alpha Dog", but gave up after a while because it didn't seem to make any sense to me/I couldn't follow it! I did download an older movie, "Pandorum" to watch last night and it was okay, although one poster has said he was disappointed with the ending, however I thought it was okay – – at least it ended on a bright note!
  24. This might help as it states that trump USED ivermectin to treat his Covid, and of course his cult followers caught on and promoted it....plain dumb:- "Ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug used by former President Donald Trump to treat Covid-19 and promoted by some Republican legislators, does nothing to prevent the disease from progressing, according to a study out of Malaysia published Friday by the Journal of the American Medical Association, confirming prior studies suggesting that ivermectin does not effectively prevent or treat the disease".
  25. IMO La Capaninna, at the end of Soi Nanai 2 (as you know, they are related restaurants) does a mean pizza as well as an antipasto entrée, both of which are to die for. You could try the Italian restaurant down the street off Bangla, opposite Soi Sea Dragon, as I've had a few good meals there, but never a pizza, so maybe you could be the test pilot, and course its right on your beat, so to speak....look forward to the report LL!
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