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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Augmentin is Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid which is an antibiotic which can address ESBL problems and as mentioned Fosfomycin (Monurol) can also work well and only one dose needs to be taken in water, perhaps followed by another on 3 days later if necessary. Overuse of Fluoroquinolones has resulted in many bacteria being resistant to them, so is no longer recommended as a first-line option for a UTI and beside which the potential tendon/muscle problems with this particular antibiotic can be quite damaging, especially to older folk. As for Hiprex, I searched Thailand and cannot find it here so I order through Chemist Warehouse in Australia, and IMO it is brilliant.
  2. D-mannose found in Cranberry Juice............. Research suggests that supplemented D-mannose could be a promising alternative or complementary remedy especially as a prophylaxis for recurrent UTIs. When excreted in urine, D-mannose potentially inhibits Escherichia coli, the main causative organism of UTIs, from attaching to urothelium and causing infection. Bear in mind that if one already has a UTI then this will not be of much help. So clear up the UTI with an antibiotic then take D-mannose or pure cranberry juice on a daily basis. Alternatively, Hiprex tablets taken twice daily have shown great results......buy online or from Chemists in OZ.
  3. Plenty more where those came from..............keep looking BIB.
  4. When I reached 76 I decided to have a CAC scan, so went along to Bangkok Phuket hospital and had one, and the result was very good, with a score of just 40 when the range can go up to more than 400! So whatever I've been doing, which is not a lot, seems to be working, however the result did give me some peace of mind. My blood pressure results are nowhere near as good as the OPs, but are good enough, although I do take doxazosin on a daily basis, so that obviously helps. Jumping around a little here, I have been taking Red Yeast Rice capsules (same effects as Lovastatin) for quite a few years now and my cholesterol levels are always within recommended levels. Just to throw another "wobbly" into the works, I recently watched a documentary on the South American gauchos and their lifestyle, and if you didn't already know, they live on the grasslands tending cattle and sheep for most of their lives, and their diets consist almost totally of meat, eating everything from the testicles to the intestines, morning, noon and night! Watching this I decided to look at their lifespan because much has been made of our western diet made up of far too much in the way of animal meat/fats, and the push for the vegan lifestyle, so I was amazed when the average lifespan of a gaucho was 76 years, around the same as males around the world – – go figure??
  5. That is amazing as it shows just how dumb trump is........and some!!
  6. Is that the same man who was the lead singer of the Animals, or is this another one you have found who lives in the White House?? LOL
  7. I'm not sure whether it's because they are poorly educated and therefore gullible, as trump likes, or that they are so anti-democrats that they will post any lies that they/trump deam up. I've been posting on here since 2005 and this is the first time I've ever really considered leaving, although I do like to post on the occasional thread, but my patience has all but run out now.
  8. I'm afraid you are wasting your time Roo, because facts mean nothing to the Maga/trumpies, and this has been proven time and time again on this site, because they have their own version of the truth, crafted to meet their leader's requirements. Of course it helps that they are of the type of people whom trump likes to have as his supporters, so I suppose it makes them gullible and easy to believe lies. Another poster quoted an old saying which was absolutely spot on with regards to the folk you/we are dealing with, namely: – "Arguing with Maga trumpies is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to knock all of the pieces over, sh!!t on the board and strut around like it won anyway". In summary, there is absolutely no way to get these people to believe the truth, so best leave them to keep getting sucked in by the lies because there is no hope for them. For me, it is over and out on any threads dealing with the Maga trumpies because I don't want to be dragged down to their level.
  9. I've got Dolf on ignore, so thankfully cannot see his posts, but you are answering one of his posts whereby he states that trump is truthful!!!! Now I don't know what planet this Dolf is from, but it certainly isn't earth to state that trump is truthful – – he has to be kidding, because only complete and utter idiot would state and believe that.
  10. You ask for a link from a trumpie, good heavens man, what has come over you??
  11. I will be perfectly honest with you, not that you deserve that with the nonsense you post. I'm not American and really don't give a toss about whomsoever you decide to elect as president, other than the fact that I find it incredible that Americans would vote for a convicted criminal, a compulsive liar, someone who steals from charities and someone who is incredibly dumb. For those reasons mentioned above I don't like Trump, but it would seem that a lot of his redneck and poorly educated followers do, and for the sake of educated and sane Americans, I sincerely hope that Biden is re-elected. However as I have previously stated, as I'm not American, trump voters will be seen for what they are and nothing will change that poor perspective. Also most world leaders view him as a clown and that will never change because of his low IQ. As for the truth, well you wouldn't know the truth if it fell on your head, especially with the amount of lies which emanate from trump and which you believe"bigly". Poor man.
  12. Quoting Faux News again.........see you haven't progressed at all!
  13. Absolutely no problem with that as many people who deliver public speeches do practice for weeks, especially on such an important address. And it was a great speech........eat your heart out trumpies!!! The difference between Biden and trump in that respect is that trump has the IQ and attention span of a gnat, so it doesn't matter how many weeks trump practised for, he still would not get it right and would probably go off onto his rambling nonsensical rhetoric, bigly so, with his wife Mercedes watching on.
  14. Still better to have him as POTUS than the lying, convicted crook, trump. Only a few third-world countries would do that, and then because of threats or bribes, but trump only has lies, lies, lies...........and gullible poorly educated followers who believe them. How far the US has fallen in the eyes of the world.
  15. Thanks for the tip (again) @giddyup and that movie was very timely given the rantings of the lunatic Putin with regards to a nuclear war, and it was harrowing, to say the least. I'm sure I remember seeing a very similar movie in the 60s, but that movie showed more of the effects of the blast on the surrounding areas/people, however that was still unnerving. I went to the Memorial Gardens in Nagasaki a while back and if one ever wanted to see the effects of a nuclear bomb/explosion, then it was there for all to see and again it was something you couldn't imagine in your worst dreams.
  16. Have you tried updating the mouse driver on your computer?
  17. You are so funny with your nonsense!!!!! So funny in fact that you cannot be taken seriously.
  18. Thanks Patong2, I will have to give that a try shortly!
  19. Us intelligent normal folk should have realised by now that it is absolutely no use whatsoever in stating/quoting facts to a trump supporter, because they don't have the mental capacity to process facts, only the nonsense provided by the cult leader, you know the one who raises his clenched tiny fists from his small hands in some sort of show for his goobers. Pathetic really. And although he is back on the ballot papers, I sincerely hope that he doesn't become POTUS again, although the only thing it will show the rest of the world is how stupid it is that a man who is despised and considered a laughing stock by many of them, manages to gain that position. Unbelievable.
  20. Thanks for the tip @giddyup......just finished it last night and found it enjoyable, and could't believe the amount of weight that Colin Farrell had to put on to play the part of Drax.
  21. Correction, the above should read: MedPage....... www.medpagetoday.com, And plenty of other disease and new drug breakthrough news.
  22. The restaurant name was "Le Drinkeria"...........now being converted into????
  23. I have just read an article from MedScape in which AI has been used to find an hitherto unknown/unseen aspect of cancer cells which will help fight this dreadful affliction. Progress is being made on many fronts despite what the ludicrous "big Pharma" naysayers echo.
  24. That you really believe these attacks were anything at all to do Joe Biden speaks to the insanity the prevails in the supporters of the compulsive liar and convicted criminal, trump.
  25. I liked your post, and had to chuckle at your last paragraph, so at least you have still got your sense of humour! Unfortunately there are still folk out there who believe in the likes of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as "cures" for Covid, when the medical profession has rendered them useless for this, but still there are quacks who will have you try anything. I was found to have a skin cancer after an excision and a friend of mine here suggested I took a "potion" which an associate of his claimed would cure cancer if ingested. It was made from seawater, after having an electrical current passed through it and my friend claimed it had cured cancer in one of his friends. No amount of suggesting that this was nonsense would change his mind, so I stopped trying and let him wallow in his ignorance. Like you, I prefer to put my health in the hands of the medical profession, even though at times some of the decisions/treatment I have had/seen here to make me wonder how far ahead the medical profession is in this country – – having said that, in my opinion they know a lot more than the Facebook and YouTube "doctors". Good luck with your treatment and your future health.
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