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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I don't know about "soon" because I've already seen it here with the Chinese, with a mother encouraging her boy to have a dump on the pavement outside of the window of Starbucks, whilst another Chinese guy was clipping his toenails on the table inside Starbucks – – yes, on the table. I bought it to the attention of the manager and he was aghast and angry at the same time and told the guy to leave, but the Chinese guy didn't see anything wrong with it – – go figure.
  2. We'll have to be careful otherwise it will become a "mutual admiration society"! I have experimented a bit, over time, with the recipe and I now add a little extra beef stock as well as a couple of teaspoons of cocoa powder to the mix, also occasionally adding a little coriander and/or cumin. I can imagine the lure of Patong in 1978, compared to what it is now, because even though I only came here originally in 2004, it was a place full of fun and excitement in those days, whereas now it has become, for me anyway, a place which has lost its allure and character – – but I'm still here!
  3. Wife says to husband "You only ever want sex when you're drunk" Husband says "That’s not true . . . sometimes I want a kebab"
  4. The thing I love most about this hot weather is the short skirts and low cut tops. Although they do make me look a bit gay.
  5. Some bastard's just pinched a pair of my wife's knickers off the washing line. She's not bothered about the knickers but she wants the 12 pegs back.
  6. I thought the wife would be the ideal candidate for a new TV show. Turns out I got it all wrong and the program's actually called Fact Hunt.
  7. Question - Are there too many immigrants in Britain? 17% said yes; 11% said No; 72% said "I am not understanding the question please."
  8. I was devastated to find out my wife was having an affair, but by turning to religion I was soon able to come to terms with the whole thing. I converted to Islam, and we're stoning her in the morning!
  9. Looks fabulous Marin........I also make a mean chilli con carne and start it in the frying pan before transferring it to my Slow Cooker for about 3 hours. Some eaten there and then and some frozen for others days!
  10. Following the tragic death of the Human Cannonball at the Kent Show, a spokesman said "We'll struggle to get another man of the same calibre."
  11. Many thanks for the list above as I watched Harrison's Flowers last night and thought it was very good, so more will be on my list to watch over the coming nights. Watching the film bought back the horrors of the "Bosnian war" and how at the time I thought that Bosnians and Serbs were animals because of their cruelty. Upon reflection, I shouldn't have thought like that because that has been a feature of many wars since time immemorial, and I remember just a few days ago commenting on the "Sand Creek Massacre" where old women and children were butchered and mutilated. Then of course there were the Nazi concentration camps where millions of Jews were murdered, then the Mai Lai massacre in Vietnam, onto the rape of Nanking and many more .........all horrendous and just goes to prove that " man's cruelty to man" knows no boundaries, sad as it is.
  12. Me neither, because I totally fail to understand how his "supporters" cannot see through his lies and bluster. That he has been called out for his lies scores of times seems to make no difference to his followers: – also........... – That he is a convicted crook, stealing from charities and made to repay $21 million to them. – In November 2016, Trump agreed to settle a series of lawsuits related to Trump Universityfor $25 million. – Trump has filed for six bankruptcies and has had many failed businesses, such as: –Trumped!, Trump Steaks, Trump Network, GoTrump, Tour de Trump, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, The New Jersey Generals, Trump Mortgage, Trump: The Game, Trump Magazine, Trump Ice . – And he was called out for racial bias when this was posted regarding his rooms for rent: –No Vacancies’ for Blacks. – He panders to the Christian right followers, yet at the same time committing adultery, lying, being found guilty of fraud and breaking just about every commandment. Looking at that lot it is surprising that even the rubes, rednecks and dipsticks still believe his BS, but they do and there is no rhyme nor reason as to why. To add to the already deepening mystery, one only has to listen to his ramble on childcare, to understand that he is fast losing his marbles: – https://youtu.be/jbVinpyscTU?feature=shared and when you think about it he has stated that he loves the "poorly educated", so those, along with the rubes, rednecks and dipsticks still go on believing him. Unbelievable, and some. Having said that, if by some fluke he is re-elected president in November, then America will have gotten the dumb, dipstick that they so richly deserve.
  13. Proof????? Cats and dogs at a BBQ in Springfield. LOL
  14. Thanks, and this is what I do although the occasional one gets through/past the spam filter somehow......and PayPal seem to be the majority of the spam emails so think they may have had a "data leak" in recent times?
  15. He can and will be "more stupid" because that is the way he is and has always been, only now his mental decline is there for all to see........and is getting worse!
  16. Probably like many others, I get the occasional Spam email and McAfee has already been mentioned on one of these threads, although I have only had a few of these of late, but over the past couple of weeks I've had quite a few purportedly from PayPal, not to mention supposed tax rebates from the UK government and a few other organisations. I do run Windows Defender on my Windows 10 and this picks them up in the main, and I also run Malwarebytes Premium, just in case, and on that note Malwarebytes has picked up some "dangerous activity" from ASEAN now, and I think it was some sort of "phishing" bug? Is anyone else getting this sort of activity?
  17. But a dumb clown like trump held that position....it is to laugh.
  18. Brilliant post @Gecko123........says it all in a clear and concise way with no mud slinging and is right on the button. Thank you.
  19. Got an urge to watch the movie "Shooter" again, so did because IMO it is an excellent movie, starring Mark Wahlberg, Michael Pena and the delightful Kate Mara, also Danny Glover. Never tire of watching it!!
  20. Thanks for the info Kopitiam and the only reason I wait(ed) until nearer the date was because a good friend went to Immigration about a month prior to his renewal date and was told to come back nearer the renewal time!!! So a wasted journey and out of date paperwork for him...........which he had to do again!! However I will go 3 weeks or so prior to my renewal date, just in case but it still gives ma a bit of leeway. Thanks again.
  21. Well his view was in the minority, as the National Newspaper, in a poll came up with the following:-- In a poll by the NZ Herald just after the debate, Harris received 81% of the poll whilst trump received 19%. Seems very clear to me and as a NZ citizen I believe the findings of the poll!
  22. Now here's a scary thing to consider........... Trump insists he won the debate; he is so stupid and dumb that he thinks he won a debate in which he was completely outplayed and outclassed. It would appear that many Republicans also thought the same, as have major news channels and news outlets, and they have stated as such......... now here is the scary thing about this, if this guy is so stupid to not be able to see or understand that he was hopelessly outplayed, how on earth would he hold up in a debate with a major world leader, going forward?? Especially now that he seems to have had severe mental decline. It has already been seen that he is "controlled" by Putin, played with by Kim Jong and basically ignored by Xi Jinping, and other world leaders look upon him as plain dumb and even dumber than previously! If this idiot were to be elected by some fluke, although if the cultist Trumpettes on this forum had their way he would be, because despite the overwhelming evidence they still think he is great and won the debate!!! Go figure?
  23. Nothing much to write about as I have only been out a couple of times in the evenings over the past months, but have managed to get out and about a little during the day. I mentioned the poor state of the roads roads in a previous post and that certainly hasn't changed and because my coccyx is still sore/hurting, I feel every bump and pothole, despite trying to steer around them. The roads are a disgrace, and some workmen have been around plonking tarmac in some of the holes, and the one in Soi Banzaan has had some more tarmac dumped in it, but because the ground has given way under the concrete road, it still keeps falling and no matter how much they put in, it still remains a hole of some description or another! Jumping around the place, the bar at the top of that road, "Blue Sky Bar" actually in Soi Nanai, seems to have opened over the past few days because there have been a couple of girls sitting in it – – no customers, just a couple of serving girls, and it won't be long before that closes again much the same as its previous incarnations have done. One would think that the people opening the bar and paying the rent would realise that it has been a failure ever since it began, and wonder why that was?? Not hard to ascertain, however I won't go into it here. Further down Banzaan, in what used to be a bar/part-time guesthouse called "Canada House" and has been remodelled into a bar, which incidentally I have only ever seen one customer in, is for sale (again). Apparently the owner has it for sale on Facebook for around 3 million baht!! It appears that price is negotiable folks if you want to rush in and make an offer – – yeah right! I haven't seen any punters going in or coming out of the Monster Billiards establishment in Banzaan, but maybe I've missed them, and in reality it's absolutely packed out, day and night? Was nearly involved in a little prang a few days back when a Toyota taxi in front of me had to screech to a halt to avoid hitting a couple of Chinese people who had decided to wander into the road without looking, as they are apt to do, but luckily enough I was following far enough behind to be able to stop before hitting the back of the taxi, but it was a close thing. The lady owner of a massage shop was bemoaning the fact that customers are in short supply and that those that do stop to enquire are usually of Arabic or Indian nature and want to beat the price down, and she refuses to do that. Wandering a little bit away from Patong, I have discovered some wonderful frozen Indian food at "Food for Foreigners" in Chalong, and it is amongst the best I've ever tasted whether frozen or otherwise, so my freezer is now stocked up with it. Coming up for the retirement extension next month, so had better remember to get into Bangkok Bank EARLY to order the account print-out so that they can prove I've had the 800 K in there for the year, because they can take well over a week to 10 days to be able to produce it for me to pick up, and the time before last there was a delay and when I went to immigration I was charged 1500 baht overstay for the three days that the account information was delayed. TIT.
  24. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 110 seconds  
  25. From the NZ Herald newspaper................. Kamala Harris is the clear winner in debate with Donald Trump……. How on earth anyone can go out and vote for a man like Donald Trump is beyond me? His stupidity in another setting would be certifiable and he’d be admitted to an institution for the confused. And not only is this man morally conservative, but when it comes to other people, rather than himself that is, he wants to crack down on abortions. If you believe him, babies are being “executed” after they’ve been born in the United States, which of course is offensive rubbish, as a debate moderator had to point out. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/kamala-harris-is-the-clear-winner-in-debate-with-donald-trump-barry-soper/CGYLW2JGYRB23HRUJFWFIOMRNI/ In a poll by the NZ Herald just after the debate, Harris received 81% of the poll whilst trump received 19%. Don't y'all just love it!!!!!!
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