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Everything posted by khunjeff

  1. This is probably the real issue. Even at the previous price, most of the sites I've visited were very poor value - underwhelming and often badly kept up.
  2. Fair? Up to you. Racist? No. You had to prove your Florida residency to get that discount, and any Thai person who moves there will get the same reduced rate that you did. In Thailand, I've never seen anyone have to produce a Thai ID to get the Thai citizen price - the sites simply charge it to anyone who looks Asian.
  3. Some yes, some no. The US Embassy, for example, doesn't close on every Thai government holiday, because Washington tries to limit the number of local holidays in each country to no more than the number of US federal holidays (currently 11).
  4. The real "big joke" in all this is that the US Government offered to give Thailand essentially the same biometric equipment for its immigration checkpoints back in the mid-2000s, for free, and was turned down.
  5. Maybe my reading skills have declined, but I can't seem to find the words "arrest", "trial", or "prison" in this list. All of these ranks are incorrect. Chakthip is a full General, and the other two are Lieutenant Generals.
  6. This is about an extra day off from work for government employees, not an additional no-alcohol day.
  7. So he's been demoted from four-star general to colonel? You'd think that would have been in the news... ????
  8. No, it doesn't, and one look at a map or at the MRT website would have told them that. There are actually only nine lines currently operating, and that includes ALL operators. "According to the draft bill, certain services – including the BTS Green (Sukhumvit) Line – will likely be excluded as joining the common ticketing system will be voluntary." Voluntary? If any operator can just choose not to participate because it isn't in their financial interest to do so, why bother?
  9. It never made any sense that a point of parliamentary procedure would be decided by a vote of the members, anyway - that should be the responsibility of the house speaker, or parliamentarian.
  10. I certainly used that type of Wang console, which was used for our classified networks into the 90s. I'm not a touch typist, so I don't recall much about the keyboard - only that the machine was slow and the screen was poor.
  11. ...except that don't mention alcohol at all, which is odd. If they don't also alter the alcohol selling hours, this would mean a lot of bars staying open all night serving cola and soda water!
  12. The terms "fire engine" and "fire truck" are used pretty much interchangeably in American English, at least where I grew up.
  13. This is a problem with the "verification" process for many financial apps here (electronic wallets, etc). They tell you to take off your glasses, and then they give written instructions on the screen - look to the right, nod your head, blink - that you can't read, because you're not wearing your glasses... ????
  14. RIP. Incidentally, a simple glance at any map - or even at the sign in the photo - would show that Tha Phra is a station on the MRT, not the BTS.
  15. Amazing how the planted articles from watch dealers always say demand for watches is up, and the planted articles from real estate brokers and developers always say that demand for property is through the roof ????
  16. Damrongsak is a member of the Senate - he could avoid any unrest simply by voting for the people's choice and convincing his fellow senators to do the same.
  17. Just to clarify, this announcement has nothing at all to do with normal Bangkok bus services, or with the old red buses that still belch black smoke all over the capital. The Bus Rapid Transit line is meant to take the place of a train line, with limited stops, all-door boarding from platforms, pre-payment of fares, and priority running along streets. Unfortunately, the Bangkok BRT has never been a "real" BRT, as city authorities don't want to implement features that would inconvenience motorists, such as dedicated lanes or signal priority at traffic lights. (This is a common problem around the world, not just in Bangkok.) In addition, Bangkok made the odd decision to use small buses on its BRT, rather than the long articulated buses normally used on BRT systems to achieve greater passenger capacity. it's therefore kind of surprising that they're talking about "introducing smaller, electricity-powered buses into the fleet" and "incorporat[ing] additional BRT stops near pedestrian crossings", both of which seem to be steering the system into being less of an actual BRT and more of a garden variety bus service.
  18. The pool and other amenities are designed to look good in brochures and help the developer sell the units, not to be used. Many of these buildings have beautiful but undersized common areas that would become impossibly crowded if even a small percentage of tenants ever started using them.
  19. Previous articles were labeling this an "embezzlement" case, and now they've changed to "asset seizure" and "money laundering", "involv[ing] participants from both the police force and the general public". Let's be clear: this case is about extortion committed by police officers. Why aren't they willing to say as much? And why all the cautions that "all implicated parties are considered innocent", something which is rarely if ever stated when average nobodies are arrested, paraded in front of cameras, and forced to "reenact" the offenses that they deny having committed?
  20. Yes, this is probably the first time in recorded history that a Bentley has ever been pulled over in Thailand! "Do you know who I am???"
  21. 216,000 square kilometers!! That's almost half the size of Thailand itself - very impressive indeed ????
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