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Everything posted by khunjeff

  1. Since there are 250 senators, this seems to indicate that over 100 of them didn't even bother to show up for the vote.
  2. How on earth can you demand that an official be removed, but not specify which official you're talking about?
  3. "Couples will have equal access to marriage, as well as the same rights in areas including child adoption, healthcare consent, and inheritance." https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/18/thailand-same-sex-marriage-equality-vote-bill-legislation
  4. Can anyone translate this into English for me? What does it mean - putting up signs in these cities pointing to the "notable destinations"?
  5. The last paragraph is not adding any categories - it's separate and distinct from the first paragraph. First paragraph: You must, within 24 hours, report the stay of any foreigner who has been admitted to Thailand on a temporary basis (i.e., anyone other than a permanent resident). Second paragraph: However, if a foreigner goes somewhere else temporarily and returns to their usual place of residence, you don't have to report them again. Third paragraph: The exception in paragraph two applies only to foreigners with multiple entry visas or reentry permits. (In other words, if you come in visa exempt, go on a border run, and come back on another visa exempt, you do have to be reported again.)
  6. Yes, in fact I have! I got the OnePlus earbuds that I currently use for more than a thousand baht under the regular price during a flash sale. For the really steeply discounted items, you usually have to pounce immediately when the sale starts to have any hope of catching one.
  7. What I posted was in Thai, not English, and was written and distributed by immigration headquarters, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
  8. I can almost always get free shipping just by going online at noon or midnight when new codes are posted, but you're quite right about item-specific free shipping offers and discount codes. In many cases, those seem to be from months earlier and have long expired, but are never removed from the listing. In the case of "free shipping from this seller for orders over 40 baht", I have never seen a single one that actually gave that benefit - I have no idea what the deal is with those. I order a lot from Shopee, and I have literally never seen this. I think that's extremely unlikely, but they do vary the coupon offers based on how often you order, how much you spend, which of their games you play, and so on.
  9. You're correct, it was formally cancelled as of 30 June 2020, as long as you're on a multiple entry visa or a reentry permit - but some immigration offices don't seem to have gotten the memo.
  10. That's a good start, but the courts should also start imposing sanctions for what at this point are totally frivolous lawsuits. Asking for judicial review of the election process is one thing, but repeatedly flogging a dead horse using wholly invented "facts" is another matter entirely.
  11. That's the kind of transparency in government that we know and love 🙄
  12. The ARL cars are 2.80m wide, compared to 3.12m on the BTS.
  13. That's exactly what most online operators do, at least in the first several years of operations. The investors fund discounts and free shipping in order to increase the customer base, even if it means taking a loss on every sale.
  14. For foreign passports, the gates will only be used for departures for the foreseeable future. As you note, that means that for some people, fingerprints may be scanned on arrival, but not when leaving the country.
  15. Not really possible at this point...
  16. I can't imagine taking a watch that costs as much as a house on a trip to a foreign country, but maybe that's just me.
  17. Selling openly on a crowded street is an interesting way to try to avoid detection 🙄
  18. Out of all the fraud and overcharging of tourists that goes on thousands of times every single day around the country, this is the crime they decide to go after?
  19. These people are (presumably) not wanted for crimes in their home country, so "extradition" is not involved at all.
  20. That has not been the experience of multiple applicants on this forum (or of one of my friends who doesn't post here). Despite the "past two years" verbiage, BoI actually seems fine - for the WP category - with financial evidence that only covers the previous year (and said as much explicitly to @JimGant, as he related above). There have also been several people here who dealt with the issue of applying before the current year's income tax return was due, and who simply explained to BoI that they hadn't filed yet. They just submitted the prior year's return along with statements and other evidence for the current year, and were approved with no issues.
  21. No, Non-Alcoholic Wine Isn't Just Grape Juice
  22. My experience is that Thai immigration will let you in if you manage to get all the way here, but the airline may question you at check-in and possibly deny boarding. The safest course would be to get a new passport before your trip.
  23. The announcement was about an exhibition of French wines, and his comments were about reducing the price of imported wines. None of this was about Thai-made wines.
  24. Let's just keep announcing this over and over again, without ever actually implementing it.
  25. No, it doesn't - it underlines that certain officials have no understanding of what the city's soul is, but want to show off their own power. Please remind me how "comply[ing] with income assessments and taxation" makes the environment more "orderly and hygienic"? And while it's theoretically true that everyone should pay the taxes that they owe, exactly how much will be collected from vendors making less than 25k per month? And whenever this subject comes up, some official will start yapping about how they want to make Bangkok "more like Singapore". Leaving aside the question of whether that's even a desirable goal, do they know that Singapore built its hawker centers and THEN moved the vendors off the street, rather than kicking them out today with a vague promise of an indoor selling area to appear (magically) at some indeterminate point in the future?
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