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Everything posted by khunjeff

  1. I think we already knew where the water came from - what we were wondering is how it came through the roof of the train 🙄
  2. Headline: "Bangkok authorities crack down on vapes, raiding stores" Story: No, Bangkok and Ayutthaya are not the same place. So, how many cigarettes did they confiscate? Thought so.
  3. Pheu Thai not only doesn't have a majority in Parliament, it doesn't even have a plurality. In fact, it doesn't even have a majority within the ruling coalition (though it does have a plurality there.)
  4. Same as a yarmulke (kippah is the Hebrew word, yarmulke is Yiddish).
  5. From what I understand, they were all acquired at the same time. The exit gates at Suvarnabhumi have been in place for years, but were only opened to foreigners in late 2023.
  6. They probably could have just looked at a map and saved the cost of the "assessments"...
  7. Yeah, this was pretty clearly a murder carried out for some very particular reason - whether financial or personal - and not part of some general crime wave that should send everyone into a panic.
  8. But unfortunately 7-11 currently imposes a minimum purchase requirement for using cards that usually won't be met by the cost of a small midnight snack.
  9. That's my understanding of how this normally works in other countries: the case has to be filed within the period specified by the statute, but once that's happened, it can continue until completion regardless of how long that takes. As our friend Wikipedia says, "Once they are filed, cases do not need to be resolved within the period specified in the statute of limitations."
  10. I eat them all the time, but to each his own. On pretty much every English menu I've ever seen, it's consistently referred to as "papaya salad". Of course it is. Is som tam Lao more widely consumed? Probably, but that doesn't change the fact that som tam Thai is extremely popular, especially outside of Isaan.
  11. Those auto-gates were purchased in 2012, but were only authorized for use by Thais until last year. The current project is to replace those gates with newer models, and to increase the number of them at both BKK and DMK.
  12. This entire thread is about illegal activities that are between the perpetrators and authorities and have nothing to do with us, and yet here we are discussing them 🤔
  13. Just once for all three - that's how the Schengen system works. But keep in mind that the visa tends to be issued for exactly the number of days requested on the application, and not an hour more than that.
  14. Like others, I just wore long pants and a short-sleeved collared shirt, with boat shoes. On two occasions (I accompanied some friends to BoI as well), I did see applicants sent downstairs to the little retail mall at Chamchuri to buy long trousers, because they had come to the office in shorts. I'm fairly certain those two were there for some kind of investment visa rather than the LTR, but it's still a good idea to avoid shorts on LTR day. No suit or tie required, though.
  15. The Thai-EU Free Trade Agreement has nothing to do with visas - that's just something that the Thai side keeps mentioning at every opportunity, in the hope that someone will take the bait. The EU always nods politely and says, "yes, now back to the trade agreement that we were discussing..."
  16. Ditto (though I've had mine for "only" 17 months). No visits to immigration, no forms to fill (I leave the country regularly), no bank statements, no photocopies. Visa matters are no longer the constant irritant in my life that they used to be - and I just now sped through Fast Track at the airport in under five minutes. I'm an LTR fan.
  17. There were occasions when I had close to 150 claims in a single year (daily physical therapy to recover use of an injured hand). So yes, it does happen - and even more so when you're including small children, as he did.
  18. Does a pubic u-turn have something to do with gender reassignment surgery? 🤔
  19. They didn't recline properly or turn into lie-flat beds as they were supposed to.
  20. That may be true, but it doesn't explain why TG was still assigning the broken seats to passengers. During the incident that started this whole discussion, the flight attendants told the passenger that the seats had been identified as defective months earlier, but continued to be sold. Thailand was downgraded by the FAA, not TG. The FAA doesn't assess individual foreign airlines. "FAA conducts the International Aviation Safety Assessment Program (IASA), assessing the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of each country that has carriers operating to the United States. Because of the provisions of the Chicago Convention and national sovereignty, FAA is not permitted to evaluate a foreign carrier within its own sovereign state." https://www.faa.gov/travelers/international_travel#:~:text=If the CAA meets standards,are released to the public. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-34981372
  21. I'm sure those four heroes of law enforcement are feeling justifiable pride in having snared this most dangerous of hardened criminals.
  22. He was arrested for working illegally as a masseur - the "online" part is irrelevant.
  23. That Vietnam e-visa is a tourist visa that cannot be extended - it is in no way comparable to a retirement visa or LTR, neither of which has a Vietnamese equivalent.
  24. Maybe, maybe not. I am also a US government retiree, and while my insurer did provide a letter explaining my unlimited benefits, the accompanying email stated "Note: This letter is a standard letter used by our AFSPA members for overseas travel and Covid coverage and cannot be customized." (BoI didn't accept my insurance - no explanation given - so I ended up getting approved based on bank deposits. Several months later they changed their view, though, and began accepting the exact same insurance with the exact same letter.)
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