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Paul Laycock

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Posts posted by Paul Laycock

  1. How do most of you transport your frozen food? I use a polystyrene box and try and get a couple of bags of crushed ice from makro. If it's not available I don't buy. Ice cubes don't do the job sufficiently for me.

    Just wondering, I'm not going to convert my car into a freezer truck so you can forget that suggestion.

    With the heat/weather as it's been an alternative would be good. Not home deliveries as well.

    I usually shop at makro, BigC and Tops, that takes about 4 hours, with a meal break.

  2. gamini, Oscar2, hope you never have any medical issues, It was a simple question requiring a simple answer.

    If you were to have a medical emergency and were on your own, what would you do. I suffered two strokes and can assure you the last thing your going to be able to do is prance about looking at Google or your phone for numbers that may or may not work.

    So what is your contingency plan should this arise in the early hours of the morning let alone day time?

  3. I don't know if this is a worthy reply, I slipped, passed out and smashed by hip, it took me 10 plus minutes to crawl back to my mobile. I live alone and this is a real concern to some people. The outcome for me was I was able to get my sister in law to call an ambulance as I didn't know the emergency phone number. What is the number for emergencies regardless of where you are?

  4. Although I don't use a wheelchair I have similar problems, I always use the same guy/taxi to take me across. He is very helpful and at times ott, he will wait, help and take you to your destination. Yes it's going to cost you, maybe 1,200, last time I applied for a visa he waited outside the embassy for two hours while my wife sorted out the paperwork. Engine left running, Aircon on I didn't even put in an appearance. All sorted went to hotel and he collected us the next day. He uses a Toyota pickup truck so plenty of room in the back for a wheelchair. Best of luck.

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  5. The upgrade consists of interactive, EVOlution12, Translucent and maybe more I have missed - I don't need this shoved in my face 24 hours a day.

    Enhancing my viewing is what they say, pissing me off is what I say.

    If you know what any of that means please feel free to enlighten me, and no, I'm not going to visit the web site.

  6. Thankyou for the information on your up coming upgrade in July, for Platinum and Gold subscribers.

    When I watch my TV I really don't need to be reminded every two minutes of this monumental event,

    Do I really have to put up with this until July, or do you want to lose another subscriber.

    A note attached to my bill/statement would suffice.

  7. I'm the same as everyone else, meter. My point being, rebate on standing order. I have had to have my TV repaired, my satellite box repaired and my oven blew it's thermostat. Has anyone complained, received a rebate or help in the cost of replacing these items.

  8. JJA, thanks for the reply. I have tried this and the response I get is nobody's told us to we didn't know. From my village to Mukdahan, large pipes are being put/sunk into the ground, you could crawl through them. We must be in for one biblical rainy season. My point, do they not have the intelligence to also lay a pipe and start putting electrical cables down at the same time.

    Right said Fred .... so we had another cuppa tea then we went home.

  9. I'm interested to know if any members have had any success in complaining and been able to receive any kind of rebate on their electric bill. I paid mine yesterday, low and behold we have a cut.

    Cuts vary from 20min to three or 4 hours.

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