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Paul Laycock

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Posts posted by Paul Laycock

  1. My Wife's mother is departing to Bangkok later today, as a cheese lover I hold back on purchasing the larger cheese's I could buy purely because I can't cut them properly, Does anyone know of a shop that sells the above item that she could buy for me, I live in the N/East of Thailand and have never seen this item.

  2. T Dog, I pay direct to the electric company. Only other thing to say on the subject is the electrical meter located outside for reading is larger than others, I'm told because of the size of the house. Having said that, what prompted this topic is the frequent power cuts and the fact I live downstairs on my own and get annoyed at the size of the bills for a sub standard service.

  3. Kamalabob2, is there much ground work required for installation. I have a south facing back garden which I think would be perfect for panels.

    If you have a phone number for these guys please private email to me.

    Only other thing is pitfalls as my knowledge on this is limited. I don't want to travel for 4 hours each way to find I'm not armed with the right questions or information.

    Once again many thanks.

  4. My home is not rental, I had it built to my spec.

    Yes there is a plate/sticker on the side but I can't get to it for reading. My concerns are water for showers, cooling with fans and lighting at night. No power for me equals nothing working.

    Please don't get technical as I'm a donkey with electrics and anything hi tech.

  5. Just looked at the unit and instruction book, all in Thai so no help. It stands 6ft tall and is a gas guzzler. Worst bill was 5,600 last month, this month I have not used it, bill 3,600

    Other things are TV and oven, iPad and phone charging. Remember this is one room only.

  6. Just recently cuts have been twice a day, longest 14hrs. sometimes just off and on or 2 hours. I can't shower or cook. Does nothing for my frozen food.

    I'm in the middle of one now and jeez it's getting hot.

  7. I live in the n/east and am sick to death of power cuts. No one complains and nothing gets done - just the way it is, we don't have a choice etc etc. Any of you out there have experience of solar power, any recommendations, pitfalls of installing. It would be for just one very large room, air con, lighting and water pump. I live alone and sleep, live downstairs. Any idea on costs or recommendations would be appreciated.

    I have googled this but don't want to start the ball rolling without a little knowledge.

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