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Paul Laycock

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Posts posted by Paul Laycock

  1. louse 1953, get your point but I can't walk unaided, getting up and down high curbs is a nightmare. As I have said a few times it suites me just fine. The bus service is a joke even for a fit person, I've done it many times.

    My choice of hotel is personal and good for me, the original poster asked for the best and safest, this meets his criteria but I understand he will be staying else ware.

    Is that a problem for you? Yes I have an opinion and was offering my experience.

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  2. My son is 12 years old going on 13. I am very limited in my options of doctors in our area. I was not asking for advice on medication or where to take him. My original question "how long should I keep him from school" the question has been answered and I have made my decision.

  3. My wife is Thai, I'm British, we lived in England before moving to Thailand. My son was born in East Surrey Hospital, we received a red book which is standard with all births in that area.

    We received visits from our local midwife/nurse to see things were going ok, the book as mentioned described the immunization process. Being a responsible parent he had jabs until we left England and has had further immunization' since being here.

  4. My Son was diagnosed with Chicken Pox yesterday, he has the usual symptoms, covered in spots/blisters.

    A doctor has given him lotion and what I assume are antibiotics. I had the virus/disease in my very young day's, my question is, how long should he stay away from school?

    My understanding is this is a highly contagious disease and don't really want any repercussions from his illness.

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