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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Says the guy who posts nonsense trump propaganda what 50 + times a day lol get a life dude!
  2. Mr chamberlian ment well he was trying to avoid the horrors of ww1,as an American I feel Mr trump more resembles Vidkum quisling the Norwegian traitor.Trump knows full well putin is one of the most evil amongst us and yet he betrays our Allie’s and is up on that monsters leg like a horney dog.not only is he betraying American ideals he’s killing a country remember BUCHA ?
  3. Sorry Elon trump has you beaten fair and square in the trolling department.
  4. Don’t worry trump’s trade war will put America in recession rite quick along with the rest of the developed world.
  5. Well yea it’s a stupid move by trump just one among many and we gotta pay for trumps nonsense.sad
  6. It’s to bad this hero has to stoop to trumps level personally I don’t think it will help trumps to petty and jealous of a real man.he will double cross him at the first opportunity to score points with his idol.
  7. I’d advise them to understand that misogyny is a thing stop putting women up for the presidency America isn’t ready yet and to bad we would be looking at a very very different world today if we had avoided trump.also at rallies be sure to have more white faces front and center.these aren’t my views but the train wreck happening presently needs to be stopped.so do what’s nessary.
  8. I don’t care do you?and while your at have a little talk with the troll in chief.
  9. Swishh is the sound of something passing over your head.NATO was created to check Russian aggression in Europe period all stop everyone found out trying to appease the aggressor doesent work (chamberlain)furthermore nato was created by the likes of Churchill marshal de gall ect ect you know the guys that were shaped by the hell that was WW2. Now I realize that being a New York trust fund baby and getting 400 million and a bunch of rentals from da da is a harrowing experience far greater than Churchill or any of his contemporaries could have possibly faced(sarcasm alert)…… remember BUCHA? Now take a walk in Zelenskyys shoes…..sad !
  10. Let me fix that for ya nasdaq rose 100% after TRUMP ok hope that helps……now today in this space in time the Dow is down 1,400 points in the last 36 hours…..the world has seen trumps (art of the deal) in his trying to surrender Ukraine to his bestie putin…..after conceding each and every advantage to the enemy……like I said before ,a recession if we are lucky and obiously a lot of ill will directed our way thanks to the betrayer in chief.he is what he is to quote Rex tillerson an imbecile
  11. NATO is far stronger with Americas membership we have allways been a reliable partner untle the betrayer in chief.
  12. Oh but I did care when Obama let the murderer putin get away with stealing Crimea and what canceling of shipments and lifting of sanctions are you referring to?I’ve allways cared about democracy’s struggles and I’ve allways felt sorry for Russia being held back from their potential by bad governance.
  13. I dono I think trump should step down so someone who is not a putin tool and has competency can govern.Zelenskyy needs to stay he is a leader and patriot.
  14. Watching the New York City trustfund baby betray everything America stands for abandoning a heroic country to the murderous putin and his criminal regime isn’t going to sit well with Americans believe me there is a fury building here it’s palpable it’s coming.siding with Putin instead of our allies ain’t sitting well with us.tonight he’s giving his rant in front of congress I’m sure he will further rupture alliances with trade sanctions in a desperate attempt to be a better asset to his hero putin and the Russian federation…..
  15. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if trump pulls us out of nato abandoning Europe then refusing to support American made weapon systems in the nato nations.donald belongs to putin and seems to support his ambitions.
  16. Well here comes recession (if we are lucky) tired of winning yet?hey and as a bonus trump is going to make the world hate us cause his stupidity will harm everyone!
  17. Trumps commitment constitutes abject surrender of Ukraine to Russia normilizing relations with Russia and lifting sanctions against Russia thats trump’s commitment don’t be fooled.
  18. Sometimes when folks are in pain they withdraw to process it I’ve realized I must speak up.thats the truth of it.
  19. Well when I see my country make the mistake of electing this mentally ill felon back in then see him betraying everything my country stands for it’s painful in the extreme.we used to be known as the arsenal of democracy…..not anymore now we are known as the betrayer of freedom and democracy……thats the painful truth.I will in my way do what I can to defend what I think my country should be.
  20. It’s just a feeble attempt at a distraction nothing more.Im sure the troll/bot army will try to make it fly.mehh stupid trump stuff.
  21. It’s trump that needs to apologize Zelenskyy would not be intimidated nor humiliated that's what that sicko trump wants….he wants Zelenskyy to grovel for his bestie Putin’s gratification then trump will double cross Zelenskyy.hes sick that way.
  22. Zelenskyy is the ABLE COURAGEOUS leader of a nation invaded by a looting raping murdering hoard he would not allow himself to be humiliated by that twit Vance or the felon aka the betrayer in chief .it is beneath his and his nation’s dignity.
  23. They know trump will never protect Taiwan nor the Philippines for that matter.us military personnel know full well what to do it’s the (front office) that is weak and timid.
  24. Do not trust trump I repeat do not trust trump .he and putin are birds of a feather they will do whatever suits them and will promise the moon then break their word.
  25. Agreed on the underage girls I remember him being called out for being a sex pest during the junior miss world competition for barging into their dressing rooms unannounced but I’m thinking there’s more most likely lots and lots of money laundering + more unsavory shinnagins.Ive also thought mr Epstein was most likely a conduit / source of Russian compmrat…..it’s painfully obvious trump is a greater asset to democracy’s enemies than a friend to freedom.
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