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Everything posted by Tug

  1. More like don’t bite the hand that’s trying to stab your nation in the guts!as an American I feel deep shame to see an American president spout kremlin propaganda it’s beyond my comprehension…master negotiator my posterior.heres our Donnie snatching defeat from the jaws of victory…..there’s a new nickname for him making the rounds…..the great betrayer……btw Zelenskyys approval rating presently is 57% positive and Putin invaded his neighbor not the other way around…history is going to be very unkind to trump very unkind indeed.
  2. You are mistaken eu and the democratic world want Russia to respect other nations sovereignty stay within their own borders join the worlds trade and commerce and prosper just like the rest of us!
  3. Meanwhile president trump the great betrayer blame’s Ukraine for poor poor Putin's criminal war on his neighbor…….so that’s your art of the deal Mr master negotiator?to align us with that criminal regime?to throw Europe’s democracy’s under the bus?siding with Russia and her allies?you know N Korea,China,Iran?giving your bestie putin time to re arm re group for his next offensive?sending a strong signal that America will not defend what’s rite?just what Mr master negotiator kinda signal do you think that sends to our enemies?next it’s Taiwan……kinda makes me wonder what putin and trump discussed in helinsky hummm???
  4. Many of us Americans are calling it the great betrayal it comes following the big lie.im dumbfounded that an American president would betray our European allies and side with the enemy.Europe knows what’s coming putin is going to re arm train fresh meat then go on the offensive again…..we have seen it before.its a sad day to be sure.
  5. Well he does work for the fraud in chief!
  6. Lots of folks are calling trumps latest groveling at putins feet as the great betrayal….just think trump wants to align us with a freaking war criminal who FOR REAL empty’s his prisons arms the convicts then sends them to rape and loot his neighbors……abandoning our European allies for this?first it was the big lie now it’s the great betrayal history will rember trump in a similar manner as Bennidict Arnold or perhaps as the American quisling…..
  7. Trump doesn’t care because it doesn’t affect him personally.
  8. Ahh Ukraine asked for our help we obliged because of putins criminal land grab.as far as failure for less than 5% of our defense budget Russia has been stopped and humiliated exposed for the corrupt backwards nation it is.the failure is trump snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.furthermore as an American I find it deeply offensive that the felon is choosing to align us more to putin than democracy you guys can wiggle and yap all ya like but that’s EXACTLY what he’s doing…..
  9. As an American seeing the appointments he’s made his actions on every level both foreign and domestic you are 100% correct im concerned as any lucid democracy loving human should be……now if you believe in authoritarian regimes and that style of governance and or hate America and what we are supposed to represent then rejoice your messiah is in office!this Kennedy appointment is a farce and dangerous to threaten schools who take pandemics seriously is criminal in my opinion.
  10. I’m all for eliminating waste in government if done responsibly and carefully doge is a farce.as far as peace in Ukraine just why isn’t Ukraine represented in these talks?sounds like the felon is surrendering to his bestie putin.i am absolutely 100% against (closing the border) Mexico is our biggest trading partner and our neighbor that’s just STUPID.of course I’m all for deporting CRIMINAL illegal aliens.keeping boys out of the lady’s toilets of course,tho the # is soooo small it’s a non issue it’s more bait than anything else.as far as DEI well personally I like the idea of a hand up for people who have been discriminated against as long as they are QUALIFIED.no what is the felon doing I disagree with (or as you seem to think hate)well for example all of the above they are good ideas but she execution is unprofessional and a disaster.I personally don’t like com men trying to destroy our democracy,disrespect POWs,take advantage of people and contractors and people,rapists,scofflaws,charity defrauders,imbezzlers ect ect hope that helps!lol
  11. Good point about the Saudis tho I doubt trump personally has the depth of thinking to realize how many feel about it.my theory is trump and Putin are going to up end the oil market to make temporarily cheap gas at the cost of the Ukrainian nation.heck look at what trump squandered for a photo op with N Korea…..
  12. What a poor attempt at distraction meanwhile in the real world our precious Donne is busy with his bestie putin a killing a nation struggling to survive……don’t fall for it!Im sure our little troll army will start their circular conversation awarding them their pals with emojis sad 😞
  13. Yea you are rite for the first time in HISTORY ALL the governments on the planet conspired to fool us about Covid how could i possibly miss that!I must be a dolt!I guess I imagined the semi truck refer trucks row after row parked at the hospital to receive the overflow of dead……all a figment of my imagination how could I possibly have missed that!!a million dead Americans……all a lie I guess…a president who couldent wear a mask because it would smear his MAKEUP!……are you a flat earther?
  14. Measles next then polio don’t worry what could possibly go wrong?we must protect the god given right to infect others!don’t worry!we have a Kennedy in charge of health care so what if a worm has eaten his brain no problem!our fearless leader would only put the absolutely best people in key positions!!
  15. Unfortunately I think the (race with China)is lost.just what do you think XI is going to think of trumps abject abandoning of Ukraine?or Europe for that matter…..
  16. I apologize for my lousy grammer and spelling I had to start working young please be specific about the freedom hating Cunard and if your leaches comment has do do with military matters they don’t have nearly the facilities nore the commitments we do here in the states.if that comment is directed towards the trade deficit that’s because WE BUY STUFF more than we sell.even a poorly educated one as myself can EASILY understand that
  17. Ahhh Mike I hate to break it to ya this ain’t the age of sail anymore……every thing is intertwined like it or not NATO exists to safeguard against warmongering expansionist regimes ie Russia especially under putin,I’m on the side of democracy who’s side are you on?
  18. You completely misunderstood my post it is TIME TO STAND WITH OUR EUROPEAN ALLIES!
  19. And your New York trust fund baby and his minions violate the VERY ESSENCE of that contribution and SQUANDER the blood and treasure of that sacrifice.vance trump and the rest of them are backing the wrong horse it is time to stand with in strength with our European brothers and allies against thease threats not surrender as an American I feel a deep sense of shame and foreboding for all of our collective futures
  20. Yup lol and the real payday is coming!!LMAO this dude is going to be one broke dude LOL he he he btw the Nazi aren’t into DEI lol 😂 perhaps with a bit of luck this specimen can be p diddys cellie!that would be KARMA on a cosmic scale!!
  21. Translation to fact the aid was withheld from Ukraine by VP Biden untle Ukraine addressed the corruption issue was addressed.President Biden then supported Ukrainian in ther efforts to expell the raping looting killers from their country,hope that helps but doubt it.
  22. Naa trumps in Putins pocket it’s just a weak attempt to fool the American people into believing that trump will stand with our allies.Its obvious trump is hell bent on selling out Europe killing the Ukrainian nation and eventually putting out of NATO that’s my take on it.wonder how Pete feels about selling his soul to the enemy of democracy.
  23. NATO was created to curb Russian aggression period all stop give the Ukrainians what they need to successfully kick out the raping looting criminals out of their country period all stop.its galling as an American to see a spoiled New York City trustfund baby kill a nation fighting for its existence.to me as an American it betrays everything America stands for.you certainly don’t go into a negotiation with a Russian dictator giving him everything he wants period all stop.
  24. Yea thewright brothers should have quit at their first failure or ford when his first auto failed……so it wasn’t efficient ok try something else ….
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