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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Perhaps we should call trump dozing Donnie now?kinda fitting with his regular tantrums,feed him a cheese burger and put him down for a nappy ……perhaps it’s depression with the realization of dragging his family’s shame through the world wide media perhaps he’s realizing how he’s wounded his son through his utter disrespect of his sons mother??…..naaa trump could care less he’s a real specimen……
  2. Here’s proof that RFK jr attracts trumpers more than the regular voters of any party ……
  3. Naaa joes not going anywhere except back to the White House tho if the republicans grew a spine and canned their albatross (trump)they might have a slim chance……we all get it,Biden is old every one would prefer a younger candidate.the fact remains that this administration and TEAM have accomplished quite a bit and with less interference from the trump gang would accomplish a lot more
  4. Absolutely not I’m waaayyyy to livid at the man for what he’s done to my country and the disgrace he’s brought to the office of the presidency.it would definitely impact my partiality
  5. Awww he’s all tuckered out from all the winning remember when he said that……….actually it’s a well known fact criminals tend to yawn during interrogation/court feigned boredom
  6. How did Biden bring us to the brink of ww3?unless you are frightened by him standing up to dictating war criminals like Putin or standing with our ally Israel when they were attacked by hammas.obviously you prefer the tuck your tail and run style of the trump debacle sad 😞
  7. Oh boy lol do ya feel better?yea the administration doesn’t want the war on hammas to escalate humm……..last I heard Israel is a sovereign nation and not under the control of the USA the best that can be done is to urge the Israeli government to moderate their behavior
  8. Yup trump ain’t a popular guy,extrapolate that to the election and it bodes ill for Mr trump’s chances + were are the throngs of trump supporters demonstrating for him?keeping in mind this is the least serious of trumps cases………he’s in deep deep trouble
  9. I am in total agreement with you with this caveat melanias reputation is being dragged through the sewer she gives me the impression of a shrewd vain vicious cold woman she won’t take kindly to having her pride hurt in this way……trump would be well advised to post a guard when he sleeps lol 😂 he could lose his…….
  10. Me thinks he’s projecting just a bit hummm?but here we go our disgraced ex president continues to be a disgrace and humiliation to the office of the presidency and I can’t possibly imagine how humiliating this must be for Millenia and her son……bet things are a bit (frosty) in the trump household ehh?Sadly many will be distracted by this disgusting clown show and lose track of the real betrayal of the American ideal the abandonment of the people of Ukraine J6 Georgia the docs case and on and on and on…..stop the con lock him up!!!
  11. I agree but she must be humiliated to the very center of her being each and every minute of the day to have this scandal dragged through the worlds media for all to see.again we’re are all the trump (defenders) strangely silent ehh…..
  12. I remember back in the Regan years the star wars project lasers killing missiles ect ended up being a big porker of a contract from what I remember.that being said computers have evolved big time smaller faster ect ect perhaps they have made progress with the lasers as well hope so!the idea of hitting a moving object with a (light) seems a simpler concept than hitting a moving object with another object let’s hope it turns out to be viable !
  13. Of course he’s just parroting what his bestie told him to say…….theres a reason his ex cabinet members say he’s un fit…….
  14. Spot on chomper that’s why trumps terrified the FACTS will be exposed not the trump crybaby victim poor me give me money mantra let the trial(s) begin!!!
  15. Would you buy a bible from this man?could we think perhaps this is the mother of all scandals?talk about bringing shame to the office of the presidency….what an abysmal specimen his mother must be proudEhh it’s merciful she is dead…
  16. I know my grammer sucks we lost our breadwinner when I was a kid had to start working early and just got busy with life….oh well it all turned out just fine and no I’m not a bot just a very concerned American worried about the possibility of our democracy being destroyed
  17. Horrible incident my sympathy to the bereaved and to the Australian people.if there is one positive in this horror show your government has inacted robust gun control laws this could have been so so much worse ……..again my deepest sympathies……
  18. Never claimed to be the sharpest tool lol tho I do know how to use them built a few trick things in my day and continue to do so.I don’t troll I call out lies and hypocrisy every chance I get and I do not attack other’s country’s im a aficionado of history and see many similarities to what’s happening now in my country and will call it out at every opportunity.I sincerely hopes this doesn’t escalate any further (Iranian retaliation)that is
  19. Buy some stock lol or how’s about some sneakers or perhaps a bible or two lol what’s going on here is trump is being held accountable for his actions……now I grant that if trump would have not tryed to steal the presidency and attempt a coup and continued to lie and undermine our country,if when he got his rearend handed him in 2020 he would have just gone down as one perhaps the #1 worst president in our history that most likely would have ended it oh well don’t do the crime if ya can’t do the time…..
  20. I’m wondering how much he’s paying maliana to stick around she must be truly mortified to have her private pain dragged through the worlds media not to mention the risk to their money I bet things are a bit (tense) at mar a lardo!
  21. Iran has launched an attack drones are being shot down as I type the Iranians claim to have fired ballistic missiles as well no evidence of it yet sad its always the regular people that pay the highest price……
  22. Ahhhh I think they are being sanctioned allready,here’s a thought if trump hadn't welched/reneged/burned/broke our word/ on said treaty the Iranians would have thought a lot harder about turning their murderous criminal thugs loose to murder rape and burn alive the Israelis simply because they wouldent want to be under sanctions again,we would be paying less for oil and taking the first small steps towards normalization between our nations.any money they had belonged to them not the United States so stop lying it’s an ugly mess exacerbated by trumps ignorance and stupidity we are now dealing with the consequences
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