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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Do not trust trump I repeat do not trust trump .he and putin are birds of a feather they will do whatever suits them and will promise the moon then break their word.
  2. Agreed on the underage girls I remember him being called out for being a sex pest during the junior miss world competition for barging into their dressing rooms unannounced but I’m thinking there’s more most likely lots and lots of money laundering + more unsavory shinnagins.Ive also thought mr Epstein was most likely a conduit / source of Russian compmrat…..it’s painfully obvious trump is a greater asset to democracy’s enemies than a friend to freedom.
  3. Really?and do what?watch trump propaganda?nope I will stay informed as painful as it is these days. Nope eyes wide open even as painful as it is.my government siding with the likes of putin abandoning our democratic allies and picking stupid fights with our neighbors …….nope I’m just staying informed.trump is what he is a betrayer in every sense of the word.I suspect history will associate him with the likes of bennidict Arnold or for our erstwhile European friends vidkum quisling…….
  4. By aligning us with the likes of putin little Kim and the rest of the bad actors???ahhh nope it’s trump leading my country down a dark path that is the opposite of what we stand for. BINGO it’s all hot air he has to cover up his attempted theft/double cross of the Ukrainian nation and our American ideals.we don’t call him the betrayer in chief for nothing he’s earned the title!
  5. Well gee wizz could it possibly be that the felon is a greater asset to that criminal putin than 10 Russian armored divisions???perhaps it’s because trump just wrecked all of our alliances and sides with the most ruthless criminal alive today?trump wants the Ukrainian nation to submit to the Russian boot and wants a share of the loot.This debacle obviously emboldens the rest of the bad actors knowing that the USA under trump will submit if threatened.Trump has now made the world a far more dangerous place he is a weak man hiding behind the authority of the United States.
  6. Naa he allready surrendered that country now he’s trying to steal Ukraines resources but I don’t think he’s pal putin gonna let him.
  7. Just another attack on freedom of speech,if it doesn’t follow trumps agenda then it must be stopped.thats the way they operate.
  8. Zelenskyy ain’t stupid he knows trump is a thief just like Putin.trump is kicking a country when it’s down fighting for its existence I don’t know about you (I suspect I do btw) but as an American it makes me feel shame.trump is not known as the great betrayer for nothing,he earned that title by his deeds.
  9. Zelenskyy has proven himself to be an able brave war time leader he and his nation have humiliated your boy putin history will view president Zelenskyy in a similar stature as Winston Churchill salva Ukraine!
  10. Putin must be very pleased with his team in the White House…..European democracy’s and the Baltic nations not so much.im sure XI must be delighted as well knowing trump and Vance are not going to defend/stand with Europe.looks like those 2 stand with Putin the majority of us Americans are ashamed and appalled by this.
  11. Wow color me shocked there’s something I and desantis agree on!
  12. Zelenskyy apologize for what?he did nothing wrong it’s trump and Vance that should be apologizing just wow as an American I feel deep shame for what happened it’s the Ukrainians that are dying defending their sovereignty….and Vance wants that PRESIDENT to grovel????the fact of the matter is in my opinion is they were trying to roll the Ukrainian nation…just disgusting 🤢 history is going to be very very unkind to those 2 and if Rubio had any shred of integrity he would resign and refuse to work for this president.
  13. Sooo that sleepy old man for less than 5% of our defense budget without spilling American blood (most of the money stays in the USA replenishing stocks btw) helped with our Allie’s provided the brave heroic Ukrainian nation with the tools to stop that monster putin ……hummm let me think about that for one tenth of a nanosecond……yup absolutely brilliant!not to shabby for a sleepy old man and its also the correct thing to do.
  14. Trump is dummer than a bag of hammers real leaders are calling him out on his lies as the well should.
  15. Sure enjoyed watching world leaders in real time on camera to his face calling him out when he lies!im waiting for one to just tell him to his face in a direct non diplomatic forceful manner to stop the lying..the dude is an absolute tool lol 😂 unemployment up inflation up it’s falling apart fast under the felons watch.donnie is a sniveling little trust fund baby isn’t he lol.the EU was created to compleat with China and the USA on a more equal footing forcing competition we as consumers benefit if everyone has to compete for our business.
  16. How so?trump is abandoning our Allie’s and embracing Putins agenda that’s the truth.
  17. Russia is waging a war of aggression against its neighbor all stop.Russia under putin is behaving exactly the way that was the reason nato was created in the first place all stop.trump is sucking up to the worst human alive presently and betraying everything my country stands for.putin is what he is and trump is behaving more like an asset to the Russian federation than an asset to our allies no doubt about it.
  18. Perhaps it would be wise to bury cables in the shallows were the anchor dragging is a source of concern it certainly would be prudent for cables dealing with national defense.
  19. A bit harsh 200 lashes is a death by torture. a public caineing bare bottomed and left in the stocks in public for 12 hours or so would be effective ehh?
  20. (To protect Epsteins victimizers) more likely
  21. This is just another act in trumps spoiled never pay consequences New York City trustfund baby life.what is even more serious is the continued blinding neutering and distruction of all the agency’s that have allowed this country to prosper and be the torch of freedom it once was.our enemies rejoice our allies mourn as this (specimen) continues to be an asset to the enemy……
  22. RIP Gene you had a fine run and IMO a fine actor a kinda regular guy type we all aspire to be.My condolences to the bereaved and hope this occurrence plays out to be one of life’s unfortunate accidents.
  23. Should have shown putin as well they’re playing tho old fool no doubt about it.funny thing as soon as some negative polling comes out on the felon rite away some trump troll will post just the opposite……reality is he’s dropping fast and the fury is building.
  24. I disagree macron knows how to work with the mentality ill dotard I’m sure it’s distasteful in the extreme but he is a leader trying to do the best he can with the piece of (….) before him.
  25. Ok I’ll bite who are this 1 million killed?im just eager to hear this bit aught to be entertaining.
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