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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. They are not nice people, try it you will find out.
  2. Stay on it, getting rough out there on this one.
  3. Are you calling me a scumbag? Well then lets meet at the Thai Police Station on Beach road and fight it out, like some local guys a did a few weeks ago.
  4. The cop wants to show us how well his barber tapered his hair. Its a fashion statement and he may be one of the 'Fashion Police!
  5. Singaporean guy yes Chinese, as he watched locals drive all over with ten people on the bikes no helmets and was pissed off. Bad move but I understand it.
  6. The first step in recovery is to admit you are an alcoholic, the next step is to head out for a drink.
  7. An educated professional Jewish man from Moscow told me this...'They don't appreciate life'. In response to a a question as to why they bahave like they do.
  8. Of course, Mun Farang means potato here, and refers to white, brought to us as reference to the French years ago.
  9. Wonder why they don't cancel their passports. Belarus did. Great idea. Maybe we should start a Go Fund Me
  10. There millions upon millions of poor Thai's here who can't find work, why should some low life who can't make a dime in his own country or feels like running away from military service get any mercy here? Let a little one do it, then there's one little bigger and another bigger than that. Cancer.
  11. They absolutely should be thrown out and spend a few nights in jail first. I worked over here for 25 years and it was always a bitch to get and comply with my work permits. I have no mercy. There is a dam good reason to not let foreigners work here casually.
  12. Some of the other Posters have explained it better than I can. Its from 25 years working and living all over East Asia, and is ultimately why we like it here. Male priority.
  13. Other forms: obsessions If you have an obsession, you're totally fixated on something and unhealthily devoted to it. Some common obsessions include fantasy football leagues, celebrity gossip, and Elvis memorabilia
  14. Other forms: obsessions If you have an obsession, you're totally fixated on something and unhealthily devoted to it. Some common obsessions include fantasy football leagues, celebrity gossip, and Elvis memorabilia .
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