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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. They simply didn't know the game and also, I've never been chased by them or seen any Thia cop chase anyone? Why?
  2. 2500 baht quoted at BKK hospital. With isopropyl alcohol and a clean new razor free.
  3. I like Kiwi's (much better than Aussies generally) have worked with them all over the world.
  4. The guy standing up seems to quite terrified of the whole thing and trying to stop something from getting worse.
  5. Apparently different things work for different people, have tried all the things people have mentioned save super glue which did not work for me.
  6. I agree on your point, but I would guess that most of the clowns that come here to do this are violent people at heart, and simply want to get laid and drunk and then get more testosteroned up and show off their new skills. They are not professional anything. Watch the Fedor documentary if you will and hear what his mother says about him. BTW, I really enjoy PRIDE,UFC ETC..., but not on the streets by stoned idiots.
  7. Yes...totally....most UFC Fighters, Muay Thai etc, are extremely angry violent people who simply love to fight. Listen to interviews with many that are successful. Like Fedor, his mother said that when he was a kid he loved to fight. Maybe time to review this Muay Thai thing and all the dumb 'Visas' that go along with it.
  8. Over a months’ time, I have stopped the itching, occasional bleeding and pain from a wart on my index finger by drying my hand out well first. Then after a swig of whiskey with alcohol and bandages ready I take a few good swipes at it. I repeated this process about 5 times. One more to go, but no more itching irritation or bleeding. It does not bother me at all currently and has been reduced substantially in size. All the stuff online, acid etc. never worked.
  9. Here's some help, get a GF, who you give a monthly stipend to for helping with things. And forget about being married.
  10. Its true, hard to admit for many.
  11. Thanks, it's from a book I am writing about my life. if you like, I can send you other excerpts privately.
  12. Obviously painful for a lot of posters on here.
  13. The original post is very true, and that's the softer version.
  14. How about this story. This is a lie, but has happens to many. I was unhappy with my wife in America and decided to join a dating website. To my amazement I met a girl from Thailand who I knew immediately was my soul mate. I got divorced, sold everything and moved to Sisaket. We were so happy and we built a house together where we lived with her younger brother. After we finished building the house, her brother needed a pickup truck, and also he needed to go to college. I was a generous man so I paid for all of it. After I did all of that, to my amazement he told me I had to leave, because really he was her husband.
  15. One thing I never do is lie. Not about anything.
  16. Sorry to all, but its very true.
  17. Thanks, Its 100% true....You get it.
  18. Tak was fresh off the Udon Thani Pattaya bus, and straight into a local bar when I met her early one morning in 2000. I was making dam good money at the time doing one month on and one month off. I paid the Mama San 500 baht to buy her out immediately. She was reluctant to buy anything and was very thankful for the small gifts I bought. Great I thought, and then the other girls started whispering in her ear. She attracted an enormous amount of attention, and I was constantly asked, ‘Where did you find that one? I was also rather new and shortly found myself up in Issan at a huge wedding party getting small rope bands tied around my wrist. Holy hell, I was getting married to a teenager. I’m surprised they didn’t tie me right up and take my well secured body to the local ATM and clean me out that day. Many attempts came later. She had installed a payphone in her house, a very clever gal and learned English so fast it blew me away. She also liked girls, a lot… which she admitted after drinking one Singha beer. I decided out of pure desperation for her mental health we would visit the local bar and she could choose another possible partner besides me, this was the best part of our marriage. I became kind of an observing counselor. I was thanked in so many ways. She constantly begged me to get her out of Thailand. Later she escaped and after I was long gone and I got a call from some Arab Trader in Bahrain wanting money because his new slave was not a very good seamstress. Wonder what ever happened to Tak.
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