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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. Sounds like you are trying to justify to all of us how wonderful it is, while secretly you are going bonkers up there.
  2. I was told by an old wise man here that we don't pay them to do anything, we pay them to leave.
  3. A report released by the Corrections Accountability Project this week exposes over 3,100 corporations—including over 2,500 privately traded companies—that profit from the United States prison system. The 113-page report provides troves of data outlining the thousands of companies that contribute, intentionally or unintentionally, to the Prison Industrial Complex, according to Bianca Tylek, director of the Corrections Accountability Project. "We were trying to uncover how intentional these companies are about hiding engagement in the Prison Industrial Complex," Tylek says. Tylek points out that, besides CoreCivic and GEO Group, the two largest privately owned prison companies in America, there are many small companies that contribute to the $80 billion spent annually on U.S. prisons.
  4. A huge problem in Bali, russians don't want their slimy misbehaved little kids to get any social exposure outside of their twisted arrogant communist mindset.
  5. That's a very mild insult considering all.
  6. Well, here's the thing, I don't want to spend money on a bunch of expensive spices that i will use once and never again. I am single and actually I am a pretty dam good cook. You should see the cheese and crackers I can assemble. And When I was married back in my old life I once made Lebanese Kibbe. It took a long time to mix all of it by hand because I had itchy balls. And all of my dinner guests liked it, but not the joke (especiallyy wife) or they said they did anyways.
  7. 2baht, ya we all screwed up once,, its those who go back for seconds to be concerned about.
  8. Would be nice if they would at work at night, and then open it during the day, and the manager would not park his huge pickup truck in the road, so we also have to go around that.
  9. Amazes me that Thai's will sit a red light in the middle of nowhere and without any traffic cameras there. I blast off screw it, why waste my money the fuel and kill the dam planet.
  10. Bucher Raucherwurst Sausage 500 g tried this anyone?
  11. That looks like exactly what I want. Will try it and half thhe price of TGM.
  12. Sounds like love to me, from you for her.
  13. Yes, my imagination does run wild retired with not a lot to do except hang out on this dumb forum all day.
  14. If the story is true sounds like OP is in love with the gal and probably having an affair.
  15. Sure you have the correct order there?
  16. OMG, a Vegan....wrong topic for you..
  17. What does the term 'Squeeky Bum' for the rest of the world who didn't grow up in the Uk?
  18. I'm amazed how Makro can do this reliably with no delivery charge and I am somewhat north of Pattaya. But the hassle of driving there and back etc, (roads are being repaired endlessly, is another topic) just isn't worth it, and its even cheaper than buying from the store.
  19. All attachments to anything earthly end in failure. Had all the stuff, designer wife, Big house great job, Benz, BMW etc. 25 years ago a grabbed backpack and left the keys in my Volvo at Chicago O'hare and never looked back.
  20. Only rent is the safest, I've tried all of it, barely got out alive.
  21. What would everyone think if I mentioned on every post that I have more money now because I don't pay for sex with horses any more?
  22. You've mentioned you quit drinking now on every post. Are you sure ts over?
  23. So young man, are you in love with the horse? Dear Lord, what on earth will they ask him?
  24. Did you really make that?
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