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Posts posted by sunny747

  1. Lickey and culicine....thanks so much. You two are like magician. You know everything. YEs at times i drive with loud music to fight with boredom in the traffic. I have been noticing the crank noise from the hand brake. Anyway, i have fixed the rear wheels for 1000 baht each. The mechanic said i should do the front wheel too.

    i don't know how he fixed it but now my car is really smooth now.

    All these names hub grease, seal bearing ...i also need to know in Thai so that i can pretend to be smart with the mechanic.

  2. thanks guys.

    i went to lancer shop at rama 9. He said some problem with the absorber plate. He fixed all the four place and charged me 4000 baht. first he asked me to changed the absorber and quoted 10,000 baht for some thai made objects. Japanese shocks he quoted for 20000 baht.

    didn't want to spend that much money so i went for fixing the thing. He said at least for 12 months i shouldn't have problems. Lets see.

    thanks again.

  3. HI,

    while driving today, suddenly i heard some noise coming from the left back wheel. I checked it but couldn't figure out anything. I could hear it quite loudly when i pass any speed breaker. While on speed , it doesn't appear much.

    my car is not that low but when three people sits at the back, the body usually touches the wheel and makes cracking noise.

    is it something to do with shock absorber? my car is pretty old.


  4. Just get a 'clone' of a standard back box or muffer, without replacing the whole exhaust system it is very unlikey you would gain any performance, more offen than not you would lose performance.

    You might even get a trade in on the shinny beer tin you have now.

    Timing belt should be good for more like 30k + BUT do check - cheap enough to replace early VERY costly if it breaks!

    Also you can change to a twinloop muffler. It's a replica of the mugen brand. I have one and it's very quiet and has a nice sound to it at high rpm. Actually it's a bit too quiet for my liking! I think you can get one for 4000-5000 baht. Forget the original mugen twin loop - it would be over 30000 here. it will not scarifice any torque at all. look here: http://www.421header.com/product9.html

    oh thanks...looks nice....

    well, shall i buy from outside and let mitsu service center fix for me? still looking for the answer.....i didn't see service centers selling any mufflers. ..

  5. To get great torque you need to change the entire exhaust system. The muffler rarely does produce more power and in some cases with poor R&D looses power. I have seen a few local exhaust systems made here in Thailand that definitely put the cars power at risk. This means that they did not calculate correctly on how much it can flow therefore causing the car to loose even more power.

    If you want the engine to run smooth, you may want to consider synthetic engine oil, check your spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor, timing belt, water pump.

    exactly. Somebody told me the same. So you recommend i should go to Mitsu service center to change the muffler right? they expensive.

    1.I use the normal shell engine oil. never used synthetic oil yet.

    2.I have changed new spark plugs. But spark plug wires are still the old one i guess. what does it do actually?

    3. Distributor pipe? all black ones? yes i have new one.

    4. timing belt i have changed it 5 months ago. How often do i have to change it? after changing, i have driven 10,000km.

    5. Water pump? is the pipe which works through the radiator to engine? If yes, i have already changed it.

    so above mention things are exhaust system right? So shall i get a new muffler ? a quite one perhaps?

    thanks a lot buddy.

  6. Hi all,

    i have a second hand lancer which i bought few months ago. It runs smooth but only problem it has is slightly modified with thick muffler which produces loud artificial sound. The noise often "eats my head" when i'm driving 100km+.

    I want to change that muffler somewhat quite but with good torque.

    1. Shall i go to mitsu service center or just normal garage? I want to make sure that it runs smooth with good speed.

    2. i go to Shell to wash my car. i pay 200 baht and they clean all the parts including spraying water on the engine directly. Isn't it bad for the engine?

    thanks so much,


  7. i really want to pay for the insurance but i just bought my car in april and didn't have much time to explore. i have 9 to 5 job and i don't have time.

    I'm Stunned !

    Do you have time to put fuel in the car ?

    Do you have time to read and post messages on internet forums ?

    Do you have an answer for the policeman that asks you for your insurance details when an accident occurs that you had no way or preventing - guess why they are called accidents?

    Hope your 9-5 pays well - you might need some money, large boxes of it.

    There are insurance places that are open after 5pm and online as you can see above and with a few web searches.

    April, May, June.... mid-September, "...didn't have much time ..." !

    My dog (the stupid one) could think of a better excuse.

    ok Dad, i'll be more careful next time. :o

    There are some members in this forum who's job is to dig nonsense issue's than to provide quality inputs. I'm in problem and i need help that's the reason why i'm in this forum. Yes i know it is my mistake but i still have 2 weeks in hand to finish all these works and i need to know where to do .

    Nobody actually told me what really should be done instead telling me why didn't i do this bla bla.

  8. i didn't buy from tent. I bought it from a guy who i don't know very well. I don't want to disturb him regarding this matter obviously.

    Anyway, i heard there are some companie's who does the work for you. is that true?

    i'm not comfortable providing my blue book to anybody unknown.

    since nobody could give me proper advice like always, i better take a off from work and go to Mochit and figure out myself. I'll post my experience for other members like me.

  9. I actually feel quite sorry for you, Sunny, owning a car seems to be a constant form of angst. There's people who can probably advise you better but just take your log book (blue or green, hopefully you have one) to your nearest transport department with a photocopy of everything and do as they say. Check the pinned threads at the top of the motoring section.

    Don't have a log book? Then go see a lawyer. Really shouldn't be driving without insurance. There will be an insurance place at the transport office

    i had an insurance (from the previous owner) but it expired which i can see on the window. I couldn't renew it coz i don't speak the language and i don't know where to pay. I work here hence i have work permit and they also provided me some insurance card which is also in Thai. It should cover at least something.

    yes i have blue book under my name and lpg certificate from the shop.

    anyway, thanks goldfish. I'll check the pinned threads.

  10. Hi ,

    my car is 15 years old and in April 08, i changed the ownership under my name. During the changing name, they checked my car.

    Now my road permit (sticker on the windshield) showing it will end in October.

    how do i register it? do i have to go to mochit again? i have LPG certificate from the shop as well.

    how much do i need to renew?

    by the way, i don't have insurance . it expired. is it going to be a problem? while changing ownership i haven't had insurance as well.

    please help .


  11. University students joining political turmoils... not a great idea.

    A very tragic incident but saying that students(the future of a country) should not be politically involved is incorrect.

    Hopefully this is not the start of something worse.

    looks like a job done by PAD. so that they can make the ram uni student angry. They have the largest number of student and history of striking against the government.

  12. recently i took my car to mitsubishi service. they fixed the problem saying my oil pump was licking. anyway, My engine would start with oil and run smooth. But they messed up with my lpg system as they are not expert in LPG. When on LPG, the car will lose power and engine will shut off.

    then i took it to Lpg shop and in 2 minutes they tuned it for me. Since then lpg system is perfect and then today i tried to drive with FUEL.

    guess what, it will start but the rpm goes very low and eventually it will shut off. But lpg works fine.

    Whenever i take my car to mitsubishi service center, they fix my oil problem and messed up with my lpg system.. But when i take to lpg, they fix my lpg and mess up with my fuel system.

    i could never drive in duel system. I prefer to drive in LPG coz of the pricing issue but also occasionally would like to drive with OIL

    please suggest.

  13. thanks a lot guys.

    i know Lanna, American school of chiang mai, chiang mai international school, Prem , Nakorn payap. German school.

    These are all wonderful school and some great people are working there. Extremely nice and friendly people. I had fun working with them.

    But i don't know about the bilingual school there. or Thai school with english program.

    My company sells all type of English book for School textbook/library, university, enterprise just name it, we can supply all. We are also distributor of many publisher around the world including us/uk/singapore

    I can't provide the web address of our company here as it is against the forum rules and also i can't use this forum as my marketing mediator. so sorry guys, can't provide much information.

    thanks again,

  14. i can sense a large number of "unhappy farang" in CM. I wish i could delete this thread.

    Some of you figuring out my poor English, some teaching me how to do my job, some being stereotypical with the intent of being humorous instead of really supporting me with quality inputs.

    very poor taste.

  15. A rep for "big International publishers"? I would think that being able to communicate in perfect English would be essensial for that job. :o

    i didn't write "big international publisher" anywhere in my post. however, English is my second language so obviously i'm not the best.

    still looking for that list though. couldn't find much info on net.

    thanks again.

  16. Hello All,

    can anybody provide me the list of international and bilingual schools in Chiang mai? I'm a representative of many international publisher in the world and looking for some opportunity to sell books.

    some of the big international schools in CM are already our customer but just need to know if there is any new school emerged or not.

    thanks so much for your support.

  17. Hi sunny747, some people who run gas all the time us an upper cylinder lubrication kit, which is an add on.

    Flashlube Lubrication Kit is popular here. Do a web search for more info.

    As to why your car isn't running on benzene.....how long is a piece of string? Full details would be needed for an educated guess!

    thanks BSJ. Well, ever since i tuned my lpg system for economical purpose, car not starting with oil anymore. I drove my car with oil many times. i even tried to start with lpg and then switch to oil still no luck. The engine would just stop with a cracking sound. Feels like the engine wants to start but not getting enough oil.

    sometimes, while on cold engine or in the morning, i usually face hard time to start the car even on LPG. But once the engine is hot through out the day, i don't have any problem.

  18. i'm working for a thai company. I have wp of 8 months, 40k plus monthly salary, salary slips, tax paper, bank account book

    stayed here for 8 years with a solid bank history while studying.

    still, i got rejected from siam commercial bank and ktc. The reason why i'm interested in this two banks coz they have lots of promotion while purchasing things in Thailand. Good installment as well.

    how do i get the credit card? really frustrating.

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