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Posts posted by sunny747

  1. my engine would over heat after i drive over 120 km per hour.......but now had it fixed for 5000 baht. nothing was leaking but i guess it was dirt inside as the flow was not good enough.....they also changed something from the engine which looks like stainless steel tray with some holes.....cleaned the radiator properly...

    but what surprising that they didn't put any coolant with the water....i'm using just plain water and it seems to work fine...any clarification?


  2. Depends on the use, will there be any highway driving? Might want to consider the safety issue with relatively small tires and small brakes of both the City and/or Jazz (or Yaris, for that matter) especially in the rain. You can upgrade the tires and brakes of course, but you'd be surprised how many people say they will do that but then change their minds (usually fearing that keeping it 'stock' is better). For highway driving, perhaps your old (or a new one) Fortuner, or perhaps CRV might be a little safer. Heavy, not too much zip, plus as per the local Darwin road rules... bullies (buses, trucks, etc.) tend not to mess with bigger or more expensive cars.

    All would be fun and easy for city only driving though, especially in any town where you might have to parallel park more often than not.

    In summary, I recommend an X3 for the missus and 650i for yourself. :)

    "It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up...."


    Like you say Heng, the safety of a car should much higher on the list of priorities here. If there is going to be any out of town driving, a heavier more solid vehicle should be considered. Stuff the fuel bill.

    Recently we had an encounter with a 10 wheel Mitsubishi Fuso, doing approximately 60kmh when it hit us. We are lucky to be alive. Brake tracks of the truck was 43meters. Almost killed my FIL.

    Insurance said it was truckies fault.

    See pic.

    my god!!! scary...

    glad that you are ok.........

  3. thank you so much crossy, monty and jcon. And also other posters who are trying to help me. You guys are very knowledgeable.

    "advancing ignition will increase power" does that mean moving the distributor clockwise by some degree? i have definitely lost some acceleration and top speed which was very fine just a week ago till the mechanic guy messed up with the distributor.

    so i'm trying to fix it myself with your help. Problem with me is, whenever i take it to mitsu garage, they don't know much about LPG system. I also took it to LPG shop, they fixed but still having the same problem. they do this for free so the amount of time they spend on my car is very less. and the language barrier is there.

    so shall i just move the distributor clockwise again and check speed by driving?

    Monty, what you mean by "Safety wise it's best to set for petrol, but you'll lose almost 10% power when running on LPG... ".

    it's not going to blow up or something right?

  4. The dissy is held firm with one bolt. In a pinch you could adjust it yourself. Move it clockwise one degree at a time till it runs better. If it runs worse go anti-clockwise one degree at a time.

    If you got CDI ignition those old things generally run OK if your dissy is out a bit.

    yes you are right. i saw the garage guy messing up with this one. i think they call it valve or wawo something.

    what is it and what does it do if you don't mind elaborating. it is attached to the main engine.

    i moved it myself little bit and it seems the car is now running smooth.

    thanks so much.

    Hi Again,

    I moved that thing clockwise and it is running well. the rattle sound reduced a lot but i still hear it at 4th and 5th gear. Before adjusting it, i could drive 100 km only but now i can drive at 120 km whereas i could drive at 140km very comfortably till the garage guy moved the dissy.

    however, today i was driving at 120km for about 15 minutes and i saw temp was raising. but when i reduced to 100km , then it was ok.

    do i have to move it one more degree clockwise? i hear lot of engine roaring but the car doesn't move accordingly.

    do i have to change coolant as i didn't change it for 10 months already.

    please help.


  5. The dissy is held firm with one bolt. In a pinch you could adjust it yourself. Move it clockwise one degree at a time till it runs better. If it runs worse go anti-clockwise one degree at a time.

    If you got CDI ignition those old things generally run OK if your dissy is out a bit.

    yes you are right. i saw the garage guy messing up with this one. i think they call it valve or wawo something.

    what is it and what does it do if you don't mind elaborating. it is attached to the main engine.

    i moved it myself little bit and it seems the car is now running smooth.

    thanks so much.

  6. Jason, i can really feel your agony. You just failed to understand her. however, change your lifestyle. go to gym , do some social activity or join some charity work then soon you will find that ppl has more agony than yours.

    Yes Thai woman are attractive and very funny. i love them. Lucky that i don't have to date a Thai in Thailand. I'm also young like you and studied the uni here. I have many good thai friends from good wealthy family and most importantly, they are from bangkok.

    if you really like them, you better choose from wealthy family, good uni students and make sure that she is from Bangkok.

  7. i have been drinking these low fat milk for over three weeks at least a liter a day. i have noticed i have gained some fat around my stomach although i don't supposed to as i'm regular in the gym.

    so wondering, in thailand, are these really low fat as per they claim all the nutritious at the back of bottle?

    also i noticed, my stomach goes quite "noisy" after having all these milk although i haven't had any problem in other countries.

    how about soi milk as replacement? any idea?

  8. they say it's 60% food and 40% fitness. so eat good food. take protein exactly the same as of your weight. If you weight 200 lbs then you take at least 200 gram of protein from your daily intake. YOu can get musashi protein bulk shake from any central coz taking that much protein from Thai food is not easy. you have to fitness at least 4 times a week with properly work log.

    you can find these info on net very easily.

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