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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. Really baffled here what is the problem or is it me. Seems to me it's a national sport for certain feranges to say f***k the Thai government and our host country if in your home country sum registration was compulsory you would register I know this but when you decide to live in a lovely host country thailand you decide not to or some of you do WHY what is it you think maybe you are better than that's or just that's IMHO of course

  2. Two passport pics. Copy of lease passport and photo copies as usual link below is for form hope this helps I got one then was easy to open a bank account


    Takes about an hour is counter 9

  3. Went to pattaya imigration with all paper work except owners id card and house book. As 1. He is away for two months out of country

    2. When i rang him from imigration office he spoke to the officer and told them under no circumstances would he send me a person he does not know who he only rents a condo to a copy of his ID card. Imigration accepted this and my application was passed but i can see his point i rent my house out in uk and if asked for instance for a copy of my id alarm bells would ring.

  4. ubonjoe living in Pattaya for now about another 9 months here then Khon Kaen applying for either a marriage visa or retirement judging from some of the horror stories about marriage visa i will probably go down the retirement route. so any info would be much appreciated ie paper work have tm 86 which i believe to be correct passport and all photo copies of relevant pages. passport photo. condo lease agreement. and Bhart LOL anything else????

  5. Personaly age is irrelevent in my eyes i know lots of married/un married couples all over the world with so called massive age differences. Then of course you get the name calling for instance "dirty old man" brigade followed very closely by the " there only after your money and will fleece you" brigade. I have grown to know the above mentioned as either Sad deluded gossip mungers or the jealous brigade either way i dont care my wife is 35 im 57 and we are happy and in love so as the saying goes dont judge until you try it. Dont want to try it ok dont judge IMHO of course

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